Log message:
Update linkage to libltdl (via guile{,14}), which is now its own package.
Unfortunately, guile{,14}/buildlink3.mk directly includes it, and I don't
know which dependencies actually need libltdl, so it was a recursive bump.
Hopefully this recursive inclusion can be ripped out of
guile{,14}/buildlink3.mk at some point and bubble down to dependencies that
actually use libltdl, avoiding this headache in the future....
Log message:
update to 20040111.
Release notes for the gEDA/gaf 20040111 snapshot
________________________________________________________________________________ \
General / Summary
* Lots of changes in most areas. This release contains the largest \
amount of changes in quite a while.
Expect bugs, crashes, and general instability. If you tell me about them, \
I might be able to fix them.
* Probably the biggest set of changes were the addition of multi-line text \
support. The bulk of the work was
done by Carlos. The text add dialog box and the multi attribute \
add/change dialog box both support the
adding and editing of multi line text items, however, I am going \
to change these dialog boxes in a
subsequent release to be a little like the old behavior, but still \
support multi-line text support. Full
multi-line text support requires that you use gtk+ 2.2.x.
* Also part of the above changes was to get rid of some fixed sized \
buffers within libgeda and gschem.
Hopefully I have hashed out all the bugs in these changes, but I \
wouldn't be surprised if I missed
something. Please report all crashes. Thanks.
* Changed the file format a little. Changed the way sch/sym files are \
versioned and added a field to the
text item to support the multi-line text feature addition. I \
recommend everybody run gsymupdate and
gschupdate (and verify the resulting files!) to get rid of the log \
warning message. gEDA/gaf will always
write the new file format for all saved schematic/symbols.
* The v flag (the version of the sym/sch file), in the past, was \
keyed off of a version date, such as
20030901. Starting with 20040111, I am no longer using this date as the \
version of the sch/sym file, but
rather I added a new field (number) which is the file format version. The \
new version line looks like:
v 20040111 1
This is nice that I don't have to update all the symbols, schematics, \
etc... to get rid of a log warning
message. The current version of the file format is 1. All past files are \
versioned as 0. As an experiment,
I left all the symbol files at v 20031231 1 and nobody should \
care/notice. I am planning more changes to
the file format in subsequent releases and this version field will make \
changing it easier.
* The text object has an additional field which is the number of lines (N) \
the text item contains. The text
item is then followed by N number of lines of text. Example:
T 48400 59900 9 10 1 0 0 0 3
* The component libraries:
vhdl, verilog, new asic, and the new gnetman
are commented OUT in the system-commonrc file. I did this because \
there are significant symbol name
clashes between these libraries. If you want to use one of these \
libraries, please place the appropriate
(component-library "...") string in some rc file. This \
commenting out is temporary, till I fix the
component name clashing bug (jitterbug#9).
* The component-library-search keyword in the system-commonrc file was \
commented out. If a directory is
specified for the component-library-search keyword, then \
libgeda/gschem/gnetlist will automatically find
any directories in the specified directory and add them to the \
component search path. By having this
keyword in place, this would have undone the above commenting out.
If gschem/gnetlist cannot find your custom component libraries after \
upgrading to 20040111, then either
comment in the component-library-search keyword back into the \
system-commonrc file or explicitly add the
custom component libraries to an rc file. The latter action is prefered.
This info was added on 02/08/2004.
* Upgraded all packages to use gettext (GNU gettext) 0.12.1. I don't \
think that anybody who downloads the
source tarballs will need this particular version, but you will \
certainly need it if you build the CVS
* Partially applied Carlos' UTF-8 patch for gtk+ 2.2.x. I couldn't test \
the complete patch, so I will keep
working on this. Moving libgeda to use UTF-8 internally is going to be \
a bit of work, but the sooner it
happens, the better.
* The gEDA Suite setup program has been improved considerably. It now \
supports the download of the tarballs
automatically using wget. All you need to get from the gEDA website \
is the toplevel Makefile and type:
make xinstall and the setup program will do the rest. See below in the \
build section for more information
on using xinstall. Please report any problems with gEDA Suite setup so it \
can be further improved.
* Much more documentation that gets installed now (almost all of it). \
I included Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb
tutorial and Russ Dill's tragesym tutorial. I also am installing \
all READMEs, so please see the
gedadocs.html file for almost all available documentation on \
gEDA/gaf. You can access this file via
Help/Manual... in gschem (make sure you have a web browser installed).
* Shared library version number now at 20.
* In 20030901, libgeda was accidentally being built without optimization. \
Fixed in this version.
* Applied Carlos Nieves Onega's multi-line text patch. See below in the \
gschem for more info. This patch
changed and fixed a lot of things in libgeda, so expect some instability.
* Applied a few more patches by Carlos to perfect the multi-line text \
support in libgeda (mainly dealing
with support for tabs in multi-line text items).
* Added postscript output for mutli-line text items. This support is really \
new and not 100% perfect. Expect
some problems here, mainly when you start rotating and changing the \
alignment of many line text items.
Putting tabs into the text strings is not yet supported.
* Fixed a really nasty bug in o_attrib_get_name_value() which was caused \
by g_strsplit() not behaving the
same between glib 1.2.x and glib 2.2.x. Be careful when using \
g_strsplit, especially if you use both
versions of glib. Bug caught by Stuart.
* Added the --with-stroke command line to specify where ./configure can \
find the libstroke files.
* Changed the behavior of the print dialog box to close when the user \
presses the Print button.
