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CVS Commit History:

   2021-07-14 09:39:05 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: updated to 59.0.0

Version 59.0.0 "Shining Star" 2021-07-10

New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge: WebVTT parser: the parser now follows the specs' rules for parsing
  timestamps more closely by being more lenient: it allows arbitrary number of
  spaces & tabs at the start of the line & around the arrow; it allows any
  number of digits for the hours.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding a Blu-ray playlist without scanning
  for other playlists the GUI will now look for disc library information & let
  the user select which one to use if there's more than one entry.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added an option for sorting files & tracks by
  track types when adding them to multiplex settings. The order is: video
  first followed by audio, subtitles and other types. Files & tracks can still
  be reordered manually later. The option is enabled by default & can be found
  in the preferences → "Multiplexer" page → "Adding \ 
files" section.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added an option for recognizing file name
  sequences such as `movie.001.mp4`, `movie.002.mp4`, `movie.003.mp4` when
  adding multiple files at once. If a sequence is detected, the only first
  file will be added while the second and following file names will be
  appended to the first one. The option is enabled by default & can be found
  in the preferences → "Multiplexer" page → "Adding \ 
files" section.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added small colored boxes for each file & track
  in order to indicate from which file each track is read. The colors used can
  be configured in the preferences → "Multiplexer" page → \ 
"File & track
  colors" section.

Bug fixes

* build system: fixed compilation with fmt v8.
* mkvmerge: SRT subtitle reader: characters that aren't valid according to the
  assumed encoding of the file will now be replaced by the Unicode
  "Replacement Character" U+FFFD instead of keeping the invalid characters,
  potentially violating the Matroska specs.
* mkvmerge: WebVTT parser: the parser now accepts timestamps with hours
  larger than 99.
* mkvextract: TTA extraction, only on Windows: fixed removing the temporary
  file created during extraction.
* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's multiplexer & header editor: MIME
  type detection is now done using Qt instead of the `magic` library. The main
  impact is the MIME types of TrueType & OpenType fonts are now detected
* mkvmerge, mkvinfo, MKVToolNix GUI's info tool: only on Windows: displaying
  dates before 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC or after 2038-01-19 03:14:08 UTC was
  broken. Note that the header editor was not affected.
* MKVToolNix GUI: only on 64-bit Windows: under certain conditions, the 64-bit
  Windows binaries crashed when opening dialog windows. Even though the
  underlying bug hasn't been identified, the investigation showed that
  building it with newer versions than 10.2.0 of the mingw/gcc cross-compiler
  enabled the crashes, while binaries built with 10.2.0 were fine. This
  affected v57 and v58 which were built with gcc versions 10.3.0 and 11.1.0
  respectively. For the time being I've switched back to building Windows
  binaries with gcc 10.2.0.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding files to the multiplexer by running
  the GUI's executable with file names as command line arguments, the source
  directory will be remembered as the "last open directory" again, causing
  subsequent uses of the "open file" dialog to start in the same directory.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the "default track flag" column in the track
  list was missing its icons. Additionally it contained text even for things
  that aren't regular tracks and therefore do not actually have that flag
  (e.g. chapters or tags).
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the default for the dialog asking the user what
  to do with dragged & dropped files if they've never seen the dialog is back
  to adding the files to the current multiplex settings instead of "add as
  additional parts" which was an unintentional default.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the "show command line" dialog will now \ 
  use backward slashes for the "Windows (cmd.exe)" mode and forward slashes
  for the "Linux/Unix shells" mode, regardless of the operating system it's
  currently running on.

Build system changes

* The Qt library is now required for building all applications, even the
  command-line ones, as they use Qt's MIME type detection capabilities. In
  turn this means that you cannot disable the Qt usage anymore; either Qt5 or
  Qt 6 is required.

  You can still chose not to build MKVToolNix GUI, though. A new option has
  been added to `configure` for this purpose: `--disable-gui`.
* The `gmp` library is now required.
* The `magic` library is not used anymore.
* The `PCRE2` & `JPCRE2` libraries are not used anymore. The bundled version
  of `JPCRE2` was removed.
* Boost's "rational" library is not used anymore.
* `configure`: the option `--enable-appimage` has been removed. The location
  of the relevant directories within an AppImage is now detected
* The bundled `fmt` library was updated to v8.0.0.
   2021-06-13 20:47:47 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: updated to 58.0.0

Version 58.0.0 "Supper's Ready" 2021-06-13

New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI's multiplexer: the handling of the "default \ 
  flag has been changed to match the recent changes to the Matroska
  specifications. The new semantics are that if it is set, it is supposed to
  signal to the player that this track is eligible for being played by
  default, potentially taking other factors such as user preferences regarding
  languages into account.

