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CVS Commit History:

   2025-03-03 02:28:17 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
update to 2.0nb1
- use PKGVERSION_NOREV for PLIST (PLIST handling doesn't like "_" in \ 
variable names?)
   2025-02-26 10:59:00 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
clean up USE_TOOLS assignments.   fix PLIST for shared object files for tcllibc.
   2025-02-26 10:18:11 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Add tcllibc 2.0

This package is the optional part of tcllib 2.0 that allows for
running of embedded c-code in Tcl scripts for improved performance.

I think I might actually prefer for tcllib and tcllibc to be contained
in the same pkgsrc package.  But, I'm not sure how portable tcllibc &
critcl are, as well as there might be some circular dependencies
between tcllib and critcl. So for now have separate packages
   2025-02-25 13:11:48 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to 2.0

for pkgsrc, this is the pure tcl version only (without the c runtime
in tcl) since the required prerequisite, critcl, is not in pkgsrc yet.
may try to add it soon...

Tcllib 2.0 is the first major revision of Tcllib after a long series of
minor 1.x releases.

This revision

  1. __drops support__ for Tcl versions before 8.5.
       - All packages now require Tcl 8.5 as their minimum runtime.
       - This does not mean that the implementations are already changed to use
         Tcl 8.5 features.
       - Such changes will be done incrementally.
       - Users of Tcl 8.4 or even older still have Tcllib 1.21 available to them.

  2. __adds support__ for Tcl 9, for both Tcl and C implementations
     (where available).
       - It is the first revision to have such support.
       - Tcllib 1.21 and older will not work with Tcl 9.

  3. enhances the visibility of the __C accelerators__ available for various
     Tcllib packages through the adjunct __Tcllibc__ binary package.
     Tcllibc's version has become 2.0 also, to match Tcllib itself.
       - The Makefile's `install` target is extended to install both Tcllib and
	 In other words, Tcllibc is now __built by default__, requiring a Critcl
	 Eben so, Tcllibc is __still optional__, and Tcllib can still be built
	 and installed without it.
       - To install only Tcllib use the new target `install-tcl`.
       - To install only Tcllibc use the new target `install-binaries`.
       - __Beware__ that Tcllibc, as a binary package, has to be compiled for
         either Tcl 8 or Tcl 9.
       - __Beware__, that the Tcllibc binary package requires Tcl 8.6 as its
       	 minimum runtime.
	 This is due to the Tcl 9 portability support, which requires 8.6 on the
       	 other side of the border.
	 This should not be true hardship.
	 Tcllib 1.21 is still available, and does not have this restriction.
   2025-02-20 07:33:49 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
add 'find' to USE_TOOLS
   2025-02-17 13:15:41 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
tcllib: update to 1.21, add examples to package

New in Tcllib 1.21

    Module   Package               New Version   Comments
    -------- --------------------- ------------- ----------
    math     math::changepoint     0.1
             math::combinatorics   2.0
             math::figurate        1.0
             math::filters         0.1
             math::probopt         1.0
    -------- --------------------- ------------- ----------
    mkdoc    mkdoc                 0.7.0
    struct   struct::list::test    1.8.4
    -------- --------------------- ------------- ----------

Deprecations in Tcllib 1.21

Four packages are stage 2 deprecated in favor of two replacements.
All internal users of the deprecated packages have been rewritten to
use their replacements.

    Module             Package           Replacement      Deprecation stage
    ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- \ 
    doctools           doctools::paths   fileutil::paths  (D2) Attempts to use \ 
throw errors
    doctools           doctools::config  struct::map      (D2) Attempts to use \ 
throw errors
    pt                 paths             fileutil::paths  (D2) Attempts to use \ 
throw errors
    pt                 configuration     struct::map      (D2) Attempts to use \ 
throw errors
    ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- \ 
   2022-05-05 09:17:02 by Tobias Nygren | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
tcllib: wire down distfile to commit hash, upstream botched the release tag
   2022-04-24 19:20:34 by Tobias Nygren | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
tcllib: update to 1.20

New in Tcllib 1.20
    Module     Package              Version       Comments
    ---------- -------------------- ------------- ----------
    clay       clay                 0.8.6
    fileutil   fileutil::paths      1             Replaces: doctools::paths
    lazyset    lazyset              1
    math       math::quasirandom    1.0
               math::trig           1.0
    practcl    practcl              0.16.3
    struct     struct::map          1             Replaces: doctools::config
    textutil   textutil::patch      0.1
               textutil::wcswidth   35.1

Deprecations in Tcllib 1.20
    Module             Package           Replacement
    ------------------ ----------------- ----------------
    doctools           doctools::paths   fileutil::paths
    doctools           doctools::config  struct::map
    pt                 paths             fileutil::paths
    pt                 configuration     struct::map
   2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016)
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Could not be committed due to merge conflict:

The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched

./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
   2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017)
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles

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