The following packages were found for maintainer:
wip/service [CURRENT] Small tool to handle rc.d service scripts
wip/talksoup [CURRENT] IRC client for GNUstep and MacOSX
wip/outguess [CURRENT] JPEG steganography tool
wip/firebird [CURRENT] SQL database, opensource version of InterBase
wip/netclasses [CURRENT] Asynchronous networking library
textproc/hunspell [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Improved spellchecker
devel/libconfig [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
wm/awesome [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tiling window manager based on dwm
textproc/hunspell [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Improved spellchecker
devel/libconfig [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
wm/awesome [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Tiling window manager based on dwm
textproc/hunspell [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Improved spellchecker
textproc/hunspell-hu_HU [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
www/netsurf [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms
textproc/hunspell-hu_HU [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
textproc/hunspell [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Improved spellchecker
devel/confuse [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Configuration file parser library
wm/awesome [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Tiling window manager based on dwm
devel/libconfig [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2012Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2012Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2012Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2012Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2013Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2013Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2013Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2013Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2014Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2014Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2014Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2014Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/libLLVM [pkgsrc-2015Q1] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/libLLVM [pkgsrc-2015Q2] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/lang/libLLVM [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/lang/clang [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/libLLVM [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2015Q3] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/libLLVM [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang-static-analyzer [pkgsrc-2015Q4] Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure