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CVS Commit History:

   2017-03-20 14:20:22 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add following lines for make test
 BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Sub-Info-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Sub-Info
 BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Term-Table-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Term-Table
   2017-01-25 13:17:08 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated p5-Params-ValidationCompiler to 0.23.

0.23     2017-01-23

- Trying to create a validator for positional parameters where a required
  param came after one with a default did not throw an exception.

- A positional params validator with a slurpy type which had coercions did not
  return the coerced values. It returned the original values instead.
   2017-01-01 15:48:24 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated p5-Params-ValidationCompiler to 0.22.

0.22     2016-12-31

- Explicitly load the B module. Previously the code relied on this already
  being loaded by something else. Fixed by Tomasz Konojacki. PR #11.

- Removed the alpha warning from the docs.
   2016-12-12 10:45:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated p5-Params-ValidationCompiler to 0.21.

0.21     2016-12-06

- Switched to using GitHub issues.

0.20     2016-12-05

- The keys for parameter specifications are now validated. If an unknown key
  is seen then an exception will be thrown. This will help you catch typos in
  your parameter specification. Implemented by Greg Oschwald. PR #8.
   2016-11-28 14:52:39 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated p5-Params-ValidationCompiler to 0.19.

0.19     2016-11-21

- Non-inlinable Specio types caused a syntax error when used with positional

- Positional params with coercions and defaults did not work properly. The
  coerced value and the default would simply not be returned in any case.
   2016-11-16 11:23:55 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated p5-Params-ValidationCompiler to 0.18.

0.18     2016-11-13

- Using coercions with positional parameters could cause a "Modification of a
  read-only value attempted" exception when the generated code tried to assign
  to elements of @_. This is now fixed by making a copy if any of the types
  have a coercion.

- Using Moose types with coercions in a positional params check would cause
  invalid code to be generated. This could also happen with Type::Tiny if
  either the type or a coercion could not be inlined.
   2016-11-07 11:45:25 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated p5-Params-ValidationCompiler to 0.17.

Add missing test dependencies.

0.17     2016-11-04

- When using positional parameters, parameters with a default are now
  optional. For named parameters, this was already the case.

0.16     2016-11-03

- Moose and Specio types (and coercions) which provide variables to close over
  when being inlined did not always compile properly. Most notable, this was
  not being handled at all for Moose types, and not completely handled for
  Specio coercions.

0.15     2016-11-03

- Previously, using a default with a positional parameter would result in an
  error when compiling the validator subroutine. Defaults now work with
  positional parameters. Implemented by Greg Oschwald. Based on PR #5.

0.14     2016-11-02

- Added a "named_to_list" option to support returning only the parameter
  values from a named parameter validator rather than the key-value
  pairs. Implemented by Greg Oschwald. Based on PR #4.

- Errors from calls to validation_for() now use croak so as to show up at the
  call site, rather than in the internals
   2016-10-01 14:54:08 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add some missing DEPENDS.

Add some missing test dependencies, mostly commented out since not
yet packaged.
   2016-09-18 08:32:17 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Import p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.13 as devel/p5-Params-ValidationCompiler.

Create a customized, optimized, non-lobotomized, uncompromised, and
thoroughly specialized parameter checking subroutine.

(make test is NOT confirmed yet)

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