2024-08-25 08:19:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (575) |
Log message:
2023-11-23 12:11:25 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
binaryen: fix PLIST for new test option
2023-11-16 10:57:43 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
binaryen: Optionize googletest dependency
2023-11-06 23:04:25 by Frederic Cambus | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
binaryen: update to 116.
- "I31New" changed to "RefI31" everywhere it appears in the \
C API and similarly
"i31.new" has been replaced with "ref.i31" in the JS API \
and in printed
output (#5930, #3931).
- The standard WasmGC opcodes are now on by default (#5873).
- The nonstandard, experimental gc-nn-locals feature has been removed now that
standard non-nullable locals are supported. (#5080)
- Print all debug annotations when `BINARYEN_PRINT_FULL`. (#5904)
- Use the standard text format for WasmGC now that things are stable there.
(#5894, #5889, #5852, #5801)
- Rename multimemory flag to `--multimemory` to match its naming in LLVM.
- Allow opting into standard GC encodings at compile time. (#5868)
- Remove legacy WasmGC instructions. (#5861)
- GUFA: Infer using TrapsNeverHappen. (#5850)
- Add a pass to reorder functions by name, which can be useful for debugging
(e.g. comparisons after optimizations), `--reorder-functions-by-name`. (#5811)
- C API: Add `BinaryenAddFunctionWithHeapType` which is like
`BinaryenAddFunction` but takes a heap type. The old function is kept for
backwards compatibility and as a convenience. (#5829)
- Work on new optimization framework using lattices. (#5784, #5794, #5800,
#5817, #5831, #5849)
- Heap types are now final by default and openness must be opted into both in
the text and binary formats as well as in the TypeBuilder API. (#5918)
2023-08-14 07:25:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1247) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for Python 3.11 as new default
2023-07-02 23:22:07 by Frederic Cambus | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
binaryen: update to 114.
- Fix a bug where e.g. -O3 -Oz ran the -O3 with the opt levels of -Oz, which
could inhibit inlining, for example. While this is a bugfix, it affects how
commandline options are interpreted, so if you depended on the old behavior
this may be a breaking change. That is, the old behavior made -O3 -Oz run the
first -O3 with -Oz's opt levels, and the new behavior is to run -O3 with the
proper (-O3) opt levels.
- Add pass to remove Exception Handling instructions.
2023-05-22 15:58:06 by Frederic Cambus | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
binaryen: update to 113.
- Add a `wasm-merge` tool. This is a full rewrite of the previous `wasm-merge`
tool that was removed from the tree in the past. The new version is much
simpler after recent improvements to multi-memory and multi-table. The
rewrite was motivated by new use cases for merging modules in the context of
- Some C and JS API functions now refer to data and element segments by name
instead of index.
- The `--nominal` and `--hybrid` command line options and related API functions
have been removed. The only supported type system is now the standard
isorecursive (i.e. hybrid) type system.
- Add a "mayNotReturn" effect.
- Disable the memory64 feature in Memory64Lowering.cpp.
- Disable sign extension in SignExtLowering.cpp.
2023-03-16 09:36:24 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
binaryen: switch to cmake/build.mk
2023-02-12 23:32:58 by Frederic Cambus | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
binaryen: update to 112.
- Add AbstractTypeRefining pass (#5461)
- Add a mechanism to skip a pass by name (#5448)
- Add TypeMerging pass (#5321)
- Add TypeSSA pass (#5299)
- Optimization sequences like `-O3 -Os` now do the expected thing and run `-O3`
followed by `-Os`. Previously the last of them set the defaults that were used
by all executions, so `-O3 -Os` was equivalent to `-Os -Os`. (There is no
change to the default optimization level that other passes can see. For
example, `--precompute-propagate -O2 -O1` will run `--precompute-propagate`
at opt level `1`, as the global default is set to `2` and then overridden to
`1`. The only change is that the passes run by `-O2` will actually run `-O2`
now, while before they'd use the global default which made them do `-O1`.)
- Add `--closed-world` flag. This enables more optimizations in GC mode as it
lets us assume that we can change types inside the module.
- The isorecursive WasmGC type system (i.e. --hybrid) is now the default to
match the spec and the old default equirecursive (i.e. --structural) system
has been removed.
- `ref.is_func`, `ref.is_data`, and `ref.is_i31` have been removed from the C
and JS APIs and `RefIs` has been replaced with `RefIsNull`.
- Types `Data` and `Dataref` have been replaced with types `Struct` and
`Structref` in the C and JS APIs.
* `BinaryenStringNew` now takes an additional last argument, `try_`, indicating
whether the instruction is one of `string.new_utf8_try` respectively
* `BinaryenStringEq` now takes an additional second argument, `op`, that is
either `BinaryenStringEqEqual()` if the instruction is `string.eq` or
`BinaryenStringEqCompare()` if the instruction is `string.compare`.
2022-11-19 18:00:21 by Frederic Cambus | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
binaryen: update to 111.
- Add extra `memory64` argument for `BinaryenSetMemory` and new
`BinaryenMemoryIs64` C-API method to determine 64-bit memory. (#4963)
- `TypeBuilderSetSubType` now takes a supertype as the second argument.
- `call_ref` now takes a mandatory signature type immediate.
- If `THROW_ON_FATAL` is defined at compile-time, then fatal errors will throw a
`std::runtime_error` instead of terminating the process. This may be used by
embedders of Binaryen to recover from errors.
- Implemented bottom heap types: `none`, `nofunc`, and `noextern`. RefNull
expressions and null `Literal`s must now have type `nullref`, `nullfuncref`,
or `nullexternref`.
- The C-API's `BinaryenTypeI31ref` and `BinaryenTypeDataref` now return nullable
- The `sign-extension` and `mutable-globals` features are now both enabled by
default in all tools. This is in order to match llvm's defaults (See
- Add a pass to lower sign-extension operations to MVP.