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CVS Commit History:

   2020-07-10 09:32:28 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.18.97

api-change:ebs: Update ebs command to latest version
api-change:sns: Update sns command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:wafv2: Update wafv2 command to latest version
api-change:cloudhsmv2: Update cloudhsmv2 command to latest version
api-change:events: Update events command to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:amplify: Update amplify command to latest version
api-change:secretsmanager: Update secretsmanager command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version

api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:forecast: Update forecast command to latest version

api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:lakeformation: Update lakeformation command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:cloudfront: Update cloudfront command to latest version

api-change:iotsitewise: Update iotsitewise command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version

api-change:connect: Update connect command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:appsync: Update appsync command to latest version
api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:codeguru-reviewer: Update codeguru-reviewer command to latest version
api-change:comprehendmedical: Update comprehendmedical command to latest version
api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:codestar-connections: Update codestar-connections command to latest \ 
api-change:codeguruprofiler: Update codeguruprofiler command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version
api-change:dms: Update dms command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version

api-change:fsx: Update fsx command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:amplify: Update amplify command to latest version
api-change:honeycode: Update honeycode command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:backup: Update backup command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version

api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:mediatailor: Update mediatailor command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:sqs: Update sqs command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:support: Update support command to latest version
api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
enchancement:codeartifact: Backport login command to AWS CLI v1
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace command to latest version
api-change:sesv2: Update sesv2 command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:macie2: Update macie2 command to latest version
api-change:snowball: Update snowball command to latest version

api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:dataexchange: Update dataexchange command to latest version
api-change:qldb: Update qldb command to latest version
api-change:cloudfront: Update cloudfront command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:polly: Update polly command to latest version

api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version

api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version

api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:iot-data: Update iot-data command to latest version
api-change:lex-models: Update lex-models command to latest version
api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:macie2: Update macie2 command to latest version
api-change:compute-optimizer: Update compute-optimizer command to latest version
api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version
api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:lightsail: Update lightsail command to latest version
api-change:shield: Update shield command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:codeartifact: Update codeartifact command to latest version

api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version
bugfix:config file: Improve config parsing to handle values with square brackets.
   2020-06-09 10:57:56 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.18.75

api-change:servicediscovery: Update servicediscovery command to latest version
api-change:shield: Update shield command to latest version

api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version
api-change:elasticbeanstalk: Update elasticbeanstalk command to latest version
api-change:cloudfront: Update cloudfront command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:personalize-runtime: Update personalize-runtime command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker-runtime: Update sagemaker-runtime command to latest version
api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version

api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace command to latest version
api-change:lightsail: Update lightsail command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version

api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:fsx: Update fsx command to latest version
api-change:worklink: Update worklink command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version
api-change:athena: Update athena command to latest version

api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:marketplace-catalog: Update marketplace-catalog command to latest version
api-change:qldb-session: Update qldb-session command to latest version

api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
   2020-05-27 14:24:24 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.18.67

api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:macie: Update macie command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:iotsitewise: Update iotsitewise command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version

api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:synthetics: Update synthetics command to latest version

api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:backup: Update backup command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version

api-change:health: Update health command to latest version
bugfix:s3: Mute warnings for not restored glacier deep archive objects if \ 
--ignore-glacier-warnings option enabled. Fixes #4039
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version

api-change:qldb: Update qldb command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:macie2: Update macie2 command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version

api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:macie2: Update macie2 command to latest version

api-change:iotsitewise: Update iotsitewise command to latest version
api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version
   2020-05-12 09:46:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.18.57

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:codeguru-reviewer: Update codeguru-reviewer command to latest version
api-change:kendra: Update kendra command to latest version

api-change:resourcegroupstaggingapi: Update resourcegroupstaggingapi command to \ 
latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version
api-change:logs: Update logs command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:lightsail: Update lightsail command to latest version
api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version

api-change:codestar-connections: Update codestar-connections command to latest \ 
api-change:comprehendmedical: Update comprehendmedical command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:support: Update support command to latest version

api-change:s3control: Update s3control command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version

api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:schemas: Update schemas command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
   2020-04-30 08:51:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.18.49

