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   2025-01-12 14:47:37 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 3.0.0 to 3.1.0

# usethis 3.1.0

* `use_vignette()` and `use_article()` support Quarto. The `name` of the new
  vignette or article can optionally include a file extension to signal whether
  `.Rmd` or `.qmd` is desired, with `.Rmd` remaining the default for now. Thanks
  to @olivroy for getting the ball rolling (#1997).

* `use_data()` defaults to serialization version 3 (@laurabrianna, #2044).

* `use_package()` can lower a minimum version requirement
  (@jplecavalier, #1957).

* `use_release_issue()` only suggests doing reverse dependency checks if there
  are, in fact, reverse dependencies (#1817, @seankross).

* `use_tidy_upkeep_issue()` records the year it is being run in the
  `Config/usethis/upkeep` field in DESCRIPTION. If this value exists, it is
  used to filter the checklist when making the issue.
   2024-10-21 00:26:40 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updatd 2.2.1 to 3.0.0

# usethis 3.0.0

## Transition to cli package for UI

* The `ui_*()` functions have been marked as
  External users of these functions are encouraged to use the
  [cli package]( instead.
  The cli package did not have the required functionality when the
  `usethis::ui_*()` functions were first created, but it does now and it's the
  superior option.
  There is a cli vignette about how to make this transition:
  `vignette("usethis-ui", package = "cli")`.
  usethis no longer uses the `ui_*()` functions internally, in favor of new
  cli-based helpers that are not exported.

## Deprecated function and argument removal

We are removing functions and arguments that were deprecated as of usethis
v2.0.0, which was released in December 2020.

These changes have been in place for a long time now:

* Switch from git2r to gert (+ credentials).
* Use of git config and the gh package to infer, e.g., the target repo spec.
* Pivot towards GitHub Actions and away from Travis and AppVeyor.

Functions that are removed and, where applicable, what to use instead:

* `git_credentials()`
* `use_git_credentials()`
* `browse_github_token()` (do `create_github_token()`)
* `browse_github_pat()` (do `create_github_token()`)
* `github_token()` (do `gh_token_help()` or `gh::gh_token()`)
* `pr_pull_upstream()` (do `pr_merge_main()`)
* `pr_sync()` (do `pr_merge_main(); pr_push()`)
* `use_appveyor()`
* `use_appveyor_badge()`
* `use_travis()`
* `use_travis_badge()`
* `browse_travis()`
* `use_pkgdown_travis()`
* `use_tidy_ci()` *deprecated in v2.1.0* (do `use_tidy_github_actions()`)
* `use_tidy_labels()` *deprecated in v2.1.0* (do `use_tidy_github_labels()`)

Function arguments that are removed:

* `create_from_github(auth_token =, credentials =)`
* `use_github(auth_token =, credentials =)`
* `use_github_labels(repo_spec =, host =, auth_token =)`
* `use_github_links(auth_token =, host =)`
* `use_github_release(host =, auth_token =)`

## Other changes

* `use_zip()` and `use_course()` are equipped to handle a ZIP where the parent
  folder is implicit (@burnsal, #1961).

* `use_test_helper()` is a new function to create a test helper file
  (@olivroy, #1822).

* `use_cpp11()` makes it easier to update `NAMESPACE` (@pachadotdev, #1921).

* `pr_merge_main()` now offers the choice to not open the files with merge
  conflicts (@olivroy, #1720).

* `edit_rstudio_snippets()` now accepts yaml snippets (@olivroy, #1941).

* `use_standalone()` inserts an improved header that includes the code needed to
  update the standalone file (@krlmlr, #1903).

* `use_release_issue()` and `use_upkeep()` behave better when the user has a
  fork. The user is asked just once to choose between `origin` and `upstream` as
  the target repo (#2023).

* The README templates now recommend [pak]( instead of
  devtools for package installation (@olivroy, #1723).

* `use_github()` now knows that you can reuse the name of an earlier repo that
  has since been renamed (@ateucher, #1893).

