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CVS Commit History:
2012-08-20 11:06:31 by Steven Drake | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #3906 - requested by
www/typo3_45 security update
Revisions pulled up:
- www/typo3_45/Makefile 1.13-1.14
- www/typo3_45/PLIST 1.6-1.7
- www/typo3_45/distinfo 1.11-1.12
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Sun Aug 12 15:51:39 UTC 2012
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/typo3_45: Makefile PLIST distinfo
Log message:
Update typo3_45 package to 4.5.18.
2012-08-08 c9ae56c [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.18 (TYPO3 \
Release Team)
2012-08-05 2bb16e8 #39527 [BUGFIX] Pass $fieldName when processing \
FlexForm DS in t3lib_transferData (Claus Due)
2012-08-03 83af91c #39509 [BUGFIX] t3lib_db - expects parameter 1 \
to be resource, boolean given (Michael Klapper)
2012-08-01 08b29b8 #25079 [BUGFIX] Suggest Wizard crashes in \
Frontend Editing (Dennis Ahrens)
2012-08-01 1e11fd1 #32282 [BUGFIX] unlink issues warnings for lock \
files (Markus Klein)
2012-08-01 9dab257 #38849 [BUGFIX] IRRE childs don't expand in \
Internet Explorer (Stefan Aebischer)
2012-08-01 239d66d #39417 [BUGFIX] t3lib_db::exec_SELECTgetRows \
method annotation (Nicole Cordes)
2012-07-31 1d5e85e #33625 [BUGFIX] Properly check disabled \
versioning within tcemain (Tolleiv Nietsch)
2012-07-30 35045a3 #22152 [BUGFIX] PHP warnings may show up in the \
List module (Dmitry Dulepov)
2012-07-29 5935394 #31278 [BUGFIX] Shell command arguments are not \
escaped (Mario Rimann)
2012-07-26 54761c2 #26815 [BUGFIX] RTE transformation transforms \
LF/CR between div and hr into space (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-25 73bf1fa #38691 [BUGFIX] Exclude E_STRICT on PHP 5.4 and \
unify error reporting (Philipp Gampe)
2012-07-25 d9868f6 #38604 [TASK] Always return a boolean in \
t3lib_div::validPathStr (Andy Grunwald)
2012-07-24 c85d6be #33082 [TASK] Improve error message of \
"broken rootline" (Georg Ringer)
2012-07-23 bc0feed #28684 [BUGFIX] Formmail doesn't always use \
correct character set (Jigal van Hemert)
2012-07-23 baba7fa #38927 [BUGFIX] $_EXTCONF was not filled in \
ext_tables.php (Ernesto Baschny)
2012-07-23 8e944f0 #34152 [BUGFIX] stdWrap numRows fails due to \
wrong SELECT clause (Ernesto Baschny)
2012-07-21 b0f3efd [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 \
Release Team)
2012-07-20 259c25c #39026 [BUGFIX] QT movies prefixed abusively in \
Media CE (Francois Suter)
2012-07-20 0f83ce4 #39052 [BUGFIX] Send sane HTTP response in \
showpic on error (Christian Kuhn)
2012-07-18 71781f1 #36777 [BUGFIX] Unnecessary warning in \
css_styled_content (division by zero) (Thomas Layh)
2012-07-17 218f304 #33629 [BUGFIX] datepicker does not set current \
time as default (Simon Schaufelberger)
2012-07-12 fe76723 #24626 [BUGFIX] Drag&Drop inside the root \
page of the pagetree isn't possible (Stefan Galinski)
2012-07-12 eb215ba #33546 [BUGFIX] Check if user is allowed to \
paste page to pagetree (Max Roesch)
2012-07-12 bc21789 #36313 [BUGFIX] Add rootline workspace overlay \
for backend_layouts. (Timo Webler)
2012-07-09 82e0d0b #38791 [BUGFIX] accessibilityWrap ignores \
simple value (Jigal van Hemert)
2012-07-07 042dc4a #18771 [BUG] t3lib_div::getFilesInDir order \
differs from order in File list (Benjamin Mack)
2012-07-06 277ea81 #36316 [BUGFIX] RTE: Importing google webfonts \
breaks style sheet parsing (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-05 eb317e7 #38645 [BUGFIX] E_DEPRECATED does not exist in \
PHP 5.2 (Ivan Kartolo)
2012-07-05 5eb31a1 #36438 [BUGFIX] RTE spellcheck issue on Windows \
server (Stanislas Rolland)
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Wed Aug 15 13:49:25 UTC 2012
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/typo3_45: Makefile PLIST distinfo
Log message:
Update typo3_45 to 4.5.19.
