2017-08-16 18:29:52 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog to 8.29.0.
- imptcp: add experimental parameter "multiline"
- imptcp: framing-related error messages now also indicate remote peer
- imtcp: framing-related error messages now also indicate remote peer
- imptcp: add session statistics conunter
- imtcp: add ability to specify GnuTLS priority string
- impstats: add new ressoure counter "openfiles"
- pmnormalize: new parser module
- core/queue: provide informational messages on thread startup and
- omfwd/udp: improve error reporting, depricate maxerrormessages
- core: add parameters debug.file and debug.whitelist
- core/net.c: improve UDP socket creation error messages
- omfwd/udp: add "udp.sendbuf" parameter
- core: make rsyslog internal message rate-limiter configurable
- omelasticsearch bugfixes and changed ES5 API support:
* avoid 404 during health check
* avoid ES5 warnings while sending json
* bugfix for memomry leak while writing error file
- imfile bugfix: wildcard detection issue on path wildcards
- omfwd bugfix: always give reason for suspension
- omfwd bugfix: configured compression level was not properly used
- imptcp bugfix: potential socket leak on session shutdown
- omfwd/omudpspoof bugfix: switch udp client sockets to nonblocking
- imklog: fix permitnonkernelfacility not working
- impstats bugfix: impstats does not handle HUP
- core bugfix: segfault after configuration errors
- core/queue bugfixes:
* Fix behaviour of PersistStateInterval
* potential problem during deserialization
- core bugfix: messsage garbled after message modification
- lmsig_ksi: removed pre-KSI_LS12 components
- testbench bugfix: hang in tests if omstdout is not present
2017-08-04 21:32:25 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
Fix typo in bl3 reference
2017-07-04 15:31:16 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog* to 8.28.0
- omfwd: add parameter "tcp_frameDelimiter"
- omkafka: large refactor of kafka subsystem
- imfile: improved handling of atomically renamed file (w/ wildcards)
- imfile: add capability to truncate oversize messages or split into
- mmdblookup
* upgraded from "contrib" to "fully supported" state
* refactored and simplified code
* added ability to specify custom names for extracted fields
* bugfix: fixed multiple memory leaks
- imptcp: add new parameter "flowControl"
- imrelp: add "maxDataSize" config parameter
- multiple modules: gtls: improve error if certificate file can't be
- omsnare: allow different tab escapes
- omelasticsearch: converted to use libfastjson instead of json-c
- imjournal: _PID fallback
- multiple modules: add better error messages when regcomp is failing
- omhiredis: fix build warnings
- imfile bugfix: files mv-ed in into directory were not handled
- omprog bugfix: execve() incorrectly called
- imfile bugfix: multiline timeout did not work if state file exists
- lmsig_ksi-ls12 bugfix: build problems on some platforms
- core bugfix: invalid object type assertion
- regression fix: local hostname was not always detected properly on
early start (w/o network).
- bugfix: format security issues in zmq3 modules
- bugfix build system: add libksi only to those binaries that need it
- bugfix KSI ls12 components: invalid tree height calculation
- testbench/CI enhancements
2017-05-23 01:43:00 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Include missing header. Deal with systems not using the LFS crap of
2017-05-18 15:27:44 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (6) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog to 8.27.0
Version 8.27.0 [v8-stable] 2017-05-16
- imkafka: add module
- imptcp enhancements:
* optionally emit an error message if incoming messages are truncated
* optionally emit connection tracking message (on connection create and
* add "maxFrameSize" parameter to specify the maximum size permitted
in octet-counted mode
* add parameter "discardTruncatedMsg" to permit truncation of
oversize messages
* improve octect-counted mode detection: if the octet count is larger
then the set frame size (or overly large in general), it is now
assumed that octet-stuffing mode is used. This probably solves a
number of issues seen in real deployments.
- imtcp enhancements:
* add parameter "discardTruncatedMsg" to permit truncation of
oversize messages
* add "maxFrameSize" parameter to specify the maximum size permitted
in octet-counted mode
- imfile bugfix: "file not found error" repeatedly being reported
for configured non-existing file.
- imfile: in inotify mode, add error message if configured file cannot
be found
- imfile: add parameter "fileNotFoundError" to optinally disable
"file not found" error messages
- core: replaced gethostbyname() with getaddrinfo() call
- omkafka: add "origin" field to stats output
- imuxsock: rate-limiting also uses process name
both for the actual limit procesing as well as warning messages emitted
- Added new module: KSI log signing ver. 1.2 (lmsig_ksi_ls12)
- rsylsog base functionality now builds on osx (Mac)
- build now works on solaris again
- imfile: fix cross-platform build issue
- bugfix core: segfault when no parser could parse message
- bugfix core: rate-limit internal messages when going to external log system
- bugfix core: when obtaining local hostname, a NULL pointer could be
- bugfix core: on shutdown, stderr was written to, even if alrady closed
- bugfix core: perform MainqObj destruction only when not NULL already
- bugfix core: memory leak when internal messages not processed internally
- bugfix imptcp: potential overflow in octet count computation
when a very large octet count was specified, the counter could overflow
2017-04-06 22:08:38 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog* to 8.26.0.