* `use_git()` no longer asks if you want to restart RStudio when using Positron.

* `use_test()` and `use_r()` now work when you are in
  `tests/testthat/_snaps/{foo}.md` (@olivroy, #1988).

* The URLs baked into the badge generated by `use_coverage(type = \ 
  are updated and no longer specify a branch(#2008).

* `usethis::use_version()` now tolerates empty lines preceding the
  first section title in the package NEWS file. (#1976)
   2024-02-25 02:33:00 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 2.2.2 to 2.2.3

# usethis 2.2.3

* Patch release with changes to `.Rd` files requested by CRAN.
   2023-07-22 03:50:27 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 2.2.0 to 2.2.2

# usethis 2.2.2

* Implicit usage of `numeric_version()` via comparison now always provides
  character input. This is in response to a request from CRAN to anticipate
  future solutions to <>.

# usethis 2.2.1

* Internal helper `cran_version()`, used in functions such as
  `use_release_checklist()` and `use_news_md()`, is more resilient to situations
  where no CRAN mirror has been set (#1857).

* Internal usage of `numeric_version()` now always provides character input,
  rather than relying on implicit `as.character()` coercion. This is in response
  to a request from CRAN to anticipate future solutions to
  <> (#1869).
   2023-06-17 14:59:29 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 2.1.6 to 2.2.0

# usethis 2.2.0

## New functions

* `use_author()` is a new function to introduce a new person into the
  `Authors@R` field of DESCRIPTION (@avalcarcel9, #833).

* `use_rstudio_preferences()` lets you set RStudio preferences programmatically

* `use_standalone()` is a new function that makes it easier to use standalone
  files provided by various low-level tidyverse packages, like rlang (#1654).

* `use_upkeep_issue()` is a new function to facilitate regular maintenance of
  your package. Similar to `use_release_issue()`, it opens an issue in your repo
  with a checklist of maintenance tasks. It will include additional bullets
  if your package includes an `upkeep_bullets()` function that returns a
  character vector (#1794).

## Package development

* Although nested projects are discouraged, they can be useful in development
  contexts. `create_package()` now sets the correct package name and returns
  the correct package path for a package nested inside a project (#1647).

* `use_article()` no longer adds the rmarkdown package to `Suggests`. Instead,
  if rmarkdown is not already a dependency, it's added to
  `Config/Needs/website`. This means that a package that only uses articles
  (vs. vignettes) won't gain an unnecessary dependency on rmarkdown (#1700).

* `use_data()` now sets the appropriate minimal R version in `DESCRIPTION`,
  depending on which serialization format `version` you choose (@dpprdan, #1672).

* `use_github_links()` by default now appends the GitHub url to existing urls in
  in the `URL` field of DESCRIPTION, rather than replacing existing urls (#1805).

* `use_latest_dependencies()` no longer affects `Suggests` since those
  dependencies are not enforced (#1749).

* `use_news_md()` now places "(development version)" in the header of \ 
   if there is a development version number in `DESCRIPTION`. It also sets the
   first bullet to "Initial CRAN submission" when it looks like a \ 
"new" package

* `use_coverage()` no longer adds covr to `Suggests`, since the `test-coverage`
  GitHub Actions workflow takes care of installing covr (@Bisaloo, #1851).

## Package release

* `use_release_issue()` will now remind you to run `use_github_links()` if
  necessary (@Bisaloo, #1754)

* `use_release_issue()` now encourages the creation of `` prior to
  submission, instead of after (#1755).

* `use_github_release()` now automatically pushes to GitHub (if safe) and
  automatically publishes the release, rather than requiring you to edit and
  publish the draft (#1385).

* `use_github_release()` no longer fails in the absence of `` (#1755).

* `use_release_issue()` will now remind you to check/close the milestone
  corresponding to the release, if it exists (#1642).

* `use_version()` and `use_dev_version()` gain a `push` argument to optionally
  push the result after committing. This is used to eliminate a manual step from
  the `use_release_issue()` checklist (#1385).