  This implies that more than one track of each type can have this flag
  set. For example, a Blu-ray disc with three audio tracks might have
  the main audio in both English and Japanese, whereas the third audio
  track contains the director's comments. In such a case the first two
  tracks should have the "default track" flag set, the third one

  Earlier `mkvmerge` was enforcing that only one track of each type could have
  the flag set. This restriction has been removed, both in `mkvmerge` and in
  the GUI's multiplexer.

  `mkvpropedit` and the GUI's header editor are unaffected as they've always
  allowed to set the flag on as many tracks as the user wanted.
* mkvmerge: AVC/H.264 & HEVC/H.265 identification: added the stream's pixel
  dimensions (AVC only; were present for HEVC already) & default
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: HEVC/H.265: added support for reading single-layer
  Dolby Vision from Annex B type bitstreams (elementary streams, MPEG
  transport streams). Patch by quietvoid.
* mkvinfo: the option `-X`/`--full-hexdump` now affects all binary elements,
  not just the frame data in `SimpleBlock` and `BlockGroup` elements.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the "delay" and "sync" \ 
options can now be used
  for chapters in source files, too.
* MKVToolNix GUI: when moving list entries up & down with the optional buttons
  or the keyboard shortcuts (instead of using drag & drop), the GUI ensures
  that the top-most selected entry remains visible after the move.
* MKVToolNix GUI: added an option in the preference to use legacy MIME types
  for font attachments instead of the current standard ones
  (e.g. 'application/x-truetype-font' instead of 'font/sfnt' and 'font/ttf').

Bug fixes

* build system: fixed filtering out optimization options when compiling the
  file `iso639_language_list.cpp` (before only numeric optimization levels
  were filtered out and only if it wasn't the last option in the list of
* build system: when libmagic was detected via `pkg-config`, MKVToolNix was
  actually compiled without support for libmagic due to a preprocessor symbol
  not being defined.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: fixed an issue with timestamps overflowing when the
  file's or the track's time scale is large.
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: fixed key frame handling for `BlockGroup` elements
  with a forward reference but no backward references. Patches by Tom Yan.
* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: the programs will no
  longer omit writing mandatory elements set to their default value if other
  elements of the same type are present in the same master. This affects
  mostly the "chapter language" element which may occur multiple times \ 
  the same "chapter display" master. If it does occur multiple times \ 
and one
  of them is set to "English" (which is that element's default value), that
  element will now be written, too.
* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: when parsing chapter
  files IETF & legacy language elements as well as legacy country elements
  will now be properly generated depending on which exist already, especially
  when there's more than one language and/or country element in a "chapter
  display" element.
* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: fixed reading
  OGM-style chapter files with timestamps that don't have exactly three
  decimal places. Any number of decimal places between one and nine is now
  supported for nanosecond precision.
* MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: added/fixed support for "chapter display"
  elements with multiple languages or countries.

Build system changes

* Qt 6: added support for building with Qt 6. `configure` will look for Qt 6
  first and only continue looking for Qt 5 if Qt 6 isn't found or disabled via

  Qt 6 detection works by first looking for the `qmake6` binary. Its location
  can be specified with the `--with-qmake6=…` option.

  All other Qt 6 related facts (such as compiler & linker flags or the
  position of the other required tools such as `lconvert`, `moc`, `rcc` and
  `uic`) will be derived from the output generated by `qmake6`.

  Note that at this point Qt 6 is not yet supported for the cross-compilation
  build to Windows, nor is a static Qt 6 build supported yet.

  Note that the command line options `--enable-static-qt`,
  `--with-qt-pkg-config-modules` and `--without-qt-pkg-config` only apply to
  the Qt 5 and have no effect on Qt 6.
* Qt 5: the options for specifying the position of the tools (`--with-moc=…`,
  `--with-rcc=…` and `--with-uic=…`) have been removed. Their position will
  now be derived from the output generated by `qmake`.
* `configure`: completely disabling the GUI now requires passing both
  `--disable-qt6` and `--disable-qt` options.
* Boost's multi-precision library is now required.
* Boost v1.66 or newer is now required.

