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CVS Commit History:

   2004-05-25 03:34:06 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
A package name in DEPENDS should be a shell glob pattern, not a regex.
   2004-03-05 14:03:48 by Dan McMahill | Files touched by this commit (31) | Package updated
Log message:
update to 20040111.

Release notes for the gEDA/gaf 20040111 snapshot

________________________________________________________________________________ \ 

   General / Summary

     * Lots  of  changes  in  most  areas.  This release contains the largest \ 
amount of changes in quite a while.
       Expect bugs, crashes, and general instability. If you tell me about them, \ 
I might be able to fix them.
     * Probably the biggest set of changes were the addition of multi-line text \ 
support. The bulk of the work was
       done  by  Carlos.  The  text add dialog box and the multi attribute \ 
add/change dialog box both support the
       adding  and  editing  of  multi  line  text  items,  however, I am going \ 
to change these dialog boxes in a
       subsequent  release  to be a little like the old behavior, but still \ 
support multi-line text support. Full
       multi-line text support requires that you use gtk+ 2.2.x.
     * Also  part  of  the  above  changes  was to get rid of some fixed sized \ 
buffers within libgeda and gschem.
       Hopefully  I  have  hashed  out  all  the  bugs  in these changes, but I \ 
wouldn't be surprised if I missed
       something. Please report all crashes. Thanks.
     * Changed  the  file  format  a little. Changed the way sch/sym files are \ 
versioned and added a field to the
       text  item  to  support  the  multi-line  text  feature addition. I \ 
recommend everybody run gsymupdate and
       gschupdate  (and  verify the resulting files!) to get rid of the log \ 
warning message. gEDA/gaf will always
       write the new file format for all saved schematic/symbols.
     * The  v  flag  (the  version  of  the  sym/sch file), in the past, was \ 
keyed off of a version date, such as
       20030901.  Starting  with 20040111, I am no longer using this date as the \ 
version of the sch/sym file, but
       rather I added a new field (number) which is the file format version. The \ 
new version line looks like:
        v 20040111 1
       This  is  nice that I don't have to update all the symbols, schematics, \ 
etc... to get rid of a log warning
       message. The current version of the file format is 1. All past files are \ 
versioned as 0. As an experiment,
       I  left  all the symbol files at v 20031231 1 and nobody should \ 
care/notice. I am planning more changes to
       the file format in subsequent releases and this version field will make \ 
changing it easier.
     * The  text object has an additional field which is the number of lines (N) \ 
the text item contains. The text
       item is then followed by N number of lines of text. Example:
        T 48400 59900 9 10 1 0 0 0 3
     * The component libraries:
        vhdl, verilog, new asic, and the new gnetman
       are  commented  OUT  in  the  system-commonrc  file.  I did this because \ 
there are significant symbol name
       clashes  between  these libraries. If you want to use one of these \ 
libraries, please place the appropriate
       (component-library  "...")  string  in  some  rc  file.  This  \ 
commenting out is temporary, till I fix the
       component name clashing bug (jitterbug#9).
     * The  component-library-search  keyword  in  the  system-commonrc file was \ 
commented out. If a directory is
       specified  for  the component-library-search keyword, then \ 
libgeda/gschem/gnetlist will automatically find
       any  directories  in  the  specified  directory  and add them to the \ 
component search path. By having this
       keyword in place, this would have undone the above commenting out.
       If  gschem/gnetlist  cannot  find your custom component libraries after \ 
upgrading to 20040111, then either
       comment  in  the component-library-search keyword back into the \ 
system-commonrc file or explicitly add the
       custom component libraries to an rc file. The latter action is prefered.
       This info was added on 02/08/2004.
     * Upgraded  all  packages  to use gettext (GNU gettext) 0.12.1. I don't \ 
think that anybody who downloads the
       source  tarballs  will  need  this particular version, but you will \ 
certainly need it if you build the CVS
     * Partially  applied  Carlos' UTF-8 patch for gtk+ 2.2.x. I couldn't test \ 
the complete patch, so I will keep
       working  on  this.  Moving libgeda to use UTF-8 internally is going to be \ 
a bit of work, but the sooner it
       happens, the better.
     * The  gEDA Suite setup program has been improved considerably. It now \ 
supports the download of the tarballs
       automatically  using  wget.  All  you need to get from the gEDA website \ 
is the toplevel Makefile and type:
       make  xinstall and the setup program will do the rest. See below in the \ 
build section for more information
       on using xinstall. Please report any problems with gEDA Suite setup so it \ 
can be further improved.
     * Much  more  documentation  that  gets  installed now (almost all of it). \ 
I included Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb
       tutorial  and  Russ  Dill's  tragesym  tutorial.  I  also  am  installing \ 
 all  READMEs, so please see the
       gedadocs.html  file  for  almost  all  available  documentation  on \ 
gEDA/gaf. You can access this file via
       Help/Manual... in gschem (make sure you have a web browser installed).