* `use_revdep()` no longer places an email template, because these days we are
  more likely to communicate with other maintainers about breaking changes via
  GitHub issues and pull requests (#1769).

## Package file management

* `rename_files()` now also affects files in `src/` (#1585).

* `use_r()` and `use_test()` now work with all active files in `R/`, `src/`,
  and `tests/testthat/` (#1566).

* `use_r()` and `use_test()` now work with files containing `.` (#1690).

* `use_rcpp()`, `use_c()` and friends now work the same way as `use_r()` and
  `use_test()`: they'll take the default file name from the file you currently
  have open in RStudio (#1730).

## Git and GitHub

* `create_from_github()` will now use an existing `.Rproj` file if it exists
  anywhere in the repo, not just the root directory. This is useful if you're
  working with repos that contain tools for multiple languages (#1680).

* `git_sitrep()` gains two arguments: `tool` and `scope`, which enables
  you to limit the report to, for example, `tool = "git"` or `scope = \ 
  The default remains to provide a full report. Also, provides more
  feedback if git user's information is not set, and checks global git-email
  against user-level GitHub PAT (@ijlyttle, #1732, #1714, #1706).

* `git_vaccinated()` now treats a path configured as `core.excludesFile` like
  other user-supplied paths; in particular, any use of the `~/` home directory
  shortcut is expanded via
  (@dpprdan, #1560).

* `use_github_action()` now suggests possible actions when called without
  arguments (#1724).

* `use_github_actions()`, `use_github_action_check_standard()`,
  `use_github_action_check_release()`, and `use_github_action_pr_commands()`
  have been deprecated in favour of the new interactive powers of
  `use_github_action()` (#1724).

## Minor improvements and fixes

* Links to the R Packages book have been updated to the second edition of
  the book (#1689).

* The SVG badges placed by `use_lifecycle()` have improved accessibility
  features, i.e. they advertise the lifecycle stage via the `aria-label`
  attribute (#1554,

* `use_rscloud_badge()` has been deprecated in favour of
  `use_posit_cloud_badge()`, and both functions now accept the updated url
  format of Posit Cloud projects (#1670).

* `use_rstudio()` gains a `reformat` argument which omits `.Rproj` settings
  that enforce file formatting conventions, e.g. around whitespace.
  `create_from_github()` uses this option when it introduces an `.Rproj` to a
  project that lacks one, making it easier to follow the project's existing
  conventions (#1679).

* `write_over()` and `use_github_file()` gain an overwrite argument (#1748).

## Tidyverse-related

* `use_release_issue()` now uses internal `release_extra_revdeps()` to
  add extra revdep sources. Currently only use for internal Posit tooling,
  but we hope to extend to all users in the future (#1610).

* `use_tidy_logo()` is a new function that calls `use_logo()` on the appropriate
  hex sticker PNG file at <> (#1871).

## Defunct functions

* `use_tidy_eval()` is now defunct because it imports and re-exports a large
  number of functions that are no longer needed in order to do tidy
  evaluation (#1656).

* `use_travis()`, `use_pkgdown_travis()`, `browse_travis()`, and `use_appveyor()`
  are now defunct because we no longer recommend Travis or Appveyor. We
  recommend GitHub actions instead (#1517).
   2022-12-17 16:22:04 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 2.1.5 to 2.1.6

# usethis 2.1.6

### GitHub-related

`use_github_action()` and friends gain a `ref` argument, which
defaults to the tag of the latest release in
<> (#1541).

`use_github_actions_badge()` now uses the same URLs as GitHub does via
the "Create status badge" helper in the browser (#1525). This changes
the significance of the `name` argument; now it really must be the
name of the workflow configuration file.

All functions error more clearly when the requested operation is not
supported for the "theirs" remote configuration (#1588).

### Other changes

`use_roxygen_md()` gains an `overwrite` argument (#1599).

`use_rscloud_badge()` is a new function that creates a README badge
indicating the repository can be launched in an [RStudio
Cloud]( project (@gvelasq, #1584).