* Added the ability to generate PNGs from the command line. Look at \
gschem/scripts/image.scm for the scheme
script. Command line looks like: gschem -o test.png -s image.scm filename.sch
* Added a schem rc keyword: image-size which lets you set the size of \
the PNG image generated using the
above guile script.
* Applied Carlos Nieves Onega's multi-line text patch. This patch \
adds multi-line text support to
gschem/libgeda. This patch made some very deep changes to internals \
which haven't changed in years, so
expect some instability. Multi-line text is properly supported only \
when using gtk+ 2.2.x. You will be
able to load schematics and edit multi-line text (in a limited fashion) \
if you use gtk+ 1.2.x
* Part of the above patch was the removal of a bunch of fixed sized \
buffers. Hopefully Carlos and I have
fixed all issues surrounding these changes, but expect some \
instability here as well as we work out the
* Applied a patch by Carlos to highlight the proper alignment value \
in the pull down menu in the Edit
Text... dialog box.
* Fixed the visual alignment of the menu items and hotkeys when using gtk+ \
* Improved the appearance of a few of the dialog box, by mainly adding \
whitespace. A few dialog box got a
few more touch ups, but nothing too drastic.
* Applied a patch by Carlos to add multi-line attribute editing to \
the multi attribute dialog box. The
changes for this are not complete and will change in the next release.
* Updated the pt_BR.po with Antonio's UTF-8 version.
* Applied Stuart's multi-select open patch. Now you can select \
multiple schematics to open using the
File/Open... dialog box. Hold down the shift or control key as you click \
on filenames.
* Part of Carlos' multi-line text patch was to change the quick \
rendering of text from a line to a
rectangle. Refined and refactored this code a little to properly display \
* Fixed a long standing bug in the File/Open... and File/Close... \
mechanisms when dealing with multiple
windows. Bug identified by Karel Kulhav.
* Fixed a long standing bug in the preview window (for schematics and \
components) where there would be
garbage data in the bottom of the window. The bug only manifested \
itself under very specific conditions
and only when using gtk+ 1.2.x. I'm quite surprised nobody else \
complained about it (or rather recently).
* Applied a patch by Carlos to support the new Spanish characters.
* Fixed the invalid scrollbars on startup bug.
* Updated the man page a little bit. Added code to the build mechanism \
to generate an html version of the
man page, which is installed into the documentation directory.
* Bunch of other improvements and bug fixes.
* Upgraded Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb gnetlist backend to the latest (1.4)
* Applied all of Carlos' DRC2 patches.
* Applied all of Stuart's spice-sdb patches. The included spice-sdb \
backend should be Stuart's absolute
latest version. A bunch of improvements to various parts of gnetlist were \
included in these patches.
* Applied of Stuart's patch to the partlist backends.
* Updated the man page a little bit. Added code to the build mechanism \
to generate an html version of the
man page, which is installed into the documentation directory.
* Added the scheme rc keyword: unnamed-netname which lets you \
control what the unnamed nets should be
* Add the necessary rules to the Makefiles to install all the \
backend READMEs into the documentation
* Applied a patch by Christopher K Eveland to fix a condition where \
gschem2pcb was picking up a pin when it
should not. If somebody could test gschem2pcb on an existing \
project and make sure it still works as
expect, it would be greatly appreciated.
* Added the Racal Redac format backend by W. Kazubski.
* Added the new RF Cascade and futurenet2 backends by Dan McMahill.
* Applied a bunch of patches by Dan for doing net aliasing/renaming. \
These patches touched the C files as
well as various backends.
* Applied a few more patches by Dan to fix some m4 quoting issues with the \
PCB backends.
* Bunch of other minor bug fixes.
* No significant changes (lots of pending work though).
* Updated the man page a little bit. Added code to the build mechanism \
to generate an html version of the
man page, which is installed into the documentation directory.
* Werner Hoch has fixed a whole slew of symbols in various component \
libraries. Thanks Werner!
* Added a whole bunch of contributed symbols from various people. Thanks.
* Added a bunch of new Spanish characters by Carlos.
* Removed vhdl, verilog, asic, and gnetman from the system-commonrc file.
geda (gManager)
* Piotr Miarecki added a bunch of features and fixed a few bugs in \
gManager. Give it a try and let him how
gManager works for you. gManager is looking really nice.
* Integrated Antonio's pt_BR translation. This should work now.
* Added a strategic sleep to the mainloop of gManager to reduce the CPU load.
* Updated Bill Wilson's gsch2pcb to version 1.4
* Add the necessary rules to the Makefiles to install all the \
backend READMEs into the documentation
* Integrated Stuart's garchive script.
* Applied a whole bunch of patches from Dan McMahill to the symbol creation \
guide. These patches added/fixed
information related to the footprint= attribute.
* Started using hyperref.sty for all LaTeX generated documentation, which \
adds hyperlinks to the pdf files.
* Added a bunch of converted txt -> tex documents. The conversions were \
done by Dan McMahill.
* Added the Dan McMahill's documentation for the RF Cascade gnetlist backend.
* Rewrote the toplevel gedadocs.html index file to link all the new \
documentation, readmes, man pages, and
tutorials. The gedadocs.html now file contains almost all existing \
documentation on gEDA/gaf that I'm
aware of.
* Added a couple of tutorials that people have written. Namely Bill \
Wilson's gsch2pcb and Russ Dill's
tragesym tutorials. Both of these tutorials are accessible from the \
gedadocs.html file.
* Explicitly stated in the file formats document that all the file \
formats associated with gEDA/gaf are
covered by the GPL version 2.0.
* Lots of improvements and fixes to various docs.
* No significant changes.
For more a detailed changes, please look in the appropriate ChangeLogs in the \
source tarballs.