     * Shared library version number now at 20.
     * In 20030901, libgeda was accidentally being built without optimization. \ 
Fixed in this version.
     * Applied  Carlos  Nieves  Onega's  multi-line text patch. See below in the \ 
gschem for more info. This patch
       changed and fixed a lot of things in libgeda, so expect some instability.
     * Applied  a  few  more  patches by Carlos to perfect the multi-line text \ 
support in libgeda (mainly dealing
       with support for tabs in multi-line text items).
     * Added postscript output for mutli-line text items. This support is really \ 
new and not 100% perfect. Expect
       some  problems  here,  mainly  when you start rotating and changing the \ 
alignment of many line text items.
       Putting tabs into the text strings is not yet supported.
     * Fixed  a  really  nasty bug in o_attrib_get_name_value() which was caused \ 
by g_strsplit() not behaving the
       same  between  glib  1.2.x  and  glib  2.2.x. Be careful when using \ 
g_strsplit, especially if you use both
       versions of glib. Bug caught by Stuart.


     * Added the --with-stroke command line to specify where ./configure can \ 
find the libstroke files.
     * Changed the behavior of the print dialog box to close when the user \ 
presses the Print button.
     * Added  the ability to generate PNGs from the command line. Look at \ 
gschem/scripts/image.scm for the scheme
       script. Command line looks like: gschem -o test.png -s image.scm filename.sch
     * Added  a  schem  rc  keyword:  image-size which lets you set the size of \ 
the PNG image generated using the
       above guile script.
     * Applied  Carlos  Nieves  Onega's  multi-line  text  patch.  This  patch  \ 
adds  multi-line  text support to
       gschem/libgeda.  This  patch  made  some very deep changes to internals \ 
which haven't changed in years, so
       expect  some  instability.  Multi-line  text is properly supported only \ 
when using gtk+ 2.2.x. You will be
       able to load schematics and edit multi-line text (in a limited fashion) \ 
if you use gtk+ 1.2.x
     * Part  of  the  above  patch was the removal of a bunch of fixed sized \ 
buffers. Hopefully Carlos and I have
       fixed  all  issues  surrounding these changes, but expect some \ 
instability here as well as we work out the
     * Applied  a  patch  by  Carlos  to  highlight  the proper alignment value \ 
in the pull down menu in the Edit
       Text... dialog box.
     * Fixed the visual alignment of the menu items and hotkeys when using gtk+ \ 
     * Improved  the  appearance  of a few of the dialog box, by mainly adding \ 
whitespace. A few dialog box got a
       few more touch ups, but nothing too drastic.
     * Applied  a  patch  by  Carlos  to  add multi-line attribute editing to \ 
the multi attribute dialog box. The
       changes for this are not complete and will change in the next release.
     * Updated the pt_BR.po with Antonio's UTF-8 version.
     * Applied  Stuart's  multi-select  open  patch.  Now  you  can  select \ 
multiple schematics to open using the
       File/Open... dialog box. Hold down the shift or control key as you click \ 
on filenames.
     * Part  of  Carlos'  multi-line  text  patch  was  to  change  the  quick \ 
rendering of text from a line to a
       rectangle. Refined and refactored this code a little to properly display \ 
     * Fixed  a  long  standing  bug  in the File/Open... and File/Close... \ 
mechanisms when dealing with multiple
       windows. Bug identified by Karel Kulhav.
     * Fixed  a  long  standing  bug  in  the preview window (for schematics and \ 
components) where there would be
       garbage  data  in  the bottom of the window. The bug only manifested \ 
itself under very specific conditions
       and only when using gtk+ 1.2.x. I'm quite surprised nobody else \ 
complained about it (or rather recently).
     * Applied a patch by Carlos to support the new Spanish characters.
     * Fixed the invalid scrollbars on startup bug.
     * Updated  the  man  page a little bit. Added code to the build mechanism \ 
to generate an html version of the
       man page, which is installed into the documentation directory.
     * Bunch of other improvements and bug fixes.