`use_data()` gains an `ascii` argument, which is passed along to
`save()` (@JosiahParry, #1625).

`use_code_of_conduct()` has been updated to version 2.1 of the
Contributor Covenant (@batpigandme, #1591).
   2022-04-30 17:17:25 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 2.0.1 to 2.1.5

# usethis 2.1.5

pkgdown-related functions no longer automatically strip a trailing
slash from the pkgdown site URL, in order to play more nicely with
CRAN's URL checks (#1526).

`edit_pkgdown_config()` is a new function that opens the pkgdown YAML
configuration file for the current Project, if such a file exists.

The error thrown when reporting an unsupported GitHub configuration
has been fixed for forward compatibility with a future version of
rlang, i.e. what is anticipated to be rlang v1.0.0.

Version 2.1.4 was never released. Version was advanced from 2.1.4 to
2.1.5 strictly for CRAN (re-)submission purposes.

# usethis 2.1.3

Modified a test to ensure that intermittent GitHub rate limiting does
not lead to ungraceful failure on CRAN.

# usethis 2.1.2

`git_default_branch_rename()` no longer errors on repos where README
exists, but has no badge block.

`git_default_branch_rediscover()` prunes the defunct remote ref to the
old default branch, e.g. `origin/master`.

# usethis 2.1.0

## Git default branch support

usethis has a more sophisticated understanding of the default branch
and gains several functions to support default branch renaming.

* `git_branch_default()` has been renamed to `git_default_branch()`, to place
  it logically in the new family of functions. The old name still works, but
  that won't be true forever.
* `git_default_branch()` is much more diligent about figuring out the default
  branch. Instead of only consulting the local repo, now we integrate local info
  with the default branch reported by the `upstream` or `origin` remote, if
  - This is intended to surface the case where a project has renamed its default
    branch and the local repo needs sync up with that.
* `git_default_branch_rediscover()` is a new function that helps contributors
  update their local repo (and personal fork, if applicable) when a project/repo
  renames its default branch.
* `git_default_branch_rename()` is a new function that helps a repo owner
  rename the default branch (both on GitHub and locally).
* `git_default_branch_configure()` is a new function to set the new Git
  configuration option `init.defaultBranch`, which controls the name of the
  initial branch of new local repos.
* `git_sitrep()` exposes `init.defaultBranch` and surfaces the more
  sophisticated analysis of `git_default_branch()`.

## Other GitHub-related changes

* `git_sitrep()` and `gh_token_help()` try even harder to help people get on the
  happy path with respect to their GitHub PAT (#1400, #1413, #1488, #1489,

* The minimum version of gh has been bumped to help / force more people to
  upgrade to the gh version that supports current GitHub PAT formats
  (@ijlyttle, #1454).

* `use_github_file()` is a new function related to `use_template()`. Instead of
  starting from a local file, `use_github_file()` grabs the contents of an
  arbitrary file on GitHub that the user has permission to read. It supports
  targeting a specific branch, tag, or commit and can follow a symlink (#1407).
  `use_github_file()` now powers `use_github_action()` and friends.

* `use_github_release()` is much more diligent about using any information left
  behind by `devtools::submit_cran()` or `devtools::release()`. Specifically,
  this applies to determining which SHA is to be tagged in the release. And this
  SHA, in turn, determines the consulted versions of DESCRIPTION (for package
  version) and (for release notes) (#1380).

* `use_release_issue()` also takes bullets from `release_questions()`,
  for compatibility with `devtools::release()`.

* `git_vaccinate()`, `edit_git_ignore()`, and `git_sitrep()` are more careful to
  consult, reveal, and set the `core.excludesFile` setting in user's Git
  configuration (#1461).

* `use_github_action_check_full()` has been removed. It's overkill for the
  majority of R packages, which are better off with `use_github_actions()` or
  `use_github_action_check_standard()` (#1490).

* `use_github_pages()` and `use_pkgdown_github_pages()` use a new method for
  creating an empty, orphan `gh-pages` branch. This is necessary due to new
  GitHub behaviour, where it has become essentially impossible to refer to the
  empty tree (#1472).

