Log message:
print/latexmk: Update to 4.86
Release notes:
From v. 4.65 to 4.67
Improve parsing of long lines in log file, especially with UTF-8 filenames
and xelatex.
Minor diagnostic improvements
Allow addition of hook for processing lists of missing source files.
Changing of '\' to '/' in filenames is done for msys as well as MSWin32.
Use $compiling_cmd, $warning_cmd, $success_cmd on normal make, rather
than just in -pvc mode.
If there were missing subdirectories in output/aux directories, and these
were successfully created, then ignore error from *latex, since rerun
may succeed.
From v. 4.67 to 4.69a
Add -E option to default command for xdvipdfmx, to match call made
by xetex. This forces xdvipdfmx to always try to embed fonts.
Add -MSWinBackSlash -MSWinBackSlash- options (and corresponding
configuration variable $MSWin_back_slash) to control whether
directory separator '\' is used for filenames on command line for
called programs under MSWin. -MSWinBackSlash- needs to be used
when TeXLive is used on MSWin and the TeX filename includes a
directory component.
When command-line-specified tex file not found, test for cusdep to
make it, then try kpsewhich, and only if all 3 fail report an
Remove use of $extension_treatment: Too hard to check. Always use
what was called 'unix' method, which all *latex implementations
now use.
Improve some warning messages.
Fix bug when -cd and -outdir are used, and outdir is same as
document directory. (Bug is caused by problem in perl module
Report rc files read
From v. 4.69a to 4.70a
Improved compatibility with chapterbib.sty, provided that the configuration
given in file example_rcfiles/chapterbib-latexmkrc is used.
Correction of default values of $biber and $bibtex.
Improved handling of location of bbl and aux files on an intial run.
Change of default: running bibtex no longer uses temporary change of
directory, since the bug in bibtex that it evades isn't present in
recent versions.
Small bug corrections, and changes to some diagnostic messages.
Documentation corrections.
From v. 4.70a to 4.70b
Fix problems when rearranging rules to deal with change of output file of
*latex engine (e.g., .pdf to .dvi).
Fix problem with the new default not to do the change of directory for
bibtex. Use of full path names for output-directory or tex file no
longer causes a bibtex error.
Add options -bibfudge, -bibfudge-, -nobibfudge.
From v. 4.70b to 4.72b
For bibtex, revert to change-directory default when running bibtex.
Add similar procedure for makeindex, but leave old default.
Add options -indexfudge, -indexfudge-, -noindexfudge.
Solve bug that transition from non-existent file to existent file didn't
trigger rerun of *latex. (This concerns file that were flagged as
missing in the .log file.
Give .latexmkrc priority of latexmkrc in finding rc files.
Correct bug when chapterbib used with non-trivial out or aux dir.
Improve handling of situation when auxdir or outdir are specified as
absolute paths.
Miscellaneous bug corrections, especially about consