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CVS Commit History:

   2020-04-27 12:19:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 4.0.3

* Fixed ``MSISDN`` for ``pt_BR``  to return only mobile numbers.
* Added Domain Generator Algorithm by date.
* Fixed issue where ``pydict`` provider was not returning the correct number of \ 
* Added support for Indian Aadhaar numbers.
* Added ``company_vat`` for ``it_IT``.
* Improved autodocumentation of providers.
* Added provider for ``es_ES`` license plates.
* Implemented ``__dir__`` method to Faker proxy for better autocompletion.
* Uppercased HEX colors for all localized color providers.
* Added bank provider for ``es_ES`` locale.
* Added support for UK counties.
* Added color provider for ``no_NO`` license plates.
* Made ``value_types`` a keyword argument in ``python`` provider.
   2020-04-12 13:23:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 4.0.2

* Add more data for ``ko_KR`` address provider.
* Improved ``pt_PT`` locale for address and bank.
* Add ``port_number`` method to internet provider.
* Add color provider for ``fa_IR`` locale.
* Add formatting options for ``pt_BR`` postcodes.
* Add ``country_calling_code`` to ``phone_number`` provider.
* Fix leap year issue.
* Add ``AutomotiveProvider`` for ``fr_FR`` locale.
* Fix ``cellphone_formats`` in ``pt_BR`` ``PhoneNumberProvider``.
   2020-02-24 17:20:14 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 4.0.1

* Provider improvements for Russian locale:
    * added city suffixes, regions and country list
    * regions converted into states for now
    * street address formats and states expanded
    * lists for street titles changed
    * Fixed errors in Automotive Provider
    * Fixed errors in Address Provider
    * Bank Provider expanded:
        * BIC added)
        * Added list of banks
    * Improved Company Provider
    * Credit Card and Person Provider improvements
    * Currency Provider improvements
    * Date-Time Provider improvements
    * translit fix
* Add Birth Number to czech locale.
* Add persons provider for ``fr_QC``.
   2020-01-15 19:05:31 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 4.0.0

Breaking change: Remove support for end-of-life Python 2.7.

NOTE: This is the last release to support Python 2.7.x.

Add provider methods zip and tar for generating zip and tar files.
Add en-CA postcode_in_province() method.
Update Address and Automotive provider for Russian locale.
Add provider methods for dsv files: csv, tsv, psv and generic dsv.
Remove parenthesis from city name in de_DE address provider.
Add NIP generator in pl_PL.
Fix Faker.random_number intermittent exceptions.

Breaking change: Add support for multiple locale data generation.

Add Iranian credit card.
Improve color provider.
Add counties (concelhos) for locale pt_PT.
Change NY zipcode range.
Fix pyfloat out of min/max range.
   2019-11-14 11:42:38 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 2.0.4

* Drop python 3.4.
* Fix master card number generator.
* Add provider for Finnish IBAN numbers.
* Add color in Thai language.
* Split first names into male/female for ``person/de_AT``.
* Extend data for ``de_AT`` and ``it_IT`` person providers.
* Add ``ta_IN`` support.
* Add ``*_PH`` locales.
* Add Thai lorem.
* Add job in ``ja_JP``.
* Optimize IPv4 address generation.
* Increase bban_format length for ``en_GB``.
* Fix occasional errors in ISBN provider.
* Add more phone numbers to ``fa_IR`` locale.
* Add support for token-based string generation.
* Improve barcode provider.
* Fix for pyfloat empty randrange.

* Use the provider's RNG instead of the random module in ``invalid_ssn``.
* Fix ``randomize_nb_elements`` ``max`` argument.
* Add ``de_DE`` jobs.
* Add ``pt_PT`` automotive plates.
* Add ``el_GR`` jobs.
* Add police id for ``el_GR``.
* Add jobs for for ``pt_PT``.

* Fix typos, misspellings. Add locations, names, dates in ``hi_IN`` providers.
* Bump required version ``text-unidecode`` to 1.3.
* Bug fix for ``pyfloat`` going over ``max_value``.

* Add nationalities for locale ``pt_PT``.
* Add ``ios()`` and ``android()`` to ``user_agent`` provider.
* Update ``zh_CN`` provinces.

* Breaking change: Only allow providers to use ``OrderedDict`` s, to avoid any \ 
more ``PYTHONHASHSEED`` problems.
   2019-05-15 11:11:54 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 1.0.7

* Remove dead url from image_placeholder_services.
* Fix missing first_names in Romanian person provider.
* Add Catalan, adds doi/nie/nif/cif to Spain ssn.
* Add texts to generate list of texts.
* Add provider for pl_PL automotive and Polish pesel number.
* Corrected behavior for pyfloat.
   2019-05-09 14:03:24 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 1.0.6

Unknown changes
   2019-04-25 14:51:03 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 1.0.5

* Add min and max values for pyfloat and pydecimal.
* Add months and M to the syntax for start_date and end_date.
* Add support for PyInstaller.
* Add Dutch company names.
* Fix some invalid French phone numbers starting with +33 8x.
* Add Armenian locale hy_AM.
   2019-03-13 09:53:03 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 1.0.4

* Fix erratic test.

* Fix AttributeError in user_Agent provider.
* Update zh_TW person provider.
* Add street data & remove street_prefixes from id_ID address provider.
* Fix parsing of timedeltas in date_time provider.
* Split name formats into formats_male and formats_female for de_DE provider.
* Pin more-itertools to a version compatible with Python 2.7.
* Fix fr_FR postcodes_format.
* Fix hex code for yellowgreen color.
* Add Brazilian RG (identity card).
* Allow overriding of random generator class.
   2019-01-24 14:43:36 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-faker: updated to 1.0.2

* Fix state abbreviations for id_ID to be 2-letters.
* Fix format for city_with_postcode on de_DE locale.
* Update person providers for zh_CN.
* Implement zipcode_in_state and aliases in en_US locale for generating
  a zipcode for a specified state.
* Group first names by gender on zh_CN provider.

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