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:servicediscovery: Update servicediscovery command to latest version
api-change:waf-regional: Update waf-regional command to latest version
api-change:iotsitewise: Update iotsitewise command to latest version
api-change:waf: Update waf command to latest version

api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version
api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:kinesisvideo: Update kinesisvideo command to latest version
api-change:kinesis-video-archived-media: Update kinesis-video-archived-media \ 
command to latest version

api-change:accessanalyzer: Update accessanalyzer command to latest version
bugfix:cloudformation: Fixed an issue with cloudformation package where virtual \ 
style S3 URLs were incorrectly validated for a stack resource's template URL.
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:dataexchange: Update dataexchange command to latest version
api-change:dms: Update dms command to latest version

api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:elastic-inference: Update elastic-inference command to latest version

api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:ram: Update ram command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:firehose: Update firehose command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version

api-change:fms: Update fms command to latest version
api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:codeguru-reviewer: Update codeguru-reviewer command to latest version

api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:route53domains: Update route53domains command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version

api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:synthetics: Update synthetics command to latest version

api-change:frauddetector: Update frauddetector command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version

api-change:snowball: Update snowball command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker-a2i-runtime: Update sagemaker-a2i-runtime command to latest \ 
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:mgh: Update mgh command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:mediatailor: Update mediatailor command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:codeguruprofiler: Update codeguruprofiler command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:migrationhub-config: Update migrationhub-config command to latest version

api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:codeguru-reviewer: Update codeguru-reviewer command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:elasticbeanstalk: Update elasticbeanstalk command to latest version

api-change:personalize-runtime: Update personalize-runtime command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version

api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version

api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version

api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version
api-change:elastic-inference: Update elastic-inference command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:detective: Update detective command to latest version
api-change:mediastore: Update mediastore command to latest version
api-change:wafv2: Update wafv2 command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:fms: Update fms command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version

api-change:accessanalyzer: Update accessanalyzer command to latest version

api-change:globalaccelerator: Update globalaccelerator command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:kendra: Update kendra command to latest version

api-change:fsx: Update fsx command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

enhancement:shorthand: The CLI now no longer allows a key to be spcified twice \ 
in a shorthand parameter. For example foo=bar,foo=baz would previously be \ 
accepted, with only baz being set, and foo=bar silently being ignored. Now an \ 
error will be raised pointing out the issue, and suggesting a fix.
api-change:application-insights: Update application-insights command to latest \ 
api-change:detective: Update detective command to latest version
api-change:managedblockchain: Update managedblockchain command to latest version
api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:xray: Update xray command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version

api-change:rds-data: Update rds-data command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:athena: Update athena command to latest version

api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version

api-change:outposts: Update outposts command to latest version
api-change:acm: Update acm command to latest version

api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version

api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:s3control: Update s3control command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version
api-change:lex-models: Update lex-models command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version

api-change:marketplacecommerceanalytics: Update marketplacecommerceanalytics \ 
command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:serverlessrepo: Update serverlessrepo command to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:dms: Update dms command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:signer: Update signer command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version

api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version

enhancement:PyYAML: Increased the uppber bound on the PyYAML dependency to 5.3.
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
api-change:comprehendmedical: Update comprehendmedical command to latest version

api-change:config: Update config command to latest version

api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:accessanalyzer: Update accessanalyzer command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:codeguruprofiler: Update codeguruprofiler command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker-a2i-runtime: Update sagemaker-a2i-runtime command to latest \ 
api-change:workdocs: Update workdocs command to latest version
api-change:config: Update config command to latest version

api-change:lightsail: Update lightsail command to latest version
api-change:globalaccelerator: Update globalaccelerator command to latest version

api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
bugfix:codecommit: Fix codecommit credential-helper input parsing to allow a \ 
trailing newline.
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version

api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:secretsmanager: Update secretsmanager command to latest version
api-change:stepfunctions: Update stepfunctions command to latest version
api-change:outposts: Update outposts command to latest version

api-change:events: Update events command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:fsx: Update fsx command to latest version
api-change:snowball: Update snowball command to latest version
api-change:docdb: Update docdb command to latest version

api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:wafv2: Update wafv2 command to latest version
api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version

api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version
api-change:savingsplans: Update savingsplans command to latest version

api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
   2020-02-19 10:34:56 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.18.2

api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:cloud9: Update cloud9 command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version

api-change:mediatailor: Update mediatailor command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:shield: Update shield command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
feature:retries: Add support for retry modes including standard and adaptive