* `use_github()` can create repositories with `"internal"` visibility, \ 
a feature
  that exists within GitHub Enterprise products (#1505).

## Package development

* `use_readme_[r]?md()` no longer includes CRAN installation instructions in the
  initial template; instead, we only include GitHub-based install instructions
  or otherwise prompt the user to update instructions (#1507).

* `use_import_from()` is a new function that puts `@importFrom pkg fun`
  directives into a package in a consistent location (@malcolmbarrett, #1377).

* `DESCRIPTION` files generated by usethis no longer include `LazyData` by
   default, as per new CRAN checks; instead, `LazyData` is now added the first
   time you use `use_data()` (@malcolmbarrett, #1404).

* `use_tidy_eval()` has been updated to reflect current recommendations for
  using (and therefore exposing) tidy eval in other packages (@lionel-, #1445).

* `use_pkgdown()` automatically uses Bootstrap 5 if the pkgdown version supports
  it (anticipated for pkgdown 2.0.0).

* `use_lifecycle()` now imports `lifecycle::deprecated()` (#1419).

* `use_code_of_conduct()` now requires a `contact` argument to supply contact
  details for reporting CoC violations (#1269).

* `use_package()` no longer guides the user on how to use a dependency when no
  change was made (@malcolmbarrett, #1384).

### Aimed at the tidyverse team

These functions are exported for anyone to use, but are aimed
primarily at the maintainers of tidyverse, r-lib, and tidymodels

* `use_tidy_dependencies()` is a new function that sets up standard dependencies
  used by all tidyverse packages, except those that are designed to be
  dependency free (#1423).

* `use_tidy_upkeep_issue()` is a new function similar to `use_release_issue()`
  that creates a checklist-style issue to prompt various updates (#1416).

* `use_tidy_release_test_env()` has been deleted since we no longer recommend
  including test environments in ``. There's no evidence that
  CRAN finds it useful, and it's annoying to keep up-to-date  (#1365).

* `use_tidy_github_labels()` is the new name for `use_tidy_labels()` (#1430).

* `use_tidy_github_actions()` takes over for `use_tidy_ci()`, which is now

## User-level configuration

* `"usethis.overwrite"` is a new option. When set to `TRUE`, usethis \ 
  an existing file without asking for user confirmation if the file is inside
  a Git repo. The normal Git workflow makes it easy to see and selectively
  accept/discard any proposed changes. This behaviour is strictly opt-in

* Functions that provide code to load packages in your `.Rprofile` now use
  `rlang::check_installed()` to make sure the package is installed locally
  (@malcolmbarrett, #1398).

* `edit_rstudio_prefs()` and `edit_rstudio_snippets()` should work now on
  case-sensitive OSes, due to a path fix re: the location of RStudio's config
  files (@charliejhadley, #1420).
   2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016)
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Could not be committed due to merge conflict:

The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched

./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
   2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017)
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-05-31 23:50:20 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-usethis) Updated 2.0.0 to 2.0.1

# usethis 2.0.1

* All functions that require a package now ask you if you'd like to install it.

* Added `edit_template()` for opening and creating files in `inst/templates`
  (for use with `use_template()`) (@malcolmbarrett, #1319).

* `use_article()` now creates the file in the `vignettes/articles/` (#548).

* `use_lifecycle()` has been updated for changes in our lifecycle workflow

* `use_tidy_pkgdown()` has been renamed to `use_pkgdown_github_pages()` since
  the function is useful for anyone who wants to automatically publish to GitHub
  pages, not just the tidyverse team (#1308).

* `use_release_issue()` includes a bunch of minor improvements. Most
  importantly, for initial CRAN release we now include a number of common
  things that CRAN checks for that aren't in `R CMD check`.

* `use_readme_rmd()`, `use_readme_md()`, `use_tidy_contributing()`, and
  `use_tidy_support()` use updated logic for determining the `OWNER/REPO` spec
  of the target repo (#1312).

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