This release fixes several security problems TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-004,
2012-08-15 9bcf5eb [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.19 (TYPO3 \
Release Team)
2012-08-15 76748b7 #21634 [SECURITY] XSS in install tool (Mario Rimann)
2012-08-15 85df0e4 #32653 [SECURITY] Page Link Target vulnerable \
to XSS (Markus Bucher)
2012-08-15 605d05f #25052 [SECURITY] XSS in validateForm (Markus \
2012-08-15 6840097 #25356 [SECURITY] XSS in TCE forms (Christian Kuhn)
2012-08-15 fb1e204 #30967 [SECURITY] XSS in Scheduler Example Task \
(Mario Rimann)
2012-08-15 6fd6768 #37127 [SECURITY] HTML5 support in RemoveXSS \
(Franz G. Jahn)
2012-08-15 11abbaa #39345 [SECURITY] Information Disclosure in the \
Configuration Module (Mario Rimann)
2012-08-15 a3293a7 #33520 [SECURITY] Untrusted GP data is \
unserialized in old CSH handling (Helmut Hummel)
2012-08-15 ccbbfc3 #31927 [SECURITY] XSS in Indexed Search \
statistics (Steffen Gebert)
2012-08-15 f046457 #23226 [SECURITY] t3lib_div::quoteJSvalue \
allows XSS (Helmut Hummel)
2012-07-06 08:26:42 by Matthias Scheler | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #3850 - requested by taca
www/typo3_45: security update
Revisions pulled up:
- www/typo3_45/Makefile 1.12
- www/typo3_45/PLIST 1.5
- www/typo3_45/distinfo 1.10
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Thu Jul 5 14:21:36 UTC 2012
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/typo3_45: Makefile PLIST distinfo
Log message:
Update typo3_45 to 4.5.17 (TYPO3 4.5.17).
Fix XSS in swfupload.
2012-07-04 acf7796 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.17 =
(TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-07-04 4356de4 #38578 [SECURITY] XSS in swfupload (Olive=
r Hader)
2012-07-04 d5cb5fb #35154 [BUGFIX] Exclude E_STRICT from exc=
eptionalErrors (Mario Rimann)
2012-07-04 4cca68b #37615 [BUGFIX] IRRE records can't be exp=
anded without an hidden field (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-04 5fd49b5 #29254 [BUGFIX] TSFE->additionalFooterDat=
a for USER_INT (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-03 15847d2 #38574 [BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not work=
correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7 (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-03 9a1c36c #34786 [BUGFIX] Custom HTML tags no longe=
r malformed in IE (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-07-01 8ea1408 #38511 [BUGFIX] Remove a rather dubious u=
nit test for Redis cache backend (Christian Kuhn)
2012-06-30 353ab74 #38501 [BUGFIX] Fix unit test failure if=
gif compress is disabled (Susanne Moog)
2012-06-30 74701ef #35915 [BUGFIX] VariableFrontend initiali=
zeObject not called (Daniel P=F6tzinger)
2012-06-30 2cc2efb #37618 [BUGFIX] Remove class of td if "No=
CSS styles for this table" is set (Juergen Furrer)
2012-06-30 364926e #36290 [BUGFIX] Markers (%s) are not repl=
aced in TCEmain error messages (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-06-29 880f256 #38357 [TASK] Add travis configuration fi=
le (Helmut Hummel)
2012-06-29 027a9b3 #36093 [BUGFIX] Reports: Wrong indication=
for saltedpasswords (Markus Klein)
2012-06-28 885d256 #37541 [BUGFIX] Declaration of tx_rtehtml=
area_base::drawRTE() not compatible (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-06-28 50b5136 #34303 [BUGFIX] IRRE hide/unhide broken (=
dkd-egerer Sascha Egerer)
2012-06-28 6918eda #34685 [TASK] PHP 5.4 adjustments (Markus=
2012-06-28 1f7ebfd #36194 [BUGFIX] Ensure $output is used as=
string (Peter Niederlag)
2012-06-27 7366511 #32773 [BUGFIX] uses unde=
fined function (Sven Burkert)
2012-06-27 b82dfa5 [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TY=
PO3 Release Team)
2012-06-21 3f3c200 #36300 [BUGFIX] Properly load existing us=
ergroups in task (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-06-13 1e97470 #35944 [BUGFIX] Hide the field "Selected =
Pages" for menu type "Sitemap" (Marco Huber)
2012-05-30 bbc55bf #21943 [BUGFIX] redirect to referrer when=
changing password (Jigal van Hemert)
2012-05-28 1c43954 #37553 BUGFIX] Illegal string offset (Jig=
al van Hemert)
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