api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version

api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:ds: Update ds command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version
api-change:neptune: Update neptune command to latest version

api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:docdb: Update docdb command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version

api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ebs: Update ebs command to latest version
api-change:lex-models: Update lex-models command to latest version
api-change:appsync: Update appsync command to latest version
api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:groundstation: Update groundstation command to latest version
api-change:resourcegroupstaggingapi: Update resourcegroupstaggingapi command to \ 
latest version
bugfix:ec2: Fixed a paramter validation bug for the ec2 bundle-instance \ 
parameter --storage.
api-change:forecastquery: Update forecastquery command to latest version

api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:cloudfront: Update cloudfront command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version

api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version

api-change:discovery: Update discovery command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:marketplacecommerceanalytics: Update marketplacecommerceanalytics \ 
command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version
api-change:application-insights: Update application-insights command to latest \ 
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:cloudhsmv2: Update cloudhsmv2 command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:neptune: Update neptune command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:ds: Update ds command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:backup: Update backup command to latest version
api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
feature:Python: Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.
api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
   2019-12-12 14:12:48 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.16.301


api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:kendra: Update kendra command to latest version

api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:kinesis-video-signaling: Update kinesis-video-signaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:kinesisvideo: Update kinesisvideo command to latest version
api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version

api-change:ebs: Update ebs command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:stepfunctions: Update stepfunctions command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version

api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:codeguruprofiler: Update codeguruprofiler command to latest version
api-change:textract: Update textract command to latest version
api-change:frauddetector: Update frauddetector command to latest version
api-change:outposts: Update outposts command to latest version
api-change:codeguru-reviewer: Update codeguru-reviewer command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker-a2i-runtime: Update sagemaker-a2i-runtime command to latest \ 
api-change:networkmanager: Update networkmanager command to latest version
api-change:s3control: Update s3control command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:compute-optimizer: Update compute-optimizer command to latest version
api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:kendra: Update kendra command to latest version

api-change:accessanalyzer: Update accessanalyzer command to latest version

api-change:license-manager: Update license-manager command to latest version
api-change:imagebuilder: Update imagebuilder command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:schemas: Update schemas command to latest version

api-change:resourcegroupstaggingapi: Update resourcegroupstaggingapi command to \ 
latest version
api-change:rds-data: Update rds-data command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:serverlessrepo: Update serverlessrepo command to latest version
api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:ds: Update ds command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:mediatailor: Update mediatailor command to latest version
api-change:elastic-inference: Update elastic-inference command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version

api-change:athena: Update athena command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:wafv2: Update wafv2 command to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: Update kinesisanalyticsv2 command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:sesv2: Update sesv2 command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:lex-runtime: Update lex-runtime command to latest version
api-change:greengrass: Update greengrass command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version
api-change:appconfig: Update appconfig command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:ram: Update ram command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:application-insights: Update application-insights command to latest \ 
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
api-change:iotsecuretunneling: Update iotsecuretunneling command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version

api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:sns: Update sns command to latest version
api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:forecast: Update forecast command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:acm: Update acm command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling-plans: Update autoscaling-plans command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version

api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:connectparticipant: Update connectparticipant command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:amplify: Update amplify command to latest version
api-change:config: Update config command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:lex-models: Update lex-models command to latest version
api-change:connect: Update connect command to latest version
api-change:appsync: Update appsync command to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace command to latest version
api-change:lex-runtime: Update lex-runtime command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version

api-change:fsx: Update fsx command to latest version
api-change:cloudtrail: Update cloudtrail command to latest version
api-change:firehose: Update firehose command to latest version
api-change:mediastore: Update mediastore command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:discovery: Update discovery command to latest version
api-change:mgh: Update mgh command to latest version
api-change:migrationhub-config: Update migrationhub-config command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version
api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version

api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version
api-change:config: Update config command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker-runtime: Update sagemaker-runtime command to latest version

api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:logs: Update logs command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version

api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:connect: Update connect command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace command to latest version

api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:dataexchange: Update dataexchange command to latest version
api-change:cloudsearch: Update cloudsearch command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:sesv2: Update sesv2 command to latest version

api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:marketplace-catalog: Update marketplace-catalog command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version