Other changes

* The Windows build is now using an updated version of the
  `file`/`magic` library for MIME type detection of attachments. This
  affects fonts whose MIME types will now be the current standard MIME
  types (e.g. `font/sfnt` or `font/ttf` for TrueType fonts). As this
  might pose problematic with older players that only support the
  legacy MIME type (e.g. `application/x-truetype-font`), a new option
  was added in the GUI's preferences to use the legacy MIME types
  instead of the current standard ones. This is off by default.
  Builds for other operating systems have already been using newer
  versions of the `file`/`magic` library for a long time.
   2021-06-04 00:27:57 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: remove unsupported configure flags
   2021-05-24 10:25:16 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: updated to 57.0.0

Version 57.0.0 "Till The End" 2021-05-22

New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: added support for reading Dolby Vision from MP4 files
  (FourCCs `dvh1` and `dvhe`; configuration records `dvcC`, `dvvC` and `hvcE`
  will be converted into block addition mappings).
* mkvmerge: SRT subtitles: mkvmerge now accepts empty text files with the
  extension `.srt` as SRT subtitle files, enabling the creation of empty SRT
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: HEVC/H.265: access unit delimiter NALUs will no longer
  be discarded, neither during muxing nor during extraction.
* MKVToolNix GUI: preferences: switched the order & wording of controls in the
  "enabling items" panel to make it clearer that certain controls define

Bug fixes

* mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265 parser: several NALU types, notably the Dolby
  Vision-specific NALUs ("unspecified 62" and "unspecified \ 
63") and suffix SEI
  NALUs, are now stored with the frame they belong to instead of with the next
* mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265 packetizer: fixed setting the track's default duration
  when reading HEVC/H.265 from Matroska files that don't have a default
  duration set.
* mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265 packetizer: fixed the calculation of the duration of
  frames so that `SimpleBlock` elements can be used again instead of
  `BlockGroups` with `BlockDuration` elements.
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: HEVC/H.265 parser: fixed issues with ordering &
  duplication of certain NALUs (parameter set & prefix SEI NALUs).
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when dragging & dropping files to the
  multiplexer, the source directory will be remembered as the "last open
  directory" again, causing subsequent uses of the "open file" \ 
dialog to start
  in the same directory.
* mkvinfo: fixed the position of frames in block groups containing "block
  duration" elements in summary mode (e.g. for subtitle tracks).

Build system changes

* `configure` will now try to detect `libmagic` via `pkg-config` and fall back
  to including & linking directly if it cannot be found via `pkg-config`.
   2021-04-21 15:25:34 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (864)
Log message:
revbump for boost-libs
   2021-04-21 13:43:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1822)
Log message:
revbump for textproc/icu
   2021-04-10 11:29:11 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: updated to 56.1.0

Version 56.1.0 "My Friend" 2021-04-09

New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge: AAC: added support for LOAS/LATM files with channel configuration
  indexes 9–21 (e.g. channel count 22.2 for index 13) according to Rec. ITU-R
  BS.1196-7 & ISO/IEC 23008-3:2019.

Bug fixes

* mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265 parser: fixed invalid memory access that could happen
  when reading certain types of HEVC data (e.g. with changing parameter sets
  mid-stream) from certain containers (e.g. Matroska). This bug was introduced
  in release 56.0.0.
* mkvextract: AAC: mkvextract will now abort with an useful error message when
  the user tries to extract a track whose 'audio-specific config' element in
  `CodecPrivate` signals a number of channels of 7 or greater than 8 as that
  isn't supported by the ADTS format.

Build system changes

* configure: the `--enable-ubsan` option hasn't actually enabled anything
  since release 39.0.0.
   2021-04-05 21:45:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: updated to 56.0.0

Version 56.0.0 "Strasbourg / St. Denis" 2021-04-05

New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit: tags: the programs will no longer write tag elements
  that are mandatory and set to their default value (e.g. "tag \ 
language" set
  to `und` = undetermined).
* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI chapter editor: chapters: the programs
  will no longer write chapter elements that are mandatory and set to their
  default value (e.g. "chapter language" set to `eng` = English or \ 
  flag enabled" = 1).
* mkvextract: chapters: mkvextract will no longer add a `ChapterLanguage`
  element set to `eng` to the generated XML content if the source file doesn't
  contain such an element.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when using the "tab widget below the files &
  tracks" layout option for the track properties the elements in the \ 
  options" tab will use six rows à four columns instead of twelve rows à two
  columns, greatly reducing the required height.

