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CVS Commit History:

   2025-02-17 16:37:44 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
devel/muon: Update to 0.4.0

- Remove pkgsrc patches.

- More windows improvements
  - only ~30 tests failing with msvc
  - vsenv ported from meson
  - .exe deployed by CI
- Coverage targets are now supported thanks to Andrew McNulty
- Various default compiler options were brought in line with meson thanks
  to Michal Sieron
- XCode backend
- Improvements/bug fixes for script modules
- gnome module improvements thanks to sewn.
- dependency() overhaul, now more closely matches meson's implementation
  - Custom dependency handlers can be defined in script mode.
- docs/*.md ported to mdbook and hosted at
- A reference manual containing all the functions, modules, objects,
  and methods that muon knows about is auto-generated on every build.
  - It also generates documentation for script modules using doc comments!
- An experimental UI
- As always, lots of bugs fixed!
   2025-01-31 18:11:10 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (7)
Log message:
devel/muon: Add muon version 0.3.1

Implementation of the meson build system in C99 with minimal dependencies.

No release notes for 0.3.1

## 0.3.0

- Brand-new interpreter:
- Lots of windows improvements
    - bootstrap.bat
    - Simple tests passing
- Lots of macOS improvements
    - All tests passing
    - Universal binary deployed by CI
- Script modules introduced: a way of writing muon modules with mostly normal
  meson code.
    - i18n module
    - gnome module (wip)
- Embedded cross-platform samurai implementation
- Lots of bugs fixed!
- 17 contributors:
    Andrea Pappacoda (1)
    Andrew McNulty (11)
    Eli Schwartz (1)
    Filipe LaĆ­ns (4)
    JCWasmx86 (1)
    Michael Forney (2)
    Michal Sieron (2)
    Seedo Paul (27)
    Sertonix (3)
    Stone Tickle (497)
    Thomas Adam (1)
    Tokunori Ikegami (1)
    Vincent Torri (12)
    kzc (2)
    rofl0r (1)
    sewn (1)
    torque (1)

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