api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version

api-change:cognito-identity: Update cognito-identity command to latest version
api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:sso: Update sso command to latest version
api-change:sso-oidc: Update sso-oidc command to latest version

api-change:savingsplans: Update savingsplans command to latest version

api-change:budgets: Update budgets command to latest version
api-change:savingsplans: Update savingsplans command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version
api-change:signer: Update signer command to latest version

api-change:codestar-notifications: Update codestar-notifications command to \ 
latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:dax: Update dax command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:cloudtrail: Update cloudtrail command to latest version
api-change:dms: Update dms command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version

api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:amplify: Update amplify command to latest version
api-change:support: Update support command to latest version

api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version

api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version
api-change:cloud9: Update cloud9 command to latest version

api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version

api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version

enhancement:eks get-token: Refactor get-token implementation and add support for \ 
non-aws partitions and regions.
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
enhancement:sts: Add support for configuring the use of regional STS endpoints.

api-change:polly: Update polly command to latest version
api-change:connect: Update connect command to latest version

api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version

api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:marketplacecommerceanalytics: Update marketplacecommerceanalytics \ 
command to latest version

api-change:kinesis-video-archived-media: Update kinesis-video-archived-media \ 
command to latest version

api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version

api-change:greengrass: Update greengrass command to latest version

api-change:fms: Update fms command to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:lex-runtime: Update lex-runtime command to latest version

api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version

api-change:firehose: Update firehose command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version
api-change:events: Update events command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version

api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version
api-change:firehose: Update firehose command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:snowball: Update snowball command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage: Update mediapackage command to latest version
enhancment:colorama: Increased the upper bound on the colorama dependency to 0.4.2.
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:devicefarm: Update devicefarm command to latest version

api-change:lightsail: Update lightsail command to latest version

api-change:docdb: Update docdb command to latest version

api-change:mq: Update mq command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:waf: Update waf command to latest version

api-change:amplify: Update amplify command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:dms: Update dms command to latest version
api-change:globalaccelerator: Update globalaccelerator command to latest version

api-change:comprehendmedical: Update comprehendmedical command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version

api-change:rds-data: Update rds-data command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version

api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:greengrass: Update greengrass command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
enhancement:cloudtrail validate-logs: Add support for validating logs from \ 
organizational trails
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version

api-change:ram: Update ram command to latest version
api-change:waf-regional: Update waf-regional command to latest version
api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version

api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:athena: Update athena command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version

api-change:workmailmessageflow: Update workmailmessageflow command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:stepfunctions: Update stepfunctions command to latest version
api-change:ses: Update ses command to latest version
api-change:config: Update config command to latest version

api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version

api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:qldb: Update qldb command to latest version
api-change:qldb-session: Update qldb-session command to latest version
api-change:marketplacecommerceanalytics: Update marketplacecommerceanalytics \ 
command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:kinesisanalytics: Update kinesisanalytics command to latest version

api-change:config: Update config command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:stepfunctions: Update stepfunctions command to latest version

api-change:resourcegroupstaggingapi: Update resourcegroupstaggingapi command to \ 
latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift command to latest version

api-change:mq: Update mq command to latest version
api-change:apigatewaymanagementapi: Update apigatewaymanagementapi command to \ 
latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:sqs: Update sqs command to latest version
api-change:globalaccelerator: Update globalaccelerator command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version

api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
   2019-08-23 11:54:14 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.16.224

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version

api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:forecastquery: Update forecastquery command to latest version
api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:sqs: Update sqs command to latest version
api-change:personalize-runtime: Update personalize-runtime command to latest version
api-change:forecast: Update forecast command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version

api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version

api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:cur: Update cur command to latest version

api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:athena: Update athena command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:appsync: Update appsync command to latest version

api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
enhancement:Shorthand: Support colon char in shorthand syntax key names
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version
api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition command to latest version
api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling command to \ 
latest version

api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:lex-runtime: Update lex-runtime command to latest version
api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version

api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version
api-change:lakeformation: Update lakeformation command to latest version

api-change:application-insights: Update application-insights command to latest \ 
bugfix:MSI: Fix race condition when running S3 commands on windows