Bug fixes

* mkvmerge: AAC reader: fixed mkvmerge aborting to read AAC files bigger than
  2 GB with a message about not being able to allocate memory.
* mkvmerge: chapters: `ChapLanguageIETF` elements were still created when the
  option `--disable-language-ietf` was given after an option leading to the
  creation of chapters. Now the position doesn't matter anymore.
* mkvmerge: chapters: when the option `--disable-language-ietf` is used,
  `ChapLanguageIETF` elements won't be written even when sources are read
  (Matroska files or XML chapters files) that do contain those elements.
* mkvmerge: tags: when the option `--disable-language-ietf` is used,
  `TagLanguageIETF` elements won't be written.
* mkvmerge: tags: mkvmerge will no longer write language elements for the
  track statistics tags it creates, making the effective language
  "undetermined" due to `und` being the default value for the legacy tag
  language element.
* mkvmerge: tags: the XML tag parser will now validate all `<Simple>` children
  of `<Tag>` elements, not just the first for each `<Tag>`.
* mkvmerge: tags: the XML tag parser now uses the spec-compliant `und`
  ("undetermined") as the default language for `<Simple>` tags \ 
instead of
* mkvmerge, mkvpropedit: tags: mkvmerge will no longer set the "target \ 
  for track statistics tags (earlier it used `MOVIE`). The "target type \ 
  will still be set to `50`.
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: HEVC/H.265: both programs will now normalize the
  placement of VPS, SPS and PPS NALUs. Each key frame is prefixed with exactly
  one copy of the currently active parameter sets. This fixes certain classes
  of bugs related to splitting/appending.
* mkvinfo: when compiled with newer versions of the `fmt` library, certain
  numbers were not output correctly (e.g. a track's audio sampling frequency
  of 48000 might be output as 48).
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving the track language from the file name
  will match languages case insensitively again (like versions prior to
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: under certain circumstances keyboard shortcuts
  such as `Ctrl+W` for closing the active tab or `Ctrl+R` for starting to
  multiplex ceased to work until the user did certain other things (such as
  switching to a different tool & back to the multiplexer or opening the
  multiplexer menu). This started with v54.
* MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: the editor will no longer create empty
  `ChapterCountry` elements when adding a chapter name with no default country
  selected in the preferences.

Build system changes

* The bundled `fmt` library was updated to v7.1.3.
   2021-03-12 09:48:50 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: Needs gcc8
   2021-03-07 08:30:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
mkvtoolnix: updated to 55.0.0

Version 55.0.0 "Waiting For Space"

Bug fixes

* all programs, only on Windows: fixed checking existence of & creating
  directories with UNC paths such as `\\server\share\folder\file.mkv`.
* all programs, only on Windows: implemented several workarounds for bugs in
  `std::filesystem` wrt. UNC paths. The effect of those bugs was that Blu-rays
  and DVDs couldn't be added from UNC paths.
* mkvmerge, only on Windows: fixed non-ASCII characters getting mangled in the
  destination file name when splitting is active.
* MKVToolNix GUI, only on Windows: fixed the GUI hanging when trying to browse
  for files on drives that don't actually exist.
* MKVToolNix GUI, only on Windows: the GUI did not remember UNC paths as the
  "most recently used source directory" properly.
* MKVToolNix GUI: only on Windows: when dragging & dropping files from other
  applications to MKVToolNix GUI the GUI will force the drop action to be a
  copy action, no matter which keys were pressed by the users. This prevents
  Windows Explorer from deleting the dragged file when the user presses shift
  while dropping the file onto MKVToolNix GUI.
* MKVToolNix GUI, only on Windows: when using the file dialog for selecting a
  file name to save to (e.g. when browsing for the destination file name in
  the multiplexer or saving an attachment in the header editor) non-ASCII
  characters in the default file name were mangled.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the user can now configure what to do when
  using the "Add source files" button independently of the setting for what
  happens when files are dragged & dropped onto the GUI. The same options are
  available, but they're distinct settings, allowing for different use
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving the track language from file names
  doesn't use one big regular expression of all enabled languages
  anymore. Instead, the file name is split into parts on a list of characters
  (such as `.` or `(` and `)`; configurable in the preferences). This prevents
  the regular expression becoming too big for the regular expression library
  to handle when many languages are enabled.
* MKVToolNix GUI: preferences: the language lists for "deriving track
  languages" and "enabling items by language" always included all \ 
the ISO
  639-3 languages, even if those weren't enabled in the "often-used \ 

Other changes

* mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI multiplexer: the functionality for changing the
  length of the NALU "size" field for AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265 tracks \ 
has been
  removed. The corresponding command-line option will continue to be
  recognized by mkvmerge as not to break existing third-party applications,
  but it won't actually do anything.

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