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CVS Commit History:

   2021-01-12 09:33:46 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 0.17.2

 * Fixed a regression about here-docs in 0.17.0
   2021-01-06 20:22:04 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 0.17.1

 * Removed the code for making the cursor busy after 1 second — cursor
 overriding isn't marked as thread-safe by Qt.

 * Consider the locale when showing line numbers and omit the group separator.
 * Disable "Save with Encoding" with uneditable files.
 * Fixed restoring of the current side-pane item after another item is closed
 by middle-clicking.
 * Fixed a problem in closing side-pane items with filtering.
 * Workarounds for Qt bugs in keyboard navigation inside a list view when some
 items are hidden.
 * Made the warning bar more flexible by giving it a timeout, which can be 0 for
 permanent bars.
 * Allow saving as root without a root instance when the user doesn't have the
 permission to write. Polkit's pkexec is used for gaining the root privileges.
 * Distinguish Wayland from the lack of X11.
 * Guarantee that the session dialog has focus after opening a session.
 * Prevent killTimer() error warnings.
 * Added LaTex to the recognized syntaxes.
 * Workarounds for bugs in Qt's default printing. Qt can't handle dark color
 schemes and the reverse order with printing. Now, FeatherPad supports both.
 * Do printing in a separate thread, so that, if it takes a long time,
 FeatherPad could still be used.
 * Added simple support for gvfs' admin.
 * Several fixes to Perl syntax highlighting.
   2020-11-05 10:09:30 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (1814)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from textproc/icu-68.1
   2020-11-02 21:17:52 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 0.16.0


- A right-click item is added to tab/side-pane for opening containing folder.
- Natural sorting of items in the side-pane and session dialog.
- The warning bar disappears when clicked or, automatically, after 10 seconds.
- "To Start Case" is added to the case changing actions.
- The 50-ms delay of format updating is removed because Qt's update requests \ 
seem appropriate now.
- Focus the editor's view with the Escape key.
- Current line highlight is made customizable.
- The recent files feature can be disabled by setting its number to zero.
- Added a "standalone" option to the command-line. It's especially \ 
useful when FeatherPad is chosen as the "git" editor.
- Fixes and improvements here and there.
   2020-08-24 09:37:48 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 0.15.0

 * Added optional selection highlighting (without interfering with search
 * Fixed a small bug in search highlighting with tab DND/detachment.
 * Added simple Haxe highlighting (by using JS codes).
 * Fixed multiline "</>" in JS.
 * Disabled the RTL workaround when lines aren't wrapped.
 * Don't clear replacement highlights when the window is minimized.
 * Always truncate absurdly huge lines in uneditable documents.
 * Fixed a problem in the state of the language button after toggling syntax
 * Fixed a rare case, where the text's format and highlight weren't updated.
 The fix also simplifies the code.
 * Highlight only the first 1000 replacements if there are more.
 * Added an item (to the Edit menu as well as the context menu) for converting
 all text tabs to spaces.
 * Added an option to paste file paths instead of files (by default, FeatherPad
 opens pasted files).
   2020-08-17 22:20:41 by Leonardo Taccari | Files touched by this commit (2202)
Log message:
*: revbump after fontconfig bl3 changes (libuuid removal)
   2020-06-12 13:25:55 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 0.14.2

 * Overrode Qt's default behavior with the Home key.
 * Fixed a bug that allowed cutting of read-only texts.
 * Don't mistake a (commented) Yaml note followed by a colon with a Yaml key.
 * Considered the single quote in CSS values.
 * Highlight JavaScript's hash-bang (don't mistake it with a regex).
 * Updated the code for Qt 5.15.
   2020-06-02 10:25:05 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1689)
Log message:
Revbump for icu
   2020-05-06 09:40:37 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
editors/featherpad: Update to 0.14.1

 -Fixed a miscalculation in highlighting of multiline CSS values.
   2020-04-25 17:13:05 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
/editors/featherpad: Update to 0.14.0

Changelog picked from


This release is mostly about speeding up syntax highlighting, especially for
big documents. In some cases (e.g., with HTML, XML, CSS, Bash or Perl),
the job is done multiple times faster.

- A bug is fixed in handling relative file paths that contain no slash.
- JavaScript template literals (back quotes) are supported.
- CSS syntax highlighting is fixed and improved.
- Small fixes.

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