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CVS Commit History:

   2024-12-27 09:21:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1055)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for pango requiring fontconfig 2.15
   2024-11-17 08:17:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (944)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for default-on option of at-spi2-core
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-05-29 18:35:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1929) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after icu and protobuf updates
   2024-05-16 08:15:47 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (692)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for gnutls p11-kit option

(existing installations need the included, but it's now only
optionally included)
   2024-04-18 09:58:20 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
qalculate-gtk: update to 5.0.0.

2024-02-16 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add retry and cancel options (and change Ok to Ignore) to error dialog after \ 
failure to save preferences or definitions

2024-02-08 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add new rounding methods
	* Uses parentheses for numbers with scientific notation in more cases
	* Use 1 as first index in binary number

2024-01-31 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add output of hexadecimal floating-point literals to floating point \ 
conversion window

2024-01-26 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Always show binary position numbers in result if numbers of bits are higher \ 
than 16, and improve appearance
	* Click on binary number in result to flip bit
	* Remove "ALL" button (opened number bases dialog) from programming keypad
	* Add selection of number of bits (affects input and output of binary and \ 
hexadecimal numbers, and default number of bits for "cmp" and \ 
"rot") to programming keypad
	* Fix conversion to angle unit for complex angle, cis and polar forms
	* Suggest conversion to angle unit when expression contains inverse \ 
trigonometric function

2024-01-01 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix x and y are reversed for paired matrix when using plot dialog
	* Add support for "decimals" "to"-conversion (display as \ 
decimal fraction)

2023-12-20 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Place non-object (e.g. "Fraction") items first in completion (with \ 
emty "to"-expression) and conversion lists and add separator in \ 
conversion menu before object (e.g. units) items
	* Make suggestions for multiple unit categories, in "to"-conversion \ 
completion and menu, if no single matching unit (category) is found for \ 

2023-12-15 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Update menu of to-button in keypad (use completion list and add symbol to \ 
item title)
	* Fix category matching (in completion and conversion view) for volume units in \ 
subcategories (U.S., imperial, and cooking units)
	* Convert to simple fraction if value only contains integers, when converting \ 
to fixed denominator
	* Add optimal prefix conversion using "to prefix";

2023-12-04 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add last result to stack when pressing Enter with empty expression (was \ 
unintentionally disabled)

2023-11-12 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add result to history even if both expression and result are identical if \ 
expression contains a function generating a random number

2023-10-29 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Support for specifying a fixed denominator for display of fractions (using \ 
menu items or to-conversion, e.g. "to 1/8")
	* Menu items for percent and permille fraction formats

2023-10-26 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix case insensitive comparison for strings with more than two or more \ 
consecutive Unicode characters
	* Prefer capitalized function name (over name with underscore), when completing \ 
function name

2023-10-25 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Apply exact behaviour of PageUp/PageDown keys to keypad up/down button, and \ 
fix sefault in some cases with unfinished input when cycling through history \ 
both using keyboard and keypad

2023-10-24 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Change order of up and down symbols for cycle through previous expressions \ 
keypad button, in order to match keyboard arrow key actions

2023-09-28 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Improve decision to (not) update calculate-as-you-type result when last \ 
character is an operator

2023-09-21 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Update calculate-as-you-type result even if last character is an operator, if \ 
cursor is not at the end of the expression

2023-09-13 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Auto-update number bases above programming keypad when entering simple \ 
integers, even if calculate-as-you-type is deactivated

2023-08-13 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Make closing of application with Escape key optional (enabled by default if \ 
system tray icon is used)
	* Add temporary option to unknown edit dialog
	* Disable editing of name for x, y, and z variables
	* Fix "E" at end of longitude

2023-08-02 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add support for concise and relative interval input and output
	* Fix initial height of list and description in units window

2023-07-25 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add Microship (PIC16/17) 24 and 32 bit floating point formats

2023-07-16 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Show user-defined objects in a separate category in menus and dialogs (as in \ 
	* Update CSV import and export dialogs to match the corresponding dialogs in \ 
	* Do not change the width of the (de)activate button when the label text changes;

2023-07-15 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add option to disable tooltips (all or only in keypad)