     * Upgraded Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb gnetlist backend to the latest (1.4)
     * Applied all of Carlos' DRC2 patches.
     * Applied  all  of  Stuart's  spice-sdb  patches. The included spice-sdb \ 
backend should be Stuart's absolute
       latest version. A bunch of improvements to various parts of gnetlist were \ 
included in these patches.
     * Applied of Stuart's patch to the partlist backends.
     * Updated  the  man  page a little bit. Added code to the build mechanism \ 
to generate an html version of the
       man page, which is installed into the documentation directory.
     * Added  the  scheme  rc  keyword:  unnamed-netname  which  lets you \ 
control what the unnamed nets should be
     * Add  the  necessary  rules  to  the  Makefiles  to  install all the \ 
backend READMEs into the documentation
     * Applied  a patch by Christopher K Eveland to fix a condition where \ 
gschem2pcb was picking up a pin when it
       should  not.  If  somebody  could  test  gschem2pcb on an existing \ 
project and make sure it still works as
       expect, it would be greatly appreciated.
     * Added the Racal Redac format backend by W. Kazubski.
     * Added the new RF Cascade and futurenet2 backends by Dan McMahill.
     * Applied  a  bunch  of patches by Dan for doing net aliasing/renaming. \ 
These patches touched the C files as
       well as various backends.
     * Applied a few more patches by Dan to fix some m4 quoting issues with the \ 
PCB backends.
     * Bunch of other minor bug fixes.


     * No significant changes (lots of pending work though).
     * Updated  the  man  page a little bit. Added code to the build mechanism \ 
to generate an html version of the
       man page, which is installed into the documentation directory.


     * Werner Hoch has fixed a whole slew of symbols in various component \ 
libraries. Thanks Werner!
     * Added a whole bunch of contributed symbols from various people. Thanks.
     * Added a bunch of new Spanish characters by Carlos.
     * Removed vhdl, verilog, asic, and gnetman from the system-commonrc file.

   geda (gManager)

     * Piotr  Miarecki  added a bunch of features and fixed a few bugs in \ 
gManager. Give it a try and let him how
       gManager works for you. gManager is looking really nice.
     * Integrated Antonio's pt_BR translation. This should work now.
     * Added a strategic sleep to the mainloop of gManager to reduce the CPU load.


     * Updated Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb to version 1.4
     * Add  the  necessary  rules  to  the  Makefiles  to  install all the \ 
backend READMEs into the documentation
     * Integrated Stuart's garchive script.


