wip/py-locket [CURRENT] | | File based locks for Python for Linux and Windows |
wip/efl [CURRENT] | | Enlightenment foundation libraries |
wip/py-bokeh [CURRENT] | | Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python |
wip/py-tblib [CURRENT] | | Serialization library for Exceptions and Tracebacks |
wip/py-zict [CURRENT] | | Mutable Mapping Interfaces |
wip/apache-arrow [CURRENT] | | Cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics |
wip/py-cityhash [CURRENT] | | Python wrapper for FarmHash and CityHash |
wip/py-fastcluster [CURRENT] | | Fast hierarchical clustering routines for R and Python |
wip/py-pytest-lazy-fixture [CURRENT] | | It helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize |
wip/blis [CURRENT] | | Framework for instantiating BLAS libraries |
wip/libflame [CURRENT] | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
wip/py-partd [CURRENT] | | Key-Value byte store with appendable values |
math/py-hmmlearn [CURRENT] | | Algorithms for inference of Hidden Markov Models |
wip/py-efl [CURRENT] | | Python bindings for the enlightenment foundation libraries |
wip/ecrire [CURRENT] | | Simple text editor for the enlightenment desktop |
wip/rage [CURRENT] | | Video + Audio player for the Enlightenment desktop |
wip/ephoto [CURRENT] | | Image viewer and editor for the enlightenment desktop |
wip/py-psygnal [CURRENT] | | Fast python callback/event system modeled after Qt signals |
wip/py-anywidget [CURRENT] | | Custom jupyter widgets made easy |
wip/py-setuptools-git-versioning [CURRENT] | | Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440 |
wip/py-ndindex [CURRENT] | | Library for manipulating array indices. |
wip/py-datasci [CURRENT] | | Meta package in the spirit of a popular Python distribution |
www/py-vcrpy [CURRENT] | | VCR.py simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests |
wip/evisum [CURRENT] | | System Monitor for the enlightenment desktop |
wip/py-hmmlearn [CURRENT] | | Algorithms for inference of Hidden Markov Models |
wip/enlightenment-desktop [CURRENT] | | All the apps associated with the enlightenment dekstop environment |
wip/py-apache-arrow [CURRENT] | | Python Bindings for Apache-Arrow |
wip/py-distributed [CURRENT] | | Distributed is the parallel scheduler for dask |
wip/py-fastparquet [CURRENT] | | Python implementation of the parquet format, |
wip/py-HeapDict [CURRENT] | | Heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations |
wip/py-dask_expr [CURRENT] | | Query Optimizer for the Dask Dataframes |
wip/py-dask [CURRENT] | | Flexible parallel computing library for analytics |