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CVS Commit History:

   2024-04-15 10:10:23 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: updated to 2.2.2

Pandas 2.2.2 is now compatible with numpy 2.0

Pandas 2.2.2 is the first version of pandas that is generally compatible with \ 
the upcoming numpy 2.0 release, and wheels for pandas 2.2.2 will work with both \ 
numpy 1.x and 2.x.

One major caveat is that arrays created with numpy 2.0’s new StringDtype will \ 
convert to object dtyped arrays upon Series/DataFrame creation. Full support for \ 
numpy 2.0’s StringDtype is expected to land in pandas 3.0.

As usual please report any bugs discovered to our issue tracker

Fixed regressions

DataFrame.__dataframe__() was producing incorrect data buffers when the a \ 
column’s type was a pandas nullable on with missing values (GH 56702)
DataFrame.__dataframe__() was producing incorrect data buffers when the a \ 
column’s type was a pyarrow nullable on with missing values (GH 57664)
Avoid issuing a spurious DeprecationWarning when a custom DataFrame or Series \ 
subclass method is called (GH 57553)
Fixed regression in precision of to_datetime() with string and unit input (GH 57051)
Bug fixes

DataFrame.__dataframe__() was producing incorrect data buffers when the \ 
column’s type was nullable boolean (GH 55332)
DataFrame.__dataframe__() was showing bytemask instead of bitmask for \ 
'string[pyarrow]' validity buffer (GH 57762)
DataFrame.__dataframe__() was showing non-null validity buffer (instead of None) \ 
'string[pyarrow]' without missing values (GH 57761)
DataFrame.to_sql() was failing to find the right table when using the schema \ 
argument (GH 57539)
   2024-03-06 19:56:35 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: updated to 2.2.1

What’s new in 2.2.1 (February 22, 2024)

These are the changes in pandas 2.2.1. See Release notes for a full changelog \ 
including other versions of pandas.


Added pyarrow pip extra so users can install pandas and pyarrow with pip with \ 
pip install pandas[pyarrow] (GH 54466)
Fixed regressions

Fixed memory leak in read_csv() (GH 57039)
Fixed performance regression in Series.combine_first() (GH 55845)
Fixed regression causing overflow for near-minimum timestamps (GH 57150)
Fixed regression in concat() changing long-standing behavior that always sorted \ 
the non-concatenation axis when the axis was a DatetimeIndex (GH 57006)
Fixed regression in merge_ordered() raising TypeError for \ 
fill_method="ffill" and how="left" (GH 57010)
Fixed regression in pandas.testing.assert_series_equal() defaulting to \ 
check_exact=True when checking the Index (GH 57067)
Fixed regression in read_json() where an Index would be returned instead of a \ 
RangeIndex (GH 57429)
Fixed regression in wide_to_long() raising an AttributeError for string columns \ 
(GH 57066)
Fixed regression in DataFrameGroupBy.idxmin(), DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax(), \ 
SeriesGroupBy.idxmin(), SeriesGroupBy.idxmax() ignoring the skipna argument (GH \ 
Fixed regression in DataFrameGroupBy.idxmin(), DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax(), \ 
SeriesGroupBy.idxmin(), SeriesGroupBy.idxmax() where values containing the \ 
minimum or maximum value for the dtype could produce incorrect results (GH \ 
Fixed regression in CategoricalIndex.difference() raising KeyError when other \ 
contains null values other than NaN (GH 57318)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.groupby() raising ValueError when grouping by a \ 
Series in some cases (GH 57276)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.loc() raising IndexError for non-unique, masked \ 
dtype indexes where result has more than 10,000 rows (GH 57027)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.loc() which was unnecessarily throwing \ 
“incompatible dtype warning” when expanding with partial row indexer and \ 
multiple columns (see PDEP6) (GH 56503)
Fixed regression in with na_action="ignore" not being \ 
respected for NumPy nullable and ArrowDtypes (GH 57316)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.merge() raising ValueError for certain types of \ 
3rd-party extension arrays (GH 57316)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.query() with all NaT column with object dtype (GH \ 
Fixed regression in DataFrame.shift() raising AssertionError for axis=1 and \ 
empty DataFrame (GH 57301)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.sort_index() not producing a stable sort for a \ 
index with duplicates (GH 57151)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.to_dict() with orient='list' and datetime or \ 
timedelta types returning integers (GH 54824)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.to_json() converting nullable integers to floats \ 
(GH 57224)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.to_sql() when method="multi" is passed \ 
and the dialect type is not Oracle (GH 57310)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.transpose() with nullable extension dtypes not \ 
having F-contiguous data potentially causing exceptions when used (GH 57315)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.update() emitting incorrect warnings about \ 
downcasting (GH 57124)
Fixed regression in DataFrameGroupBy.idxmin(), DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax(), \ 
SeriesGroupBy.idxmin(), SeriesGroupBy.idxmax() ignoring the skipna argument (GH \ 
Fixed regression in DataFrameGroupBy.idxmin(), DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax(), \ 
SeriesGroupBy.idxmin(), SeriesGroupBy.idxmax() where values containing the \ 
minimum or maximum value for the dtype could produce incorrect results (GH \ 
Fixed regression in ExtensionArray.to_numpy() raising for non-numeric masked \ 
dtypes (GH 56991)
Fixed regression in Index.join() raising TypeError when joining an empty index \ 
to a non-empty index containing mixed dtype values (GH 57048)
Fixed regression in Series.astype() introducing decimals when converting from \ 
integer with missing values to string dtype (GH 57418)
Fixed regression in Series.pct_change() raising a ValueError for an empty Series \ 
(GH 57056)
Fixed regression in Series.to_numpy() when dtype is given as float and the data \ 
contains NaNs (GH 57121)
Fixed regression in addition or subtraction of DateOffset objects with \ 
millisecond components to datetime64 Index, Series, or DataFrame (GH 57529)