     * Applied a whole bunch of patches from Dan McMahill to the symbol creation \ 
guide. These patches added/fixed
       information related to the footprint= attribute.
     * Started using hyperref.sty for all LaTeX generated documentation, which \ 
adds hyperlinks to the pdf files.
     * Added a bunch of converted txt -> tex documents. The conversions were \ 
done by Dan McMahill.
     * Added the Dan McMahill's documentation for the RF Cascade gnetlist backend.
     * Rewrote  the  toplevel gedadocs.html index file to link all the new \ 
documentation, readmes, man pages, and
       tutorials.  The  gedadocs.html  now  file  contains almost all existing \ 
documentation on gEDA/gaf that I'm
       aware of.
     * Added  a  couple  of  tutorials  that  people  have written. Namely Bill \ 
Wilson's gsch2pcb and Russ Dill's
       tragesym tutorials. Both of these tutorials are accessible from the \ 
gedadocs.html file.
     * Explicitly  stated  in  the  file  formats document that all the file \ 
formats associated with gEDA/gaf are
       covered by the GPL version 2.0.
     * Lots of improvements and fixes to various docs.


     * No significant changes.

   For more a detailed changes, please look in the appropriate ChangeLogs in the \ 
source tarballs.
   2004-02-23 14:47:26 by Dan McMahill | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
   2004-02-22 21:37:45 by Dan McMahill | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
move a couple of variables to a Makefile.common which are shared by the geda pkgs
   2004-01-15 09:07:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Fix dependency lines.
   2004-01-03 19:50:01 by Jeremy C. Reed | Files touched by this commit (505) | Package updated
Log message:
Bump package revisions for tiff update.
Tiff is backward compatible, but was broken on amd64 platform
so this makes sure new tiff is used.
   2003-12-13 01:45:27 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (160)
Log message:
Bump PKGREVISION for atk library major bump.
   2003-09-11 01:43:38 by Dan McMahill | Files touched by this commit (25) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to the gEDA/gaf 20030901 development snapshot

Release notes for the gEDA/gaf 20030901 development snapshot

   General / Summary

        * The biggest change in this release is the addition of gtk+ 2.2.x
          support.  Now you can build gEDA/gaf with either gtk+ 1.2.x or
          gtk+ 2.2.x.  Some programs like setup and geda still require
          gtk+ 1.2.x, but that will be fixed in a future release.
          The original gtk+ 2.2.x patch was by Ye Ma (Thanks!).

        * Added --with-gtk12 commandline flag to all ./configure scripts
          to force the use of gtk+ 1.2.x.  Just add this to the opt=
          variable in the toplevel Makefile to force all of gEDA/gaf to
          use gtk+ 1.2.x instead of gtk+ 2.2.x.  The default used gtk+
          library if both 1.2.x and 2.2.x are installed is gtk+ 2.2.x.

        * In order support above, pkg-config is now REQUIRED to successfully
          ./configure the packages.  pkg-config is also required if you
          are building/linking against gtk+ 1.2.x.   You can get pkg-config
          from either:
                or [2]

        * If you do not keep all of your packages installed in one
          place or if it is not in a standard location (like
          /usr/lib/pkgconfig), then you must tell pkg-config where
          to look by using the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
          I keep all of my *.pc files in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig,
          so my PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set like this:

          export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

        * Rewrote and simplified all the ./ files.  Here are
          the versions of the auto* tools I use:

                autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.54
                automake (GNU automake) 1.7.1
       (GNU libtool) 1.4.2
                aclocal (GNU automake) 1.7.1
                gettext (GNU gettext) 0.11.5

          If you use any other versions, good luck. :-)


        * Shared library version number now at 19.

        * Removed libgeda-config, replaced with libgeda.pc (pkg-config file).
          In order for gschem and the other libgeda programs to find this
          file during the ./configure stage, you must set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
          environment variable to something like this:

          export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/geda/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

          The settings for this variable is printed when you type 'make'
          in the upper most directory (toplevel) where you untarred all
          the source tarballs.

        * libgdgeda 2.0.15 is now required to build libgeda.

        * No significant code changes.


        * Applied Carlos Nieves Onega's multi attribute patch.  With this
          patch, the multi attribute add/edit dialog box behaves a lot
          more intelligently when adding or changing attributes.

        * Bunch of work to support both gtk+ 1.2.x and 2.2.x.

