Log message:
Update to 1.1.1.
Changes since 1.1.0 (from git log):
issue #70: boolean flags may have true default
Merge pull request #69 from Tieske/master
general updates, mainly added CONTRIBUTING.md
Merge pull request #1 from mark-otaris/patch-1
Caught red handed, after a shameless copy :smile:. Thx for the fix
This is Penlight, not Busted
added - a shameless copy of busted - CONTRIBUTING.md file
renamed docs to doc, to fix luarocks warning
updated readme to md format
changed .txt to .md files
added rockspec, fixed typo in filename
Merge pull request #67 from Tieske/add_executeex
added utils.executeex, which also returns output of stdout and stderr
updated, using readfile now, remove obsolete os.remove commands
Merge pull request #66 from Tieske/fix_temp
windows environment variable TMP is deprecated, use TEMP
mode binary mode optional (binary would require platform specific line \
endings to be converted which is not very portable, and mostly just text will \
update: read files in binary mode
added utils.executeex, which also returns output of stdout and stderr
windows environment variable TMP is deprecated, use TEMP
HTML mode skips DOCTYPE; no globals harmed outside pl.utils
Merge pull request #64 from Tieske/fix_dir
fixed makepath creation, added/updated some documentation
fixed dirpath creation, added/updated some documentation
basic parser handles comments, and HTML mode is working nicely with \
real-world HTML
use LOM ordered attributes when stringifying if present (Danny).
manual merge of John Schember's readonly table support
Merge pull request #61 from user-none/isempty
Thanks, John!
Merge pull request #62 from CoolisTheName007/patch-2
Transform using values as keys.
missing locals
Set.issempty mispelling; default ctor borked; more tests
Transform using values as keys.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into empty
Add function to check if an object is empty.
Merge pull request #53 from pkazmier/master
Added iterators to allow traversing tables in a sorted manner
Merge pull request #60 from theypsilon/master
base class methods invocation possible not only in method constructor _init
Adding new class method 'base' which can be used for calling base class \
methods easily
pl.class broke with classes that redefined __newindex; OrderedMap can now \
use normal indexing to assign keys in order
Merge pull request #54 from CoolisTheName007/patch-1
Typo fixed, libarary->library
Typo fixed.
Added tablex.sort and tablex.sortv to iterate over sorted elements
There are times when it would be convenient to iterate over a table
either by sorted keys or values. There is an example of this in the
PIL book. I added the two functions to tablex module, added two test
cases, and updated the PL manual.
Merge pull request #51 from pkazmier/master
lapp.add_type was broken due to uninitialized table variable.
The variable `types` was not initialized preventing `add_type` from
appending custom types to the variable. I also added a new test to
cover this test case in the future.