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CVS Commit History:

   2009-05-29 00:44:05 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
pkgsrc changes:
  - Updating p5 module for Module::Install from 0.89 to 0.91
  - Adjusting dependencies according to META.yml

Upstream changes:
0.91 Thu 28 May 2009
	- Add missing dependency on Parse::CPAN::Meta

0.90 Fri 22 May 2009
	- Adding a first implementation of MYMETA
   2009-05-21 12:58:16 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
pkgsrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module Module::Install from 0.88 to 0.89

Upstream changes:
0.89 Wed 20 May 2009
	- _load_cpan now also checks for $CPAN::Config before assuming that
	  CPAN and its config are properly loaded (HDP)
	- Changes file is now TIOBE compatible (ADAMK)
	- license_from now support a TIOBE-compatible declaration (ADAMK)
	  (...under the same terms as the Perl programming language itself)
   2009-05-17 19:53:53 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module Module::Install from 0.86 to 0.88
  - Adjusting dependencies

Upstream changes:
0.88 Thu 14 May 2009
        - Show what version is currently installed when deps are not new
          enough (patch by RIBASUSHI, applied by MSTROUT)
        - Tweak _check_lock to not load CPAN when new enough -and- no env
	  vars present - otherwise we still accidentally configure the thing
	  for no good reason (MSTROUT, feeling particularly dumb)
        - Module::Install::Admin::Include now had a '=head1 NAME',
          which should avoid problems when generating man pages.
          Many thanks to Simon Bertrang for the patch.  (PJF, RT #45811)

0.87 Thu  7 May 2009
	- The other half of MSTROUT's changes
        - A note mentioning to bug MSTROUT if you run into problems
   2009-05-01 22:54:06 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module of Module::Install from 0.85 to 0.86
  - Changing license to gnu-gpl-v2

Upstream changes:
0.86 Sat  2 May 2009
	- Alter _check_lock to test the CPAN version and use
	  PERL5_CPAN_IS_RUNNING if new enough so we don't accidentally
	  configure CPAN unless it's so old we have no choice (MSTROUT)
	- Tweak the SkipInstall logic so --skipdeps bypasses everything
	  again including any loading of CPAN, no matter how old (MSTROUT)
	- Adding ./example, ./test and ./xt to the no_index list (ADAMK)
	- Removed $VERSION from the tests (ADAMK)
	- Various POD fixes (ADAMK)
   2009-04-22 10:25:14 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module Module::Install to 0.85
  - Updating dependencies to fit META.yml

Upstream changes:
0.85 Sun 19 Apr 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- All files no use strict to satisfy Kwalitee (ADAMK)
   2009-04-15 09:32:14 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module Module::Install to 0.84
  - Set license to artistic-2.0
  - Update and arrange dependency definitions to fit META.yml

Upstream changes:
0.84 Tue 14 Apr 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- Fix incorrect if => unless conversion (CHORNY)
   2009-04-12 02:45:54 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - Updating package to 0.82

Upstream changes:
0.82 Wed  9 Apr 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- if configure_requires has ExtUtils::MakeMaker and it's version
	  requires perl 5.6, require perl 5.6 for dist in META.yml (CHORNY)
	- Fixes to Module/ (MSTROUT)
	  - don't prompt for required dependencies under CPAN/CPANPLUS
	  - allow PERL_AUTOINSTALL_PREFER_CPAN env var to disable cpanp use
	- Module::Install::DSL now correctly installs itself into the
	  generated tarball (ADAMK)
	- Preferentially dispatch leading-underscore methods used in plugins
	  to the main Module::Install object (ADAMK)

