2003-06-02 03:21:53 by Jan Schaumann | Files touched by this commit (1131) |
Log message:
Use tech-pkg@ in favor of packages@ as MAINTAINER for orphaned packages.
Should anybody feel like they could be the maintainer for any of thewe packages,
please adjust.
2003-05-10 01:58:51 by Jason Beegan | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to
This version fixes some serious bugs in version 1.4.5 and includes the
following relevant changes:
* Fixed error in B-tree deletion routine which could cause groups to be
corrupted when objects are removed from them.
* Fixed error in file space freeing code which could cause metadata to
fail to be written to the file.
* Fixed error in library when configured with --enable-debug=all.
* Added a -force option to h5redeploy.
* When using gcc 3.x, we use -std=gnu99 instead of -ansi for compiling.
2003-05-06 19:43:16 by Julio Merino | Files touched by this commit (726) |
Log message:
Drop trailing whitespace. Ok'ed by wiz.
2003-04-30 01:05:24 by Jason Beegan | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Update to version 1.4.5.
* Allow scalar dataspaces to be used for parallel I/O. QAK - 2002/11/05
* Added environment variable "HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK", which disables
the version checking between the header files and the library linked
into an application if set to '1'. This should be used with caution,
mis-matched headers and library binaries can cause _serious_ problems.
QAK - 2002/10/15
* Partially fixed space allocation inefficiencies in the file by
improving our algorithms for re-using freed space. QAK - 2002/08/27
* API tracing has been improved. Nested API calls don't screw up the
output format; function call and return event times can be logged;
total time spent in each function can be logged. The following
HDF5_DEBUG environment variable words affect tracing:
trace -- turn on/off basic tracing
ttimes -- turn on tracing and report event times and
time spent in each API function.
ttop -- turn on tracing but display only top-level
API calls.
* Several missing fortran APIs have been added to the library:
h5get_libversion_f h5tget_member_index_f h5dget_storage_size_f
h5check_version_f h5tvlen_create_f h5dvlen_get_max_len_f
h5garbage_collect_f h5dwrite_vl_f
h5dont_atexit_f h5dread_vl_f
Functions h5dvlen_get_max_len_f, h5dwrite_vl_f, and h5dread_vl_f support
VL Length C APIs functionality for integer, real and string datatypes.
See HDF5 Reference Manual and HDF5 FORTRAN90 User's Notes for more
information and for the functions description.
* H5Fopen without the H5F_ACC_CREAT flag should not succeed in creating
a new file with the 'core' VFL driver. QAK - 2003/01/24
* Corrected metadata caching bug in parallel I/O which could cause hangs
when chunked datasets were accessed with independent transfer mode.
QAK - 2003/01/23
* Allow opening objects with unknown object header messages.
QAK - 2003/01/21
* Added improved error assertion for nil VL strings. It return error
stack instead of a simple assertion. SLU - 2002/12/16
* Fixed h5dump bug(cannot dump data and datatype) for VL string.
SLU - 2002/11/18
* Fixed error condition where "none" selections were not being handled
correctly in serial & parallel. QAK - 2002/10/29
* Fixed problem where optimized hyperslab routines were incorrectly
invoked for parallel I/O operations in collective mode. QAK - 2002/07/22
* Fixed metadata corruption problem which could occur when many objects
are created in a file during parallel I/O. QAK - 2002/07/19
* Fixed minor problem with configuration when users specified /usr/include
and /usr/lib for the --with-* options that some compilers can't
handle. BW - 2003/01/23
2002-10-28 17:32:02 by Matthias Drochner | Files touched by this commit (6) |  |
Log message:
update to 1.4.4
relevnt changes:
-Numerous performance changes were made to the HDF5 sequential and
parallel libraries
-Several corruption problems were fixed.
2002-10-10 11:49:56 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
buildlink1 -> buildlink2.
2002-10-09 20:19:02 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
2002-08-25 21:24:03 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (551) |
Log message:
Merge changes in packages from the buildlink2 branch that have
buildlink2.mk files back into the main trunk.
2002-05-03 22:52:59 by Jason Beegan | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
Add buildlink.mk for hdf5.
2002-05-03 22:51:34 by Jason Beegan | Files touched by this commit (6) |
Log message:
Update to version 1.4.3. Changes include:
* Changed internal error handling macros to reduce code size of library by
about 10%.
* API changes.
* Performance improvements
* ``h5cc'' script which helps compilation of HDF5 programs
* Bug fixes.