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CVS Commit History:

   2017-09-03 20:48:54 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Bugs fixed
* ``cython.view.array`` was missing ``.__len__()``.
* Extension types with a ``.pxd`` override for their ``__releasebuffer__`` slot
  (e.g. as provided by Cython for the Python ``array.array`` type) could leak
  a reference to the buffer owner on release, thus not freeing the memory.
* Auto-decoding failed in 0.26 for strings inside of C++ containers.
* Compile error when inheriting from C++ container types.
* Invalid C code in generators (declaration after code).
* Arithmetic operations on ``const`` integer variables could generate invalid code.
* Local variables with names of special Python methods failed to compile inside of
* Problem with indirect Emacs buffers in cython-mode.
* Extension types named ``result`` or ``PickleError`` generated invalid \ 
unpickling code.
* Bazel integration failed to compile ``.py`` files.
* Some include directories and dependencies were referenced with their absolute paths
  in the generated files despite lying within the project directory.
   2017-07-20 10:37:09 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:

Features added

* Pythran can be used as a backend for evaluating NumPy array expressions.

* cdef classes now support pickling by default when possible.
  This can be disabled with the ``auto_pickle`` directive.

* Speed up comparisons of strings if their hash value is available.

* Support pyximport from zip files.

* IPython magic now respects the ``__all__`` variable and ignores
  names with leading-underscore (like ``import *`` does).

* ``abs()`` is optimised for C complex numbers.

* The display of C lines in Cython tracebacks can now be enabled at runtime
  via ``import cython_runtime; cython_runtime.cline_in_traceback=True``.
  The default has been changed to False.

* The overhead of calling fused types generic functions was reduced.

* "cdef extern" include files are now also searched relative to the \ 
current file.

* Optional optimization for re-aquiring the GIL, controlled by the
  `fast_gil` directive.

Bugs fixed

* Item lookup/assignment with a unicode character as index that is typed
  (explicitly or implicitly) as ``Py_UCS4`` or ``Py_UNICODE`` used the
  integer value instead of the Unicode string value. Code that relied on
  the previous behaviour now triggers a warning that can be disabled by
  applying an explicit cast. (Github issue 1602)

* f-string processing was adapted to changes in PEP 498 and CPython 3.6.

* Invalid C code when decoding from UTF-16(LE/BE) byte strings.

* Unicode escapes in 'ur' raw-unicode strings were not resolved in Py2 code.

* File paths of code objects are now relative.

* Decorators of cdef class methods could be executed twice.

* Several warnings in the generated coder are now suppressed.

Other changes

* The ``unraisable_tracebacks`` option now defaults to ``True``.

* Coercion of C++ containers to Python is no longer automatic on attribute
  access (Github issue 1521).

* Access to Python attributes of cimported modules without the corresponding
  import is now a compile-time (rather than runtime) error.

* Do not use special dll linkage for "cdef public" functions.

* cdef/cpdef methods must match their declarations.  See Github Issue 1732.
  This is now a warning and will be an error in future releases.
   2017-01-25 17:09:06 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Changes 0.25.2:
Bugs fixed
* Fixes several issues with C++ template deduction.
* Fixes a issue with bound method type inference
* Fixes a bug with cascaded tuple assignment
* Fixed or silenced many Clang warnings.
* Fixes bug with powers of pure real complex numbers
   2016-08-28 17:48:37 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (112)
Log message:
Remove unnecessary PLIST_SUBST and FILES_SUBST that are now provided
by the infrastructure.

Mark a couple more packages as not ready for python-3.x.
   2016-08-15 02:07:28 by Leonardo Taccari | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Fix MASTER_SITES (no longer here, switch to MASTER_SITE_PYPI)

Thanks to Bernhard Riedel for noticing it!
   2016-04-13 20:13:49 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update py-cython to 0.24.

0.24 (2016-03-xx)

Features added

* PEP 498: Literal String Formatting (f-strings).
  Original patch by Jelle Zijlstra.

* PEP 515: Underscores as visual separators in number literals.

* Parser was adapted to some minor syntax changes in Py3.6, e.g.

* The embedded C code comments that show the original source code
  can be discarded with the new directive ``emit_code_comments=False``.

* Cpdef enums are now first-class iterable, callable types in Python.

* Ctuples can now be declared in pure Python code.

* Posix declarations for DLL loading and stdio extensions were added.
  Patch by Lars Buitinck.

* The Py2-only builtins ``unicode()``, ``xrange()``, ``reduce()`` and
  ``long`` are now also available in compile time ``DEF`` expressions
  when compiling with Py3.

* Exception type tests have slightly lower overhead.
  This fixes ticket 868.

* @property syntax fully supported in cdef classes, old syntax deprecated.

* C++ classes can now be declared with default template parameters.

Bugs fixed

* C++ exceptions raised by overloaded C++ operators were not always
  handled.  Patch by Ian Henriksen.

* C string literals were previously always stored as non-const global
  variables in the module.  They are now stored as global constants
  when possible, and otherwise as non-const C string literals in the
  generated code that uses them.  This improves compatibility with
  strict C compiler options and prevents non-const strings literals
  with the same content from being incorrectly merged.

* Compile time evaluated ``str`` expressions (``DEF``) now behave in a
  more useful way by turning into Unicode strings when compiling under
  Python 3.  This allows using them as intermediate values in expressions.
  Previously, they always evaluated to bytes objects.

* ``isinf()`` declarations in ``libc/math.pxd`` and ``numpy/math.pxd`` now
  reflect the actual tristate ``int`` return value instead of using ``bint``.

* Literal assignments to ctuples avoid Python tuple round-trips in some
  more corner cases.

* Iteration over ``dict(...).items()`` failed to get optimised when dict
  arguments included keyword arguments.

* cProfile now correctly profiles cpdef functions and methods.

0.23.5 (2016-03-26)

* Compile errors and warnings in integer type conversion code.  This fixes
  ticket 877.  Patches by Christian Neukirchen, Nikolaus Rath, Ian Henriksen.

* Reference leak when "*args" argument was reassigned in closures.

* Truth-testing Unicode strings could waste time and memory in Py3.3+.

* Return values of async functions could be ignored and replaced by ``None``.

* Compiler crash in CPython 3.6.

* Fix prange() to behave identically to range().  The end condition was
  miscalculated when the range was not exactly divisible by the step.

* Optimised ``all(genexpr)``/``any(genexpr)`` calls could warn about unused
  code.  This fixes ticket 876.
   2016-03-07 19:27:32 by Niclas Rosenvik | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add a in devel/py-cython to be used by packages that need cython as
a tool without suffix. Based on lang/python/
   2015-11-04 18:41:21 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (78)
Log message:
Remove duplicate SHA512 digests that crept in.
   2015-11-03 04:29:40 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1995)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category

Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2015-10-19 11:42:22 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 0.23.4:

0.23.4 (2015-10-10)

Bugs fixed

* Memory leak when calling Python functions in PyPy.

* Compilation problem with MSVC in C99-ish mode.

* Warning about unused values in a helper macro.

0.23.3 (2015-09-29)

Bugs fixed

* Invalid C code for some builtin methods.  This fixes ticket 856 again.

* Incorrect C code in helper functions for PyLong conversion and string
  decoding.  This fixes ticket 863, ticket 864 and ticket 865.
  Original patch by Nikolaus Rath.

* Large folded or inserted integer constants could use too small C
  integer types and thus trigger a value wrap-around.

Other changes

* The coroutine and generator types of Cython now also register directly
  with the ``Coroutine`` and ``Generator`` ABCs in the ``backports_abc``
  module if it can be imported.  This fixes ticket 870.

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