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CVS Commit History:

   2012-03-03 15:01:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (17)
Log message:
* Fix btree index corruption from insertions concurrent with vacuuming
* Recover from errors occurring during WAL replay of DROP TABLESPACE
* Fix transient zeroing of shared buffers during WAL replay
* Fix postmaster to attempt restart after a hot-standby crash
* Fix corner case in SSI transaction cleanup
* Update per-column permissions, not only per-table permissions, when changing
  table owner
* Fix handling of data-modifying WITH subplans in READ COMMITTED rechecking
* Fix for "could not find plan for CTE" failures
* Fix unsupported node type error caused by COLLATE in an INSERT expression
* Avoid crashing when we have problems deleting table files post-commit
* Fix recently-introduced memory leak in processing of inet/cidr
* Fix GIN cost estimation to handle column IN (...) index conditions
* Fix I/O-conversion-related memory leaks in plpgsql
* Teach pg_upgrade to handle renaming of plpython's shared library (affecting
  upgrades to 9.1)
   2011-12-07 17:00:41 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Changes 9.0.6:
* Fix bugs in information_schema.referential_constraints view
* Correct collations for citext columns and indexes
* Prevent possible crash when joining to a scalar function
* Prevent transitory data corruption of GIN indexes after a crash
* Prevent data corruption on TOAST columns when copying data
* Fix failures during hot standby startup
* Correct another "variable not found in subplan target list" bug
* Fix bug with sorting on aggregate expressions in windowing functions
* Multiple bug fixes for pg_upgrade
* Change Foreign Key creation order to better support self-referential keys
* Multiple bug fixes to CREATE EXTENSION
* Ensure that function return type and data returned from PL/perl agree
* Ensure that PL/perl strings are always UTF-8
* Assorted bug fixes for various Extensions
* Updates to the time zone database, particularly to CST6
   2011-09-27 13:04:42 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (11) | Package updated
Log message:
Changes 9.0.5:
* Fix catalog cache invalidation after a "VACUUM FULL" or \ 
  on a system catalog
* Fix incorrect order of operations during sinval reset processing,
  and ensure that TOAST OIDs are preserved in system catalogs
* Fix bugs in indexing of in-doubt HOT-updated tuples
* Fix multiple bugs in GiST index page split processing
* Fix possible buffer overrun in tsvector_concat()
* Fix crash in xml_recv when processing a "standalone" parameter
* Make pg_options_to_table return NULL for an option with no value
* Avoid possibly accessing off the end of memory in "ANALYZE" and in
  SJIS-2004 encoding conversion
* Protect pg_stat_reset_shared() against NULL input
* Fix possible failure when a recovery conflict deadlock is detected
  within a sub-transaction
* Avoid spurious conflicts while recycling btree index pages during
  hot standby
* Shut down WAL receiver if it's still running at end of recovery
* Fix race condition in relcache init file invalidation
* Fix memory leak at end of a GiST index scan
* Fix memory leak when encoding conversion has to be done on incoming
  command strings and "LISTEN" is active
* Fix incorrect memory accounting (leading to possible memory bloat)
  in tuplestores supporting holdable cursors and plpgsql's RETURN
  NEXT command
* Fix trigger WHEN conditions when both BEFORE and AFTER triggers exist
* more...
   2011-04-22 10:10:25 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (16) | Package updated
Log message:
Changes 9.0.4:
* fix build issues on HP-UX and Itanium
* update time zone files for recent time zone changes
* change SQLSTATE for Hot Standby warnings
* prevent bgwriter hang during recovery
* prevent recursive composite type creation
* disallow dropping tables whose triggers are still pending
* allow use of "replication" as a user name
* prevent a crash during GEQO planning
* improve join plans for tables with missing statistics
* fix error with SELECT FOR UPDATE in a subselect
* close PL/python array slice memory leak
* allow SSL connections for users with no home directory
* allow building PostgreSQL 9.0 with 64-bit MinGW
   2011-02-09 09:48:20 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (30)
Log message:
Changes 9.0.3:
* Before exiting walreceiver, ensure all the received WAL is fsync'd to disk
* Avoid excess fsync activity in walreceiver
* Make "ALTER TABLE" revalidate uniqueness and exclusion constraints \ 
when needed
* Fix EvalPlanQual for "UPDATE" of an inheritance tree in which the \ 
tables are
  not all alike
* Avoid failures when "EXPLAIN" tries to display a simple-form CASE \ 
* Fix assignment to an array slice that is before the existing range of
* Avoid unexpected conversion overflow in planner for very distant date values
* Fix PL/Python crash when an array contains null entries
* Remove ecpg's fixed length limit for constants defining an array dimension
* Fix erroneous parsing of tsquery values containing ... &
  !(subexpression) | ...
* Fix buffer overrun in "contrib/intarray"'s input function for the \ 
* Fix bug in "contrib/seg"'s GiST picksplit algorithm
   2010-12-24 13:20:51 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
   2010-12-19 10:53:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (34)
Log message:
Changes 9.0.2:
* Force the default wal_sync_method to be fdatasync on Linux
* Fix "too many KnownAssignedXids" error during Hot Standby replay
* Fix race condition in lock acquisition during Hot Standby
* Avoid unnecessary conflicts during Hot Standby
* Fix assorted bugs in WAL replay logic for GIN indexes
* Fix recovery from base backup when the starting checkpoint WAL
  record is not in the same WAL segment as its redo point
* Fix corner-case bug when streaming replication is enabled
  immediately after creating the master database cluster
* Fix persistent slowdown of autovacuum workers when multiple workers
  remain active for a long time
* Fix long-term memory leak in autovacuum launcher
* Avoid failure when trying to report an impending transaction
  wraparound condition from outside a transaction
* Add support for detecting register-stack overrun on IA64
* Add a check for stack overflow in copyObject()
* Fix detection of page splits in temporary GiST indexes
* Fix error checking during early connection processing
* Improve efficiency of window functions
* Avoid memory leakage while "ANALYZE"'ing complex index expressions
* Ensure an index that uses a whole-row Var still depends on its table
* Add missing support in "DROP OWNED BY" for removing foreign data
  wrapper/server privileges belonging to a user
* Do not "inline" a SQL function with multiple OUT parameters
* Fix crash when inline-ing a set-returning function whose argument
  list contains a reference to an inline-able user function
* Behave correctly if ORDER BY, LIMIT, FOR UPDATE, or WITH is
  attached to the VALUES part of INSERT ... VALUES
* Make the OFF keyword unreserved
  This prevents problems with using off as a variable name in
  PL/pgSQL. That worked before 9.0, but was now broken because
  PL/pgSQL now treats all core reserved words as reserved.
* Fix constant-folding of COALESCE() expressions
   2010-10-07 17:53:55 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Changes 9.0.1:
* Use a separate interpreter for each calling SQL userid in PL/Perl and PL/Tcl
* Improve pg_get_expr() security fix so that the function can still be used on
  the output of a sub-select
* Fix incorrect placement of placeholder evaluation
* Fix join removal's handling of placeholder expressions
* Fix possible duplicate scans of UNION ALL member relations
* Prevent infinite loop in ProcessIncomingNotify() after unlistening
* Prevent show_session_authorization() from crashing within autovacuum
* Re-allow input of Julian dates prior to 0001-01-01 AD
* Make psql recognize "DISCARD ALL" as a command that should not be \ 
encased in
  a transaction block in autocommit-off mode
* Update build infrastructure and documentation to reflect the source code
  repository's move from CVS to Git
   2010-10-03 09:55:59 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Need libxslt to build for xsltproc.
   2010-09-21 10:14:51 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Fix post-install

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