Bug fixes

Fixed bug in pandas.api.interchange.from_dataframe() which was raising for \ 
Nullable integers (GH 55069)
Fixed bug in pandas.api.interchange.from_dataframe() which was raising for empty \ 
inputs (GH 56700)
Fixed bug in pandas.api.interchange.from_dataframe() which wasn’t converting \ 
columns names to strings (GH 55069)
Fixed bug in DataFrame.__getitem__() for empty DataFrame with Copy-on-Write \ 
enabled (GH 57130)
Fixed bug in PeriodIndex.asfreq() which was silently converting frequencies \ 
which are not supported as period frequencies instead of raising an error (GH \ 
   2024-01-24 17:31:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-pandas: needs at least gcc 10 because of __has_builtin
   2024-01-20 09:18:55 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: updated to 2.2.0

Pandas 2.2.0

This release includes some new features, bug fixes, and performance \ 
improvements. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.
   2023-12-15 10:29:59 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: updated to 2.1.4

What’s new in 2.1.4

Fixed regressions

Fixed regression when trying to read a pickled pandas DataFrame from pandas 1.3

Bug fixes

Bug in Series constructor raising DeprecationWarning when index is a list of Series
Bug in Series when trying to cast date-like string inputs to ArrowDtype of \ 
Bug in DataFrame.apply() where passing raw=True ignored args passed to the \ 
applied function
Bug in Index.__getitem__() returning wrong result for Arrow dtypes and negative \ 
Fixed bug in to_numeric() converting to extension dtype for \ 
string[pyarrow_numpy] dtype
Fixed bug in DataFrameGroupBy.min() and DataFrameGroupBy.max() not preserving \ 
extension dtype for empty object
Fixed bug in DataFrame.__setitem__() casting Index with object-dtype to PyArrow \ 
backed strings when infer_string option is set
Fixed bug in DataFrame.to_hdf() raising when columns have StringDtype
Fixed bug in Index.insert() casting object-dtype to PyArrow backed strings when \ 
infer_string option is set
Fixed bug in Series.__ne__() resulting in False for comparison between NA and \ 
string value for dtype="string[pyarrow_numpy]"
Fixed bug in Series.mode() not keeping object dtype when infer_string is set
Fixed bug in Series.reset_index() not preserving object dtype when infer_string \ 
is set
Fixed bug in Series.str.split() and Series.str.rsplit() when pat=None for \ 
ArrowDtype with pyarrow.string
Fixed bug in Series.str.translate() losing object dtype when string option is set
   2023-11-11 11:04:38 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: updated to 2.1.3

Pandas 2.1.3

This is a patch release in the 2.1.x series and includes some regression and bug \ 
fixes, and a security fix. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.
   2023-10-29 18:39:51 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: updated to 2.1.2



