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CVS Commit History:

   2024-11-26 13:53:30 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(geography/R-cartography) Updated 3.1.3 to  3.1.4

# cartography 3.1.4

## Minor change
* fix pkg level documentation
* add codemeta and cff
* use bibentry() instead of citEntry()
   2023-06-10 15:32:52 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
geography/R-cartography: import R-cartography-3.1.3

Create and integrate maps in your R workflow. This package helps to
design cartographic representations such as proportional symbols,
choropleth, typology, flows or discontinuities maps. It also offers
several features that improve the graphic presentation of maps, for
instance, map palettes, layout elements (scale, north arrow,
title...), labels or legends. See Giraud and Lambert (2017)

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