        * Rewrote the exit dialog box to look better under both 1.2.x
          and 2.2.x.  Quite a few of the dialog box look bad under
          1.2.x, but look absolutely dreadful under 2.2.x, so they
          will be recreated (and hopefully improved in the process)
          in future releases.


        * Applied Carlos Nieves Onega's commandline (-l filename) load
          scheme patch.  The scheme code is loaded and executed from the
          specified file before the backend is loaded.

        * Added the -m commandline flag which allows scheme code to be
          loaded from a file after the backend is loaded but before it is

        * Integrated Carlos Nieves Onega's DRC2 backend.

        * Applied Carlos Nieves Onega's warning cleanup patch.

        * The required work to get gnetlist to work with both gtk+ 1.2.x and

        * Added Bill Wilson's gnet-gsch2pcb backend.

        * Applied Stuart Brorson's latest changes to the spice-sdb
          netlister.  His changes included the -s command line flag
          (sort output netlist) and the gnetlist:get-calling-flags as
          well as improvements to the spice-sdb backend itself.


        * No significant changes other than the gtk+ 2.2.x support changes.


        * Werner Hoch updated a bunch of symbols in various directories
          including memory and 74.

        * Removed gesym-config.  The new ./ files do not use
          this file anymore.

        * Added a bunch of contributed symbols (not all though, some are
          still pending for various reasons).

        * The author= and email= attribute on five symbols have been
          merged into one (author=).

   geda (gManager)

        * No changes


        * No changes


        * Finally integrated Werner Hoch's tragesym 0.0.5 into the
          utils package.  tragesym is a symbol creator for gEDA/gaf written
          in python.

        * Applied patch by Holger Dietze to update gmk_sym to be current.

        * Integrated Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb package.
          gsch2pcb is conceptually based on the gschem2pcb shell script
          distributed with gnetlist, but additionally handles multiple
          schematics, handles element file footprints, and removes pc
          board elements corresponding to components deleted from the
          schematics.  It also forward annotates component value changes

        * The necessary changes to support gtk+ 2.2.x.

        * Integrated pads backannotation script by Dan McMahill.
          A perl program which implements backannotation from Pads
          PowerPCB board layouts to gschem schematics.


        * Documented the merge of author= and email= (suggestion by
          Werner Hoch)

        * Updated spice-sdb document with a the latest version from
          Stuart Brorson.

        * Added Dan McMahill's documentation for the pads_backannotate


        * No changes.

   For more a detailed ChangeLog please look in the appropriate source
   2003-07-17 23:50:07 by grant beattie | Files touched by this commit (1504)
Log message:
   2003-07-15 11:23:37 by Dan McMahill | Files touched by this commit (24) | Package updated
Log message:
Update to the 20030525 development snapshot

Release notes for the gEDA/gaf 20030525 development snapshot

   General / Summary

        * This release is mainly a packaging release.  Several
          contributed pieces were integrated into the gEDA/gaf
          release framework including:

                - Piotr Miarecki's geda (gManager)
                - Piotr's gEDA Suite setup.
                - geda-examples which is a tarball of various
                  examples of gEDA/gaf in action.

        * Two new backends were also incorporated (switcap and spice-sdb)

        * Improved the toplevel Makefile a little bit.  Now if you are
          building from a CVS checkout, you can: 1) set the PATH and
          LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables (as usual) and 2) type: make install
          and the Makefile will take care of running auto* as required.


        * Shared library version number still at 18 (unchanged).

        * No changes for libgeda.


        * Applied patch by Mario Klebsch for bug #43: "If gschemdoc is
          not install, gschem crashes".

        * Fixed a crash when you press the q key or any other "no-action"
          key.  This was changed behavior when using guile 1.6.3.

        * Added "reset-component-library" and \ 
"reset-source-library" rc
          keywords.  Now from either ~/.gEDA/gschemrc (or gnetlistrc)
          or a local gschemrc (or gnetlistrc) file, you can empty out
          all the default libraries and set your own.

        * Fixed the x_multimulti.nw build problem that some people ran into.

        * Updated the Brazilian translation (new file supplied by Antonio).