Reverted deprecation of fill_method=None in DataFrame.pct_change(), \ 
Series.pct_change(), DataFrameGroupBy.pct_change(), and \ 
SeriesGroupBy.pct_change(); the values 'backfill', 'bfill', 'pad', and 'ffill' \ 
are still deprecated (GH 53491)

Fixed regressions

Fixed regression in DataFrame.join() where result has missing values and dtype \ 
is arrow backed string (GH 55348)
Fixed regression in rolling() where non-nanosecond index or on column would \ 
produce incorrect results (GH 55026, GH 55106, GH 55299)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.resample() which was extrapolating back to origin \ 
when origin was outside its bounds (GH 55064)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.sort_index() which was not sorting correctly when \ 
the index was a sliced MultiIndex (GH 55379)
Fixed regression in DataFrameGroupBy.agg() and SeriesGroupBy.agg() where if the \ 
option compute.use_numba was set to True, groupby methods not supported by the \ 
numba engine would raise a TypeError (GH 55520)
Fixed performance regression with wide DataFrames, typically involving methods \ 
where all columns were accessed individually (GH 55256, GH 55245)
Fixed regression in merge_asof() raising TypeError for by with datetime and \ 
timedelta dtypes (GH 55453)
Fixed regression in read_parquet() when reading a file with a string column \ 
consisting of more than 2 GB of string data and using the "string" \ 
dtype (GH 55606)
Fixed regression in DataFrame.to_sql() not roundtripping datetime columns \ 
correctly for sqlite when using detect_types (GH 55554)
Fixed regression in construction of certain DataFrame or Series subclasses (GH 54922)

Bug fixes

Fixed bug in DataFrameGroupBy reductions not preserving object dtype when \ 
infer_string is set (GH 55620)
Fixed bug in SeriesGroupBy.value_counts() returning incorrect dtype for string \ 
columns (GH 55627)
Fixed bug in Categorical.equals() if other has arrow backed string dtype (GH 55364)
Fixed bug in DataFrame.__setitem__() not inferring string dtype for \ 
zero-dimensional array with infer_string=True (GH 55366)
Fixed bug in DataFrame.idxmin() and DataFrame.idxmax() raising for arrow dtypes \ 
(GH 55368)
Fixed bug in DataFrame.interpolate() raising incorrect error message (GH 55347)
Fixed bug in Index.insert() raising when inserting None into Index with \ 
dtype="string[pyarrow_numpy]" (GH 55365)
Fixed bug in Series.all() and Series.any() not treating missing values correctly \ 
for dtype="string[pyarrow_numpy]" (GH 55367)
Fixed bug in Series.floordiv() for ArrowDtype (GH 55561)
Fixed bug in Series.mode() not sorting values for arrow backed string dtype (GH \ 
Fixed bug in Series.rank() for string[pyarrow_numpy] dtype (GH 55362)
Fixed bug in Series.str.extractall() for ArrowDtype dtype being converted to \ 
object (GH 53846)
Fixed bug where PDEP-6 warning about setting an item of an incompatible dtype \ 
was being shown when creating a new conditional column (GH 55025)
Silence Period[B] warnings introduced by GH 53446 during normal plotting \ 
activity (GH 55138)
Fixed bug in Series constructor not inferring string dtype when NA is the first \ 
value and infer_string is set (:issue:` 55655`)


Fixed non-working installation of optional dependency group output_formatting. \ 
Replacing underscore _ with a dash - fixes broken dependency resolution. A \ 
correct way to use now is pip install pandas[output-formatting].
   2023-10-28 21:57:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (516) | Package updated
Log message:
python/ simplify a lot, and switch to 'installer' for installation

This follows the recommended bootstrap method (flit_core, build, installer).

However, installer installs different files than pip, so update PLISTs
for all packages using and bump their PKGREVISIONs.
   2023-10-15 02:05:44 by David H. Gutteridge | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
py-pandas: fix minimum meson dependency pattern

We need to force a minimum with the most recent Python multi-version
   2023-10-05 06:46:05 by David H. Gutteridge | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-pandas: fix (sandboxed) non-default Python builds

Another issue where Meson isn't versioned in pkgsrc, so we end up with
it "helpfully" supplying the path to Python it believes is correct,
which is wrong for any non-default Python version. (The 2.1.0 version
of this package carried a similar fix, which was removed in the update
to 2.1.1; a variation of it is restored here.)

Separately, this package directly expresses a minimum Meson version, so
reflect that as well.

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