2023-07-14 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Update variable, function, unit, unknown, and matrix edit dialogs to match \ 
the corresponding dialogs in qalculate-qt

2023-06-28 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add optional value to copy result action, allowing expression copy and \ 
formatting selection
	* Improve tooltip and list text for custom buttons
	* Do not remove leading and trailing spaces from text action value

2023-06-07 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add option to exclude units for unformatted ascii copy
	* Add toggle precision, and min, max, or min and max decimals to available \ 
shortcut and button actions
	* Allow multiple actions for keyboard shortcuts

2023-05-10 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add support for custom angle units, add all available angle units to the mode \ 
menu, and fix selected angle unit in other menus (add hidden item for angle \ 
units not available in menu)

2023-04-20 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix copy unformatted ascii when local digit group separator is same as \ 
selected decimal separator

2023-04-06 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix Gnome shell search provider segfault, likely related to changes in glib 2.76
	* Support webkitgtk version in configure options (e.g. --with-webkitgtk=4.1)

2023-02-27 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Show value of local variables using current output options in completion list

2023-02-21 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Language selection in preferences on Windows
	* Improve detection of default UI language and make GUI language consistent \ 
with libqalculate language on Windows

2023-02-19 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Do not show prefix + unit in completion list if conflicts with variable or \ 

2023-02-06 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fixes for scientific notation with bases other than 10
	* Fix completion list with a single item for some GTK themes (e.g. Breeze, Ambiance)

2023-02-01 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Use Unicode symbol for minus in scientific e notation

2023-01-11 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add option, in preferences, to change symbols used for output of digits 10 \ 
and 11 in duodecimal numbers (new default is A and B)

2023-01-10 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Place "Inactive" at top of categories list

2022-12-22 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Align completion list to beginning of word

2022-12-16 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix opening customize keypad buttons a second time after the window has been \ 
closed with method other than using the close button
	* Fix title of customize keypad buttons window

2022-12-15 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fixes for completion list opened upwards
	* Disable Apply, in functions dialog, for log() function

2022-12-02 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix output of result when factorization conversion specified in expression \ 
(e.g. "350 to factors"), and when conversion is performed using a \ 
separate expression (e.g. "520 m" ENTER "to ft" ENTER)

2022-11-06 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Use history font for RPN stack list

2022-10-24 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix unit names dialog

2022-09-26 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Show exchange rates source (and update time) for current calculation in tooltip

2022-09-15 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add "Clear history" to available keyboard shortcut and button actions
	* Add support for "clear" and "clear history" qalc commands
	* Avoid truncation of long completion items in the middle of a Unicode symbol

2022-09-10 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix "Set Prefix" for auto-calculated result
	* Allow curly braces in expression entry (replaced by paretheses)
	* Fix quotation marks in comments
	* Add unit examples to dialog asking user for interpretation of implicit \ 
	* Add chapter about differences in the Qt UI to the manual

2022-09-05 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix copying of result during delay before calculate-as-you-type result is \ 
added to history

2022-08-13 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Support for var=a syntax for variable assignment

2022-05-20 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix scaling of result (when it does not fit)

2022-05-14 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix action (e.g. conversion, factorization) on uncalculated expression

2022-05-12 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Make sure that name conflict warning message is at least shown once for each \ 
new name (behaviour was less than optimal when name edit dialog was used)

2022-05-08 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Let tab and shift+tab behave us down/up keys when completion list is visible \ 
if tab key is not bound
	* If completion item was selected using tab, cycle through completion items on \ 
subsequent tab key presses
	* Show completion using tab if completion is disabled (or delayed)

2022-05-07 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Insert minus instead of executing RPN operation, on key press, when last \ 
character is e
	* Do not show number for single unnamed function argument
	* Updates for revised plot() function and new polar plot style

2022-04-26 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add support for binary-coded decimals (BCD)

2022-04-25 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Use different font sizes for expressions, messages, and results in history \ 
(instead of a slightly larger font for all text)

2022-04-24 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Use formatted output in status display

2022-04-21 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Ask the user for the desired sinc() variant (unnormalized or normalized)
	* Ellipsize long completion names list
	* Show names with underscore capitalized and with underscore removed (with some \ 

