math/arpack [pkgsrc-2012Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2012Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2012Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2012Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2012Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2012Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2012Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2013Q1] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2013Q1] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2013Q1] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2013Q1] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2013Q1] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2013Q2] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2013Q2] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2013Q2] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2013Q2] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2013Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2013Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2013Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2013Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2013Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2013Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2013Q4] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2013Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2013Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2013Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2013Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2014Q1] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2014Q1] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2014Q1] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2014Q1] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2014Q1] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2014Q2] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2014Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2014Q2] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2014Q2] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2014Q2] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2014Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2014Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2014Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2014Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2014Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2014Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2014Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2014Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2014Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2014Q4] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2015Q1] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2015Q1] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2015Q1] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2015Q1] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2015Q1] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2015Q2] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2015Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2015Q2] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2015Q2] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2015Q2] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/biology/plink [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
mail/ja-mh/pkgsrc/math/arpack [pkgsrc-2015Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2015Q4] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2016Q1] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2016Q2] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2016Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/bwa [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |
biology/cdhit [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | | Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences |
devel/swig2 [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) |
biology/plink [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | | Whole-genome association analysis toolset |
devel/libctl [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
math/arpack [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
biology/plinkseq [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | | C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data |