        * Applied a patch by Dan McMahill to get the PCBboard backend working
          with guile 1.6.3

        * Integrated Stuart Brorson's advanced spice backend (spice-sdb).
          Please see the howto in the docs directory (docs/spice-sdb/)
          for more info on this backend.  The only changes I made to
          Stuart's original code was to lowercase the name of the backend
          (from spice-SDB to spice-sdb).  Also check out his spice website
          at: [1]http.

        * Integrated Dan McMahill's switchcap backend.  Please see the
          gnetlist/docs/README.switcap for more info.  Also see the
          documentation in the docs package (docs/switcap) for even more

        * Applied a patch from Dan to the gnetlist.1 manpage.


        * No changes for gsymcheck.


        * Werner Hoch updated a bunch of symbols in the max symbol library
          along with adding a few new symbols.  Thanks!

        * Integrated a few new symbols for Stuart's spice backend.

        * Integrated a few new symbols for Dan's switcap backend.

        * Fixed 93Cx6-1.sym to include power information (patch by
          Holger Dietze). (Bug#65)

        * Applied Wojciech Kazubski's --with-docdir patch.  Now you can
          specify where the documentation is installed using --with-docdir
          at the ./configure stage.

        * Fixed 74/7408-2.sym and 74/7409-2.sym, these symbols were swapped.
          Pointed out by Mario Klebsch.

        * Integrated a bunch of symbols from various people (thanks)
          who used the website upload mechanism.  Btw, the website symbol
          upload is so much easier for me, so please continue using it.
          I think I have a few symbols I still need to finish integrating.

   geda (gManager)

        * From the README:

                "gEDA Suite Project Manager is a start point for
                 everything what you may want to do. It is used to
                 organize your files and easy running tools. It
                 simplifies your job."

          Even though it is called gManager or Project Manager, the
          built executable is called "geda".  Please play with it and
          let Piotr know of any suggestions or bugs.

        * This is the first release of this program inside the gEDA/gaf

        * Integrated this program into the toplevel Makefile (so that it gets
          built when you type make install etc...)

        * If you build using the toplevel Makefile from now on, you must
          have geda in the current directory.


        * This is Piotr's gEDA Suite Setup program.

        * This is the first release of this program inside of the gEDA/gaf
          framework.   Please send all bug reports to Piotr.

        * Here's how you use it:

           1) Download all the gaf files and the required libraries
              and put them all into one directory.
           2) Download guile-1.4.1.tar.gz and put it also into the
              above directory.
           3) Type: make xinstall
           4) Follow the GUI.

          Setup will build and install all of gEDA/gaf.  Eventually this
          will be extended to build/install the rest of gEDA and gEDA
          related programs.  Please let Piotr know of any suggestions or

          Make sure you have guile-1.4.1.tar.gz in the current directory
          along with all the gaf tarballs.

        * If you build using the toplevel Makefile from now on, you must
          have setup in the current directory.


        * Applied a patch by Charles Lepple to fix a build problem on OSX.

        * Applied Wojciech Kazubski's --with-docdir patch here as well.


        * Integrated documentation for Dan's and Stuart's new backends.

        * Applied Wojciech Kazubski's --with-docdir patch here as well.


        * This is the first release of the example package inside of
          the gEDA/gaf framework.

        * This package includes:

          - Stefan's gTAG : An example of hierarchical schematics using gaf.

          - Terry Porter's lightning_detector: An example of how to use
            gEDA/gaf with PCB.

          - Stuart Brorson's TwoStageAmp and RF_Amp : Examples of how
            to use spice-sdb for single page and hierarchical SPICE
            simulation using gEDA/gaf.

          If anybody else has some projects they would be willing to allow
          me to distribute, please let me know!  I'm always looking for
          examples of gEDA/gaf in real use.

        * The examples are not installed, but the toplevel Makefile expects
          the tarball to be untarred in the current directory.

   For more a detailed ChangeLog please look in the appropriate source

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