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version

api-change:iot: Update iot command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version

api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version
enhancement:Credentials: Add support for a credential provider that handles \ 
resolving credentials via STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity

api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:polly: Update polly command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version

api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:greengrass: Update greengrass command to latest version
api-change:logs: Update logs command to latest version
api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version
api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:ecr: Update ecr command to latest version

api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version

api-change:secretsmanager: Update secretsmanager command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version

api-change:shield: Update shield command to latest version
api-change:mq: Update mq command to latest version

bugfix:Dependency: Fixed dependency issue with broken docutils aws/aws-cli

api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version
api-change:sqs: Update sqs command to latest version

api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version

api-change:dms: Update dms command to latest version
api-change:config: Update config command to latest version
api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling command to latest version

api-change:es: Update es command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version

api-change:events: Update events command to latest version

api-change:quicksight: Update quicksight command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:glacier: Update glacier command to latest version

api-change:amplify: Update amplify command to latest version
api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift command to latest version
api-change:config: Update config command to latest version
api-change:waf: Update waf command to latest version
api-change:waf-regional: Update waf-regional command to latest version
api-change:kinesis-video-archived-media: Update kinesis-video-archived-media \ 
command to latest version
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
api-change:kinesisvideo: Update kinesisvideo command to latest version
api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version

api-change:ce: Update ce command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:swf: Update swf command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:mediastore: Update mediastore command to latest version
api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version

api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:docdb: Update docdb command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version

api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version
api-change:ec2-instance-connect: Update ec2-instance-connect command to latest \ 

api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version

api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version

api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:apigatewayv2: Update apigatewayv2 command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:application-insights: Update application-insights command to latest \ 
api-change:fsx: Update fsx command to latest version
api-change:service-quotas: Update service-quotas command to latest version
api-change:resourcegroupstaggingapi: Update resourcegroupstaggingapi command to \ 
latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

api-change:mediapackage: Update mediapackage command to latest version
api-change:devicefarm: Update devicefarm command to latest version
api-change:kinesis-video-media: Update kinesis-video-media command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:opsworks: Update opsworks command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:acm-pca: Update acm-pca command to latest version
api-change:health: Update health command to latest version
api-change:iotevents-data: Update iotevents-data command to latest version

api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:resourcegroupstaggingapi: Update resourcegroupstaggingapi command to \ 
latest version

api-change:neptune: Update neptune command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version

api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version
api-change:cloudfront: Update cloudfront command to latest version
api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
   2019-06-14 07:49:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.16.178

api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version

api-change:personalize-runtime: Update personalize-runtime command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:personalize-events: Update personalize-events command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:logs: Update logs command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:ses: Update ses command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version

api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:iotevents-data: Update iotevents-data command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:rds-data: Update rds-data command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version

api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:iotthingsgraph: Update iotthingsgraph command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:groundstation: Update groundstation command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:waf: Update waf command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version

api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy command to latest version
api-change:mediastore-data: Update mediastore-data command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:waf-regional: Update waf-regional command to latest version

api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:budgets: Update budgets command to latest version
api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version
api-change:devicefarm: Update devicefarm command to latest version
api-change:worklink: Update worklink command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version

api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace command to latest version

api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage: Update mediapackage command to latest version

api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalytics: Update kinesisanalytics command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: Update kinesisanalyticsv2 command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:appsync: Update appsync command to latest version
   2019-05-07 10:46:54 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.16.153

api-change:config: Update config command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version

api-change:xray: Update xray command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:neptune: Update neptune command to latest version
api-change:managedblockchain: Update managedblockchain command to latest version
api-change:s3control: Update s3control command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version

api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:sns: Update sns command to latest version

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift command to latest version
api-change:inspector: Update inspector command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:textract: Update textract command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
bugfix:Cloudformation: Support non-AWS partition regions in CloudFormation \ 
deploy and package.
api-change:mediatailor: Update mediatailor command to latest version
api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:resource-groups: Update resource-groups command to latest version

api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:worklink: Update worklink command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:discovery: Update discovery command to latest version

api-change:polly: Update polly command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:mq: Update mq command to latest version
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:iot1click-devices: Update iot1click-devices command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version

api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version

api-change:acm: Update acm command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version

api-change:greengrass: Update greengrass command to latest version
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version

api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version

api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:iot1click-devices: Update iot1click-devices command to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version
api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:fms: Update fms command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:iot1click-projects: Update iot1click-projects command to latest version

Next | Query returned 67 messages, browsing 31 to 40 | Previous