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CVS Commit History:

   2003-09-26 02:20:33 by Kimmo Suominen | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Works with more Python versions.
   2003-09-23 03:57:19 by Kimmo Suominen | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to tmda-0.84

See share/doc/tmda/UPGRADE for important notes, or view the notes from
before upgrading.  There are too many changes to list here.
   2003-07-17 23:50:07 by grant beattie | Files touched by this commit (1504)
Log message:
   2002-12-12 05:38:31 by Kimmo Suominen | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Upgrade to tmda-0.65:

What's new?

* New feature: A new header called ``X-Primary-Address'' is now
  supported in order to reduce the amount of thinking and planning
  ahead you need to do when sending mail to a new correspondent who
  may or may not use a challenge/response system like
  TMDA. Essentially, this header allows a sender to specify the
  address he prefers be whitelisted once he confirms his first

  For more information, see the following URLs:


* New feature. You can customize the header lines displayed by
  tmda-pending in interactive mode by setting SUMMARY_HEADERS. See
  <URL:> for more

* New version of Josh Huber's tmda.el.

* Bugfixes.

Here are the new additions to UPGRADE:

* If you are using customized templates, you should replace
  %(envelope_sender)s with %(confirm_append_address)s in your
  confirm_request.txt. This is to support the new

* When doing program deliveries to procmail, you should no longer be
  using the ``-f'' option. e.g,

  DELIVERY = "|/usr/bin/procmail -f $SENDER ~/.procmailrc-tmda"


  DELIVERY = "|/usr/bin/procmail ~/.procmailrc-tmda"

* contrib/sample.tmdarc has been renamed contrib/sample.config.
   2002-11-14 05:25:31 by Kimmo Suominen | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Upgrade to tmda-0.64:

* New feature. TEMPLATE_DIR_MATCH_SENDER provides a way to further
  specialize the template selection process. When enabled, TMDA looks
  for templates in a subdirectory of TEMPLATE_DIR that matches the
  sender address, and then increasingly general portions of the domain
  part of the address. For more information and an example, see

* tmda-pending now allows messages to be specified on standard input
  instead of the command line by using `-' instead of a message
  list. See ``tmda-pending -h'' for an example. Thanks to Michael
  S. Fischer for the patch.

Only accept Python 2.2, as the PLIST is incorrect for 2.1 (due to one
file failing to compile).
   2002-11-11 06:28:08 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to 0.63. From the changelog:

* Python version 2.1 or greater is now required.  Upgrade at

* When sending an auto response, a new configuration variable
  (AUTORESPONSE_INCLUDE_SENDER_COPY) is used to control whether a copy
  of the sender's message is included or not.  For available options,

  If you are using customized templates, you should remove the last
  few lines in each template which include the sender's copy.  For
  example, in confirm_request.txt:

  --- Enclosed is a copy of your message.


  Otherwise, you'll include two copies of the sender's message.

* When sending confirmation requests, Reply-To is now set from the
  confirm_request.txt template.  This is to allow the option to not
  include the confirmation address in a Reply-To header.

  If you use a customized confirm_request.txt, you'll need to add the
  following line to the top (header section) of your template:

  Reply-To: %(confirm_accept_address)s
   2002-09-22 01:47:03 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (61)
Log message:
Strip the ".buildlink" from the names of the python application and
extension Makefile fragments, because they really don't have anything to
do with the buildlink[12] frameworks.  Change all the Makefiles that use and to use
and instead.
   2002-09-01 01:08:41 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to 0.61. From the changelog:

* New -A option for tmda-ofmipd to allow authentication against
  checkpassword compatible programs such as checkpassword-pam

* New -C option for tmda-ofmipd to set a limit on the number of
  simultaneous connections.  Default is 20.

* tmda-ofmipd general bugfixes and security improvements.

* New config variable, `X_TMDA_IN_SUBJECT' which turns on parsing of
  the Subject header for X-TMDA override actions.  See description in for more information.

* New config variable, `ADDED_HEADERS_SERVER' which allows you to add
  arbitrary headers to all server-sent (i.e, tmda-filter) messages.

