2023-05-22 13:39:04 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (56) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for libimagequant 4.x
2023-05-07 18:56:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for libimagequant downgrade
2023-05-07 14:25:54 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
*: bump for libimagequant change to static library
2023-04-01 16:30:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.5.0
9.5.0 (2023-04-01)
- Added ImageSourceData to TAGS_V2
- Clear PPM half token after use
- Removed absolute path to ldconfig
- Support custom comments and PLT markers when saving JPEG2000 images
- Load before getting size in __array_interface__
- Support creating BGR;15, BGR;16 and BGR;24 images, but drop support for BGR;32
- Consider transparency when applying APNG blend mask
- Round duration when saving animated WebP images
- Added reading of JPEG2000 comments
- Decrement reference count
- Allow libtiff_support_custom_tags to be missing
- Improved I;16N support
- Added QOI reading
- Added saving RGBA images as PDFs
- Do not raise an error if os.environ does not contain PATH
- Close OleFileIO instance when closing or exiting FPX or MIC
- Added __int__ to IFDRational for Python >= 3.11
- Added memoryview support to Dib.frombytes()
- Close file pointer copy in the libtiff encoder if still open
- Raise an error if ImageDraw co-ordinates are incorrectly ordered
- Added "corners" argument to ImageDraw rounded_rectangle()
- Added memoryview support to frombytes()
- Allow comments in FITS images
- Support saving PDF with different X and Y resolutions
- Fixed writing int as UNDEFINED tag
- Raise an error if EXIF data is too long when saving JPEG
- Handle more than one directory returned by pkg-config
- Do not retry past formats when loading all formats for the first time
- Do not retry specified formats if they failed when opening
- Do not unintentionally load TIFF format at first
- Stop reading when EPS line becomes too long
- Allow writing IFDRational to BYTE tag
- Raise ValueError for BoxBlur filter with negative radius
- Support arbitrary number of loaded modules on Windows
2023-01-29 22:18:34 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (2527) |
Log message:
*: Recursive revbup from graphics/freetype2
2023-01-03 18:38:37 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1416) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for tiff shlib major bump
2023-01-02 09:46:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.4.0
9.4.0 (2023-01-02)
- Fixed null pointer dereference crash with malformed font
- Return from ImagingFill early if image has a zero dimension
- Reversed deprecations for Image constants, except for duplicate Resampling \
- Improve exception traceback readability
- Do not attempt to read IFD1 if absent
- Fixed writing int as ASCII tag
- If available, use wl-paste or xclip for grabclipboard() on Linux
- Added signed option when saving JPEG2000 images
- Patch OpenJPEG to include ARM64 fix
- Added support for I;16 modes in putdata()
- Added conversion from RGBa to RGB
- Added DDS support for uncompressed L and LA images
- Added LightSource tag values to ExifTags
- Fixed PyAccess after changing ICO size
- Do not use EXIF from info when saving PNG images
- Fixed saving EXIF data to MPO
- Added Exif hide_offsets()
- Only compare to previous frame when checking for duplicate GIF frames while saving
- Always initialize all plugins in registered_extensions()
- Ignore non-opaque WebP background when saving as GIF
- Only set tile in ImageFile __setstate__
- When reading BLP, do not trust JPEG decoder to determine image is CMYK
- Added IFD enum to ExifTags
- Fixed bug combining GIF frame durations
- Support saving JPEG comments
- Added getxmp() to WebPImagePlugin
- Added "exact" option when saving WebP
- Use fractional coordinates when drawing text
- Fixed writing int as BYTE tag
- Added MP Format Version when saving MPO
- Added Interop to ExifTags
- CVE-2007-4559 patch when building on Windows
- Fix compiler warning: accessing 64 bytes in a region of size 48
- Use verbose flag for pip install
2022-10-31 11:26:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-Pillow: updated to 9.3.0
9.3.0 (2022-10-29)
- Limit SAMPLESPERPIXEL to avoid runtime DOS
- Initialize libtiff buffer when saving
- Inline fname2char to fix memory leak
- Fix memory leaks related to text features
- Use double quotes for version check on old CPython on Windows
- Remove backup implementation of Round for Windows platforms
- Fixed set_variation_by_name offset
- Fix malloc in _imagingft.c:font_setvaraxes
- Release Python GIL when converting images using matrix operations
- Added ExifTags enums
- Do not modify previous frame when calculating delta in PNG
- Added support for reading BMP images with RLE4 compression
- Decode JPEG compressed BLP1 data in original mode
- Added GPS TIFF tag info
- Added conversion between RGB/RGBA/RGBX and LAB
- Do not attempt normalization if mode is already normal
- Fixed seeking to an L frame in a GIF
- Consider all frames when selecting mode for PNG save_all
- Don't reassign crc on ChunkStream close
- Raise a warning if NumPy failed to raise an error during conversion
- Show all frames in ImageShow
- Allow FLI palette chunk to not be first
- If first GIF frame has transparency for RGB_ALWAYS loading strategy, use RGBA mode
- Round box position to integer when pasting embedded color
- Removed EXIF prefix when saving WebP
- Pad IM palette to 768 bytes when saving
- Added DDS BC6H reading
- Added support for opening WhiteIsZero 16-bit integer TIFF images
- Raise an error when allocating translucent color to RGB palette
- Added reading of TIFF child images
- Improved ImageOps palette handling
- Defer parsing of palette into colors
- Apply transparency to P images in ImageTk.PhotoImage
- Use rounding in ImageOps contain() and pad()
- Fixed GIF remapping to palette with duplicate entries
- Allow remap_palette() to return an image with less than 256 palette entries
- Corrected BMP and TGA palette size when saving
- Do not call load() before draft() in Image.thumbnail
- Copy palette when converting from P to PA
- Allow RGB and RGBA values for PA image putpixel
- Removed support for tkinter in PyPy before Python 3.6
- Do not use CCITTFaxDecode filter if libtiff is not available
- Fallback to not using mmap if buffer is not large enough
- Fixed writing bytes as ASCII tag
- Open 1 bit EPS in mode 1
- Removed support for tkinter before Python 1.5.2
- Allow default ImageDraw font to be set
- Save 1 mode PDF using CCITTFaxDecode filter
- Added support for RGBA PSD images
- Parse orientation from XMP tag contents
- Added support for reading ATI1/ATI2 (BC4/BC5) DDS images
- Do not clear GIF tile when checking number of frames
- Support saving multiple MPO frames
- Do not double quote Pillow version for setuptools >= 60
- Added ABGR BMP mask mode
- Fixed PSDraw rectangle
- Raise ValueError if PNG sRGB chunk is truncated
- Handle missing Python executable in ImageShow on macOS
2022-08-01 16:51:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
py-Pillow: improve zlib detection workaround
It started failing for me, I don't understand why - improve the existing
2022-07-15 01:46:28 by David A. Holland | Files touched by this commit (86) |
Log message:
Bump everything affected by the jpeg.buildlink3.mk fix.