- enable internal error messages at all times
- core: added logging name of source of rate-limited messages
- omfwd: omfwd: add support for network namespaces
- imrelp: honor input name if provided when submitting to impstats
- imptcp: add ability to set owner/group/access perms for uds
- mmnormalize: add ability to load a rulebase from action() parameter
- pmrfc3164 improvements
- permit to ignore leading space in MSG
- permit to use at-sign in host names
- permit to require tag to end in colon
- add new global parameter "umask"
- core: make use of -T command line option more secure
- omfile: add error if both file and dynafile are set
- bugfix: build problem on MacOS (not a supported platform)
- regression fix: in 8.25, str2num() returned error on empty string
- bugfix omsnmp: improper handling of new-style configuration
- bugfix: rsyslog identifies itself as "liblogging-stdlog" in internal
- bugfix imfile: wrong files were monitored when using multiple imfile
- bugfix: setting net.aclResolveHostname/net.acladdhostnameonfail
- bugfix: immark emitted error messages with text "imuxsock"
- bugfix tcpflood: build failed if RELP was disabled
- fix gcc6 compiler warnings
- the output module array passing interface has been removed
2017-02-27 09:55:34 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog* to 8.25.0
- imfile: add support for wildcards in directory names
- add new global option "parser.PermitSlashInProgramname"
- mmdblookup: fix build issues, code cleanup
- improved debug output for queue corruption cases
- an error message is now displayed when a directory owner cannot be set
- rainerscript: add new functions ipv42num and num2ipv4
- bugfix: ratelimiter does not work correctly is time is set back
- core: fix potential message loss in old-style transactional interface
- bugfix queue subsystem: queue corrupted if certain msg props are used
- bugfix imjournal: fixed situation when time goes backwards
- bugfix: bFlushOnTxEnd == 0 not honored when writing w/o async writer
- bugfix core: str2num mishandling empty strings
- bugfix rainerscript: set/unset statement do not check variable name validity
- bugfix mmrm1stspace: last character of rawmsg property was doubled
- bugfix: rsyslog loops on freebsd when trying to write /dev/console
- bugfix imtcp: fix very small (cosmetic) memory leak
- fix build issues on some platforms (detected on newer Fedora)
For full changelog see:
2017-02-13 20:59:36 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog to 8.24.0.
Changelog (abridged):
- rsyslog now builds on AIX
- mmdblookup: new maxminddb lookup message modify plugin
- mmrm1stspace: new module; removes first space in MSG if present
- KSI signature provider: file permissions can now be specified
- omzmq: new features
- change: when the hostname is empty, we now use "localhost-empty-hostname"
- omelasticsearch: remove "asyncrepl" config parameter
- omfwd: Add support for bind-to-device (see below on same for imudp)
- imudp: Add support for bind-to-device
- imudp: limit rcvbufsize parameter to max 1GiB
- rainerscript: implement new "call_indirect" statement
- bugfix imjournal: make state file handling more robust
- bugfix core: lookup table reload was not properly integrated
- bugfix core: potential dealock on shutdown
- bugfix ommongodb: did not work in v8 due to invalid indirection
- bugfix ommongodb: fix tryResume handling
- bugfix omfwd: retry processing was not done correctly, could stall
- bugfix imuxsock: segfault non shutdown when $OmitLocalLogging is on
2017-02-09 01:18:36 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Don't depend on header pollution for stat macros.
2016-12-05 11:36:46 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/rsyslog to 8.23.0.
Changes in 8.23.0 (abridged):
- KSI signatures: removed SHA2-224 hash algorithm
This is considered insecure and no longer supported by the underlying
KSI library. If still used within a configuration, a descriptive error
message is emitted during config processing.
- imfile: new timeout feature for multi-line reads
- omfile: improve robustness against network file system failures
in case of failure, a close and re-open is tried, which often solves the
issue (and wasn't handle before this patch).
- pmaixforwardedfrom: support for AIX syslogd -s option
- omelasticsearch: add ability to specify max http request size
- omelasticsearch: high availability addressing of ElasticSearch cluster
allow to specify an array of servers, which is tried until a working
one is found (and given up only if none works).
- omelasticsearch: make compatible with ElasticSearch 2.x and 5.x
fixes omelasticsearch logs response from ElasticSearch 5.0 _bulk
endpoint as error
- omhiredis: add dynakey attribute.
- omtcl: new contributed module
- RainerScript: provide a capability to set environment variables
via 'global(environment="var=val")' config statement.
- lookup tables: improved error checking
- queue subsystem: add configuration parameter "queue.samplinginterval"
- bugfix core: errmsg.LogError now switches to dfltErrLogger just before shutdown
- bugfix core: fixed un-freed memory in non-transactional action using string-passing
- rsgtutil: option to specify KSI publications file certificate constraints
- omprog: bugfixes and enhancements
- bugfix imfile: ReopenOnTruncate processing, file open processing
- bugfix omlibdbi: libdbi-driver-sqlite3/2 requires to provide a path to
database split into two strings:
* absolute path, where the database file sits
* database filename itself.
- bugfix RainerScript: issue in prifilt() function
Initialize func-data(and to-be-freed flag) correctly for prifilt
- bugfix omrelp: invalid module name imrelp was used in some error messages
- bugfix core: abort when persisting object state
- bugfix: segfault if hostname is unset on system
- bugfix external module perl skeleton: did not work properly
- bugfix build system: Fix detection of pthread_setschedparam() on platforms
such as FreeBSD
- bugfix omelasticsearch: modifies constant memory under some circumstances
- "bugfix": theoretical queue file corruption when more than MAX_INT files
- bug fix/KSI: LOGSIG11 missing in the beginning of KSI log signature file
- bugfix template processor: missing escaping of backslash in json mode
- testbench improvements