2014-08-30 13:19:52 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |
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Changes 4.55:
Some internal (non-API) routines to estimate the condition of
the basis matrix were added. These routines are mainly intended
to be used by the simplex-based solvers.
Two open modes "a" and "ab" were added to GLPK I/O routines.
Minor bug was fixed in the solver glpsol (command-line options
--btf, --cbg, and --cgr didn't work properly).
A serious bug was fixed in a basis factorization routine used
on the dense phase. (The bug might appear only if the number of
rows exceeded sqrt(2**31) ~= 46,340 and caused access violation
exception because of integer overflow.)
Two API routines glp_alloc and glp_realloc were documented.
Translation of the document "Modeling Language GNU MathProg"
to Spanish was included (in LaTeX and pdf formats).
2014-04-01 10:38:36 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (5) |  |
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Changes 4.54:
Block-triangular LU-factorization was implemented to be used
on computing an initial factorization of the basis matrix.
A new version of the Schur-complement-based factorization
module was included in the package. Now it can be used along
with plain as well as with block-triangular LU-factorization.
Currently the following flags can be used to specify the type
of the basis matrix factorization (glp_bfcp.type):
GLP_BF_LUF + GLP_BF_FT LUF, Forrest-Tomlin update (default)
GLP_BF_LUF + GLP_BF_BG LUF, Schur complement, Bartels-Golub
GLP_BF_LUF + GLP_BF_GR LUF, Schur complement, Givens rotation
GLP_BF_BTF + GLP_BF_BG BTF, Schur complement, Bartels-Golub
GLP_BF_BTF + GLP_BF_GR BTF, Schur complement, Givens rotation
In case of GLP_BF_FT the update is applied to matrix U, while
in cases of GLP_BF_BG and GLP_BF_GR the update is applied to
the Schur complement.
Corresponding new options --luf and --btf were added to glpsol.
For more details please see a new edition of the GLPK reference
manual included in the distribution.
A minor bug (in reporting the mip solution status) was fixed.
A call to "iodbc-config --cflags" was added in configure.ac
to correctly detect iodbc flags.
2014-02-14 10:25:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |
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Changes 4.53:
* The API routine glp_read_mps was changed to remove free rows.
* A bug was fixed in the API routine glp_read_lp.
* The zlib compression library used by some GLPK routines and
included in the package was downgraded from 1.2.7 to 1.2.5 (as
in GLPK 4.50) because of addressability bugs on some 64-bit
* A bug was fixed in a routine that reads gzipped files.
* Two API routines glp_get_it_cnt and glp_set_it_cnt were added.
* All obsolete GLPK API routines (prefixed with lpx) were removed
from the package.
* A set of routines that simulate the old GLPK API (as defined
in 4.48) were added; see examples/oldapi/api/lpx.c.
* A namespace bug was fixed in the SQL table drive module.
2013-07-31 09:02:35 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
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GLPK 4.52.1 (release date: Jul 28, 2013)
This is a bug-fix release.
A version information bug in Makefile.am was fixed. Thanks to
Sebastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org> for bug report.
GLPK 4.52 (release date: Jul 18, 2013)
The clique cut generator was essentially reimplemented, and now
it is able to process very large and/or dense conflict graphs.
A simple rounding heuristic was added to the MIP optimizer.
Some bugs were fixed in the proximity search heuristic routine.
Thanks to Giorgio Sartor <0gioker0@gmail.com>.
New command-line option '--proxy [nnn]' was added to glpsol to
enable using the proximity search heuristic.
A bug (incorrect processing of LI column indicator) was fixed
in the mps format reading routine. Thanks to Charles Brixko for
bug report.
2013-07-02 12:17:37 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 4.51:
Singleton and dense phases were implemented on computing
LU-factorization with Gaussian elimination. The singleton phase
is a feature that allows processing row and column singletons
on initial elimination steps more efficiently. The dense phase
is a feature used on final elimination steps when the active
submatrix becomes relatively dense. It significantly reduces
the time needed, especially if the active submatrix fits in CPU
cache, and improves numerical accuracy due to full pivoting.
The API routine glp_adv_basis that constructs advanced initial
LP basis was replaced by an improved version, which (unlike the
old version) takes into account numerical values of constraint
The proximity search heuristic for MIP was included in the GLPK
integer optimizer glp_intopt. On API level the heuristic can be
enabled by setting the parameter ps_heur in glp_iocp to GLP_ON.
This feature is also available in the solver glpsol through
command-line option '--proxy'.
A bug was fixed that caused numerical instability in the FPUMP
2013-05-29 22:08:08 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Changes 4.50:
A new version of LU-factorization routines were added.
Currently this version provides the same functionality as the
old one, however, the new version allows further improving.
Old routines for FHV-factorization used to update the basis
factorization were replaced by a new version conforming to the
new version of LU-factorization.
Some clarifications about using the name index routines were
Some typos were corrected in the MathProg language reference.
A serious bug (out-of-range indexing error) was *tentatively*
fixed in the routine glp_relax4. Unfortunatly, this bug is
inherited from the original Fortran version of the RELAX-IV
code (for details please see ChangeLog), and since the code is
very intricate, the bug is still under investigation.
2013-04-16 16:15:14 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
GLPK 4.49 (release date: Apr 16, 2013)
The new API routine glp_mincost_relax4, which is a driver to
relaxation method of Bertsekas and Tseng (RELAX-IV), was added
to the package. RELAX-IV is a code for solving minimum cost
flow problems. On large instances it is 100-1000 times faster
than the standard primal simplex method. Prof. Bertsekas, the
author of the original RELAX-IV Fortran code, kindly permitted
to include a C translation of his code in GLPK under GPLv3.
A bug (wrong dual feasibility test) was fixed in API routine
glp_warm_up. Thanks to David T. Price <dtprice@speakeasy.net>
for bug report.
Obsolete API routine lpx_check_kkt was replaced by new routine
IMPORTANT: All old API routines whose names begin with 'lpx_'
were removed from API level and NO MORE AVAILABLE.
2013-01-31 21:31:28 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Changes 4.48:
This is a maintainer release.
Some minor changes in API (glpk.h) were made. For details please see ChangeLog.
Some bugs/typos were fixed.
2012-09-12 01:04:36 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (180) |
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"user-destdir" is default these days
2012-03-16 01:20:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
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Set LICENSE. Quell a pkglint warning.