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CVS Commit History:

   2016-06-20 16:01:53 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Updated package to latest version, 2.8. Changes include:

 * Features/Changes
 ** Compiler: allow dynlink of precompiled javascript file
 ** Compiler: Improve tailcall optimization
 ** Compiler: Improve pretty mode
 ** Compiler: More inlining and static evaluation
 ** Compiler: Better source map support, to leverage resolve_variable_names
   in chrome DevTools
 ** Compiler: preserve as much as possible the initial OCaml variable names
 ** Lib: synchronize with tyxml 4.0.0
 ** Lib: convert string/bigstring to/from typed_array
 ** Lib: add Tyxml_js.Register API.
 ** Lib: Support for Core_kernel and Async_kernel (32bit only).
 ** Lib: Mutation observer.
 ** Runtime: bigstring, caml_int32_bits_of_float, ..
 ** Runtime: better nodejs integration

 * Misc
 ** Support for OCaml 4.03
 ** Toplevel with ppx syntax

 * Bug fixes
 ** Compiler: Fix float printing
 ** Compiler: fix separate compilation
   2016-06-20 16:01:42 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Updated package to latest version, 2.8. Changes include:

 * Features/Changes
 ** Compiler: allow dynlink of precompiled javascript file
 ** Compiler: Improve tailcall optimization
 ** Compiler: Improve pretty mode
 ** Compiler: More inlining and static evaluation
 ** Compiler: Better source map support, to leverage resolve_variable_names
   in chrome DevTools
 ** Compiler: preserve as much as possible the initial OCaml variable names
 ** Lib: synchronize with tyxml 4.0.0
 ** Lib: convert string/bigstring to/from typed_array
 ** Lib: add Tyxml_js.Register API.
 ** Lib: Support for Core_kernel and Async_kernel (32bit only).
 ** Lib: Mutation observer.
 ** Runtime: bigstring, caml_int32_bits_of_float, ..
 ** Runtime: better nodejs integration

 * Misc
 ** Support for OCaml 4.03
 ** Toplevel with ppx syntax

 * Bug fixes
 ** Compiler: Fix float printing
 ** Compiler: fix separate compilation
   2016-05-05 13:45:43 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (91) | Package updated
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with ocaml update.
   2016-02-17 18:02:30 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Revamped the js_of_ocaml package. No upstream changes, but some changes
to what exactly gets compiled.
   2016-02-06 15:01:13 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updated package to latest version, 2.7. Changes include:
===== 2.7 (2016-01-25) =====

 * Features/Changes
 ** Syntax: ppx_deriving
 ** Compiler: Add custom_header ability to jsoo generate file (Edgar Aroutiounian)
 ** Compiler: Bytecode parsing, improved performance
 ** Lib: add geolocation API (Stéphane Legrand)
 ** Lib: add Mutation observers API (Stéphane Legrand)
 ** Lib: add Jstable module (Drup)
 ** Lib: add WebWorker API (Grégoire Henry)
 ** Lib: Allow to customize 'in_channel' with specific 'refiller' (Grégoire Henry)
 ** Lib: Synchronized tyxml 3.6.0

 * BugFixes
 ** Compiler: Fix compilation of the [match with exception] construct
 ** Compiler: fix compat with the upcoming ocaml 4.03
 ** Lib: Tyxml_js, discrepancy between Firefox and Chromium
 ** Lib: various small fixes
 ** Runtime: Fix Big_int.square_big_int
 ** Runtime: graphics, fix draw_image with transparent pixel
 ** Ppx: fix for merlin

===== 2.6 (2015-07-15) =====

 * Features/Changes
 ** Compiler: Findlib is optionnal
 ** Compiler: improvement of sourcemap support (ie: inlinned sourcemap)
 ** Compiler: Support for separate compilation (compile cm{o,a} -> js)
 ** Compiler: more inlining
 ** Syntax: new ppx syntax
 ** Syntax: js object literal (camlp4 + ppx)
 ** Runtime: support for Dynlink
 ** Runtime: Support for upcomming release of Bin_prot, Core_kernel, Async_kernel
 ** Lib: add requestAnimationFrame
 ** Lib: complete Js.Math
 ** Lib: complete xmlHttpRequest

 * Misc
 ** Drop support for 3.12

 * BugFixes
 ** Runtime: Fix caml_hash
 ** Lib: fix tyxml + svg
 ** Lib: various Api fixes
   2016-02-06 15:00:14 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Updated package to latest version, 2.7. Changes include:
===== 2.7 (2016-01-25) =====

 * Features/Changes
 ** Syntax: ppx_deriving
 ** Compiler: Add custom_header ability to jsoo generate file (Edgar Aroutiounian)
 ** Compiler: Bytecode parsing, improved performance
 ** Lib: add geolocation API (Stéphane Legrand)
 ** Lib: add Mutation observers API (Stéphane Legrand)
 ** Lib: add Jstable module (Drup)
 ** Lib: add WebWorker API (Grégoire Henry)
 ** Lib: Allow to customize 'in_channel' with specific 'refiller' (Grégoire Henry)
 ** Lib: Synchronized tyxml 3.6.0

 * BugFixes
 ** Compiler: Fix compilation of the [match with exception] construct
 ** Compiler: fix compat with the upcoming ocaml 4.03
 ** Lib: Tyxml_js, discrepancy between Firefox and Chromium
 ** Lib: various small fixes
 ** Runtime: Fix Big_int.square_big_int
 ** Runtime: graphics, fix draw_image with transparent pixel
 ** Ppx: fix for merlin

===== 2.6 (2015-07-15) =====

 * Features/Changes
 ** Compiler: Findlib is optionnal
 ** Compiler: improvement of sourcemap support (ie: inlinned sourcemap)
 ** Compiler: Support for separate compilation (compile cm{o,a} -> js)
 ** Compiler: more inlining
 ** Syntax: new ppx syntax
 ** Syntax: js object literal (camlp4 + ppx)
 ** Runtime: support for Dynlink
 ** Runtime: Support for upcomming release of Bin_prot, Core_kernel, Async_kernel
 ** Lib: add requestAnimationFrame
 ** Lib: complete Js.Math
 ** Lib: complete xmlHttpRequest

 * Misc
 ** Drop support for 3.12

 * BugFixes
 ** Runtime: Fix caml_hash
 ** Lib: fix tyxml + svg
 ** Lib: various Api fixes
   2015-11-03 04:29:40 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1995)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category

Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2015-08-07 13:20:36 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (65) | Package updated
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with lang/ocaml update.
   2015-06-30 13:53:00 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (76) | Package updated
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with update of lang/ocaml to 4.02.2.
   2015-01-20 17:09:16 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Revbump associated with ocaml 4.02.1. Also added the ocaml-tyxml option
which compiles in tyxml (and react) support.

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