2022-04-19 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Case-insensitive history search
	* Replace history search entry label with icon within entry
	* Control display of real and imaginary parts in plot using allow complex option

2022-04-09 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix wrong tooltips in completion tab of preferences dialog

2022-03-26 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix memory leak when updating result display
	* Fix Unicode handling when ellipsizing during saving of long result
	* Do not convert empty expression

2022-03-25 h-h-h-h <>

	* Update of German translation

2022-03-23 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix close to systrem tray for 32-bit (and potentially 64-bit) Windows binaries
	* Do nothing when Enter is pressed if expression is empty
	* Increase original size of flag images, use font size to determine appropriate \ 
image size, and use cairo surface instead of GdkPixmap to improve scaling
	* Replace micro symbol for ASCII copy
	* Always display abbreviated unit name (symbol) with abbreviated prefix (when \ 
unit only has short name)

2022-03-21 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix small dot visible when expression is empty with some default fonts
	* Do not change result color when window loses focus

2022-03-19 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Remove system tray icon before exit
	* Do not add separator line if history duplicate was prevented

2022-03-17 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix "Customize completion…" item in expression popup menu
	* Fix segfault if result widget is not realized when first drawing

2022-03-12 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix result display inconsistency when reopening from tray icon

2022-03-07 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add option to clear history in expression popup menu
	* Update tooltips and menu labels immediately when keyboard shortcut has changed
	* Shift+Delete shortcut for history delete

2022-03-06 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Use rounding mode and simplified percentage options from qalculate-gtk in \ 
search provider
	* Clear convert unit on unit list deselect
	* Copy result on Ctrl+C if expression has no selection
	* Fix use of up and down keys in history and rpn stack lists
	* Activate history item, as double-click, on Enter key press (if history has focus)
	* Copy history item on Ctrl+C (if history has focus)

2022-02-28 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Do not replace *, -, / with Unicode operators if cursor is within quotation marks
	* Refine use of quotation marks for function arguments
	* "Edit" history item using F2 and button release, after 250 ms, \ 
instead of button press to avoid interference with double click
	* Do not immediately add result to history on history operator button click if \ 
calculate-as-you-type is enabled
	* Fix display in history of symbol (with quotation marks, e.g. 'a')

2022-02-27 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add option to only show parsed or entered expression in history
	* Do not add duplicate results to history
	* Add copy unformatted ASCII menu items and replace copy separator with copy \ 
ASCII by default option
	* Set text/html, UTF8_STRING, and STRING clipboard targets when copying text
	* Replace operators in pasted expression

2022-02-25 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix completion visible after expression cleared with key repetition (stop \ 
updating completion if expression has changed during popup resize)
	* Use GtkFileChooserNative (on platforms other than Windows)

2022-02-17 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Do not show parsed value in history if the same as entered expression

2022-02-13 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Keep custom language setting (manually set in configuration file)

2022-02-07 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix keyboard shortcut and keypad button values and labels with whitespace \ 
	* Only open matrix dialog if result does not fit
	* Fix store button with too long result

2022-02-04 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix loading of keyboard shortcuts and custom buttons with space in value or label

2022-01-29 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Add option to disable "simplified" percentage calculations (e.g. \ 
intepret 100 + 20% as 100 + 0.2 instead of 100 * 120%)

2022-01-23 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Use HTML formatting in history view

2022-01-21 Jakub Jirutka <>

	* Install search provider to libexecdir instead of libdir
	* Do not rewrite -Os to -O2

2022-01-05 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix copy result when calculate-as-you-type result is not automatically added \ 
to history
	* Do not assume that char is signed

2021-12-31 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Iconify activated window first to bring it to the front with input focus

2021-12-15 Hanna Knutsson <>

	* Fix output of −3 ≤ x ≤ 5 (on Windows, and possibly other platforms)
	* Make keypad in number bases dialog hidable
	* Add truncate numbers rounding option
	* Updates for new matrix syntax
   2024-04-07 09:35:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1138)
Log message:
*: bump for cairo change

lzo was made an option
   2024-04-06 10:07:18 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1490)
Log message:
* recursive bump for libxkbcommon 1.7.0

Marc Baudoin reported problems with using old binary packages
with the new libkxbcommon, so force everything to 1.7.0

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