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ruby-polyglot Registry of file types to load with its improved version of 'require'
ruby-posix-spawn Ruby wrapper for the posix_spawn() system call
ruby-power_assert Power Assert for Ruby
ruby-priority-queue Fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementation for Ruby
ruby-protobuf-cucumber Google Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation
ruby-pycall Calling Python functions from Ruby
ruby-racc LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
ruby-railties52 Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 5.2
ruby-railties60 Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 6.0
ruby-railties61 Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 6.1
ruby-railties70 Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 7.0
ruby-randexp Library for generating random strings
ruby-rb-fsevent Ruby interface to the Mac OS X FSEvents API
ruby-rb-inotify Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI
ruby-rb-kqueue Ruby wrapper for BSD's kqueue, using FFI
ruby-rbtree Sorted associative collection using Red-Black Trees for Ruby
ruby-rcsparse RCS parsing library for Ruby
ruby-rd-mode Editing mode for RD (Ruby Document Format)
ruby-readline Ruby extension to readline library
ruby-red-colors Wide array of features for dealing with colors
ruby-red-datasets Provide common datasets such as iris dataset
ruby-redmine_code_review Redmine plugin to annotate source code within the repo browser
ruby-redmine_lightbox2 Lightbox for image attachments in Redmine
ruby-redmine_theme_changer Redmine plugin to allow each user to select the theme of Redmine
ruby-redmine_work_time Redmine plugin to view and update Spent time by each user
ruby-redmine-flatly-light-theme Flatly light theme for Redmine
ruby-redmine-gitmike-theme Github-like theme for Redmine
ruby-redmine-minimalflat-theme Minimal and flat design Redmine theme
ruby-redmine-minimalflat2-theme Minimal and flat design theme for Redmine
ruby-redmine-plugins (V) Redmine plugins meta package
ruby-redmine-purplemine2-theme Free Redmine theme for modern browsers
ruby-redmine-red-andy-theme First responsive theme for Redmine
ruby-redmine-themes (V) Redmine themes meta package
ruby-redmine-yh-theme Modern Redmine theme used in YeniHayat
ruby-redmine41 Flexible project management web application
ruby-redmine42 Flexible project management web application
ruby-redmine50 Flexible project management web application
ruby-ref Weak reference implementation for Ruby
ruby-regexp_parser Scanner, lexer, parser for ruby's regular expressions
ruby-rgl Framework for graph data structures and algorithms
ruby-ronn Manual authoring tool
ruby-rspec Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
ruby-rspec_junit_formatter RSpec JUnit XML formatter
ruby-rspec-core Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby, core part
ruby-rspec-expectations Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby, expectations
ruby-rspec-its Provides its method formerly part of rspec-core
ruby-rspec-logsplit New logger for each example
ruby-rspec-mocks This is test-double framework for rspec
ruby-rspec-rails Test-double framework for rspec
ruby-rspec-support Support utilities for RSpec gems
ruby-ruby2_keywords Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
ruby-rugged Ruby bindings to libgit2
ruby-sass-listen (V) listens to file modifications and notifies
ruby-scanf Implementation of the C function scanf(3)
ruby-SDL Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby-semantic_puppet Useful tools for working with Semantic Versions
ruby-semverse Representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints
ruby-setup Common installer script for ruby packages
ruby-sexp-processor Generic sexp processing tools
ruby-shoulda (V) Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby-shoulda-context Context framework extracted from Shoulda
ruby-shoulda-matchers Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby-simple_uuid Simple, scalable UUID generation for Ruby
ruby-simplecov Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+
ruby-simplecov-html Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
ruby-simpleidn Punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 (and vice-verse) string conversion
ruby-spruz Some miscellaneous libraries
ruby-stomp Ruby library for the Stomp protocol
ruby-stream Interface for external iterators
ruby-subexec Subexec spawns an external command with a timeout
ruby-subversion Ruby bindings for Subversion
ruby-sync Module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter
ruby-templater Tool copy files and render templates using ERB
ruby-term-ansicolor Ruby library colors strings using ANSI escape sequences
ruby-termcolor ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
ruby-test-spec BDD interface over Test::Unit
ruby-test-unit Improved version of Test::Unit
ruby-test-unit-notify Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
ruby-thor Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
ruby-thrift Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
ruby-thrift_client Thrift client wrapper for Ruby
ruby-tins Not good/big enough for a real library
ruby-tomlrb Racc based toml parser
ruby-tty-box Draw various frames and boxes in terminal interface
ruby-tty-color Terminal color capabilities detection
ruby-tty-cursor Terminal cursor positioning, visibility and text manipulation
ruby-tty-prompt Beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt
ruby-tty-reader Set of methods for processing keyboard input
ruby-tty-screen Terminal screen size detection
ruby-tty-table Flexible and intuitive table generator
ruby-turn Test::Unit Reporter (New) -- new output format for Test::Unit
ruby-uglifier Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
ruby-uuidtools Simple universally unique ID generation library
ruby-validatable Library for adding database/object validations
ruby-version_gem Sugar for Version modules
ruby-wisper Providing objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
ruby-wmi-lite Lightweight, low-dependency wrapper for basic WMI functionality
ruby-yell Your Extensible Logging Library
ruby-zeitwerk Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader
ruby-zookeeper Zookeeper bindings for Ruby