0.81 Tue 24 Mar 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- Use 3-argument open when Perl >= 5.006 (ADAMK)
	- Support for 'keywords' key in META.yml (CHORNY)
	- More URLs for licenses, test for this (CHORNY)
	- tests for extracting link to bugtracker,
	  will more correctly extract them (CHORNY)
	- Adding version-normalising Module::Install::_cmp
	  (for <=> equivalent on versions) (ADAMK)
	- If the Makefile.PL time is in the future by only a few seconds
	  (probably due to 2-second filesystem time rounding on Win32)
	  sleep for 5 seconds to avoid the problem. (ADAMK)
	- Moving from Module::Install::DSL to inc::Module::Install::DSL
	  (to reduce the Makefile.PL header for DSL mode to one line) (ADAMK)
	- Adding convenience pod reading Module::Install::_readpod (ADAMK)
	- Adding convenience pod stripping Module::Install::_readperl (ADAMK)
	- Adding experimental requires_from command to auto-detect requires (ADAMK)
	- Add a "Writing MYMETA.yml" status message (ADAMK)
	- Generalising boolean commands (ADAMK)
	- Cleaner removal of files during realclean (ADAMK)
	- Write META.yml and MYMETA.yml after Makefile to pick up a couple
	  of extra implicit dependencies. (ADAMK)
	- Set a high configure_requires on ExtUtils::MakeMaker for any client
	  that supports configure_requires. (ADAMK)
	- Add a full resolution test for Module::Install::DSL (ADAMK)
	- If we write MYMETA.yml, remove it at realclean time (ADAMK)
	- Removed the 'Removing META.yml' warning

0.80 Tue 17 Mar 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- Don't generate MYMETA.yml if we don't have YAML::Tiny, even if
	  we've said we need it. This was breaking Catalyst. (ADAMK)
	- Will not ask about auto-installing mandatory dependencies, if

0.79 Wed  4 Feb 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- Upgrading (and testing) Perl version normalisation
	- Adding an experimental-grade implementation of MYMETA.yml

0.78 Sun 25 Jan 2009 - Adam Kennedy
	- Much more aggressive dependencies, except PAR::Dist (ADAMK)
	- Adding inc::Module::Install::DSL for simple installs (ADAMK)
	- We now avoid poking references in @INC in case they
	  have strange overload behaviours.  (PJF, RT #39929)
	- installdirs and install_as_* are now documented in
	  Module/Install.pod (PJF, RT #25111)
	- Applied patch RT #38443 from Oleg Kostyuk for two-part
	  version numbers being passed to perl_version.  Calling
	  'perl_version 5.8' should now work the same as
	  'perl_version 5.008'.  Additional tests added to
	  t/07_perl_version.t to check this.  (PJF, RT #38443)
	- Module::Install no longer complains about the phrase
	  "All rights reserved" in association with open source
	  licenses.  (PJF, RT #41268)
   2008-10-19 21:19:25 by Havard Eidnes | Files touched by this commit (1179)
Log message:
Bump the PKGREVISION for all packages which depend directly on perl,
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.

The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
   2008-08-11 14:33:37 by Havard Eidnes | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update from version 0.76nb1 to 0.77.

Pkgsrc changes:
 o Adjust dependencies, add p5-Devel-PPPort

Upstream changes:
0.77 Fri  8 Aug 2008
	- Don't break directories starting with inc(oming) (ADAMK, RT #30637)
	- Adding more phrases to recognise GPL variants (ADAMK, RT #35195)
	- Skip 03_autoinstall.t except at release, as it can hang in some
	  situations (ADAMK, #29448)
	- Add a file check to the all_from param (ADAMK, #24586)
	- Fixed bug in can_run when PATH starts with a sep (ADAMK, #29866)
	- Don't overwrite dist args if there is a preop (ADAMK, #36831)
	- Bug fix in the command dispatcher (ADAMK, #27327)
        - perl_version now understands three-part Perl versions like
          5.8.1 (PJF, RT #38317)
	- Numify objects when generating YAML (ADAMK)
   2008-07-24 01:17:45 by Stoned Elipot | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
The Perl5 module File::Remove is (now?) required as a runtime dependency.
Hence register p5-File-Remove package as a full dependency.


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