* Josh Huber's tmda.el, an elisp module for integrating TMDA with Gnus
  and Message mode, has been added to the contrib directory.  This is
  super-cool, Jason sez check it out!

* Major improvements to the filter file language, courtesy of Tim,

   - The addition of "macro" definition and expansion.
   - The addition of variable interpolation.
   - A new argument, `-optional', for all rules that access files.
   - Support for nested filter files with the 'include' statement.

   For more information on these new features, see the updated TMDA
   Filter Specification (

* Logging capability for client-side message (i.e, those sent with
  tmda-sendmail).  Set LOGFILE_OUTGOING in your config to enable this.

* New version of tmda.el.

* Fixed a bug which prevented the `from/to-mailman' filter sources
  from working.
   2002-07-23 22:05:48 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to 0.58.

Changes to the package itself:

- Change iterator variables to something other than "file" to
  placate pkglint.

>From the changelog:

* 'keyword' addresses now use an identifying string like 'dated' and
  'sender' addresses do.  'keyword' by default, and customizable via
  TAGS_KEYWORD.  This means you'll need to generate new addresses
  using `tmda-address', as your old ones will no longer work.

  If you want your old keyword addresses to be accepted until you can
  transition to the new format, you can add entries for them in your

  to ok
  to ok

* RECIPIENT_DELIMITER is no longer allowed to be part of the keyword
  in a keyword address.  `?' will be substituted for it when a new
  keyword address is created.

* The format for a confirmation request address is now:

  RECIPIENT-confirm-TIMESTAMP.PID.HMAC, instead of

  The new format is detailed in CRYPTO.  Because of this change, it's
  recommended that you run tmda-pending to make sure your queue is
  free of legitimate messages, since the old confirmation addresses
  will no longer work.

  If you are unable to do this and need temporary backward
  compatibility with the old format, there is a patch against 0.56
  available at:

* Confirmed messages are now reinjected to the original envelope
  recipient address (RECIPIENT) rather than to:

  See CRYPTO for more details.

* TMDA now sends outgoing mail by handing it off to an SMTP server
  instead of the /usr/sbin/sendmail program.  By default it will use
  the standard SMTP port (25) on the local host.  You can modify this
  by setting the "SMTPHOST" variable in your tmdarc.  See
  TMDA/ for further information.

* tmdarc variable SENDMAIL has been renamed SENDMAIL_PROGRAM, but is
  irrelevant unless OUTGOINGMAIL = "sendmail".

* tmdarc variable PURGED_HEADERS now lists "Bcc:" and \ 
"Resent-Bcc" by
  default.  If you define this variable in your tmdarc, be sure to add
  these two headers.

* CRYPT_KEY should be removed from ~/.tmdarc or ~/.tmda/config.  Your
  secret key is now read from CRYPT_KEY_FILE, which defaults to
  ~/.tmda/crypt_key.  To make this conversion, move your existing
  CRYPT_KEY to ~/.tmda/crypt_key, but without the double-quotes.  e.g,

  if CRYPT_KEY = "df7a18a8d95f02ff94bf6463a8ec214cf20cb9e8"

  ~/.tmda/crypt_key should contain:

* ~/.tmdarc and ~/.tmda/config are no longer checked for file
  permissions.  Instead, make sure ~/.tmda/crypt_key is chmod 400 or
  600 (or 640 if ALLOW_MODE_640 = 1).

* An exception is no longer be raised if ~/.tmdarc or ~/.tmda/config
  is missing.  However, a ~/.tmda/crypt_key file is required.

* tmda-keygen now outputs an unquoted key instead of a CRYPT_KEY line.

* Template variables dated_cookie_address and sender_cookie_address
  were replaced with dated_recipient_address and
  sender_recipient_address, which are based on the RECIPIENT address.
   2002-05-14 16:38:57 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 0.55. Changes:

* Tighter integration of the local delivery code.  An external LDA
  like procmail is now required only if you are running Sendmail.
  Further, if you are driving TMDA with procmail, you no longer need
  to maintain a second procmailrc (e.g, ~/.procmailrc-tmda) for final

* Improvements to the mailing list filter file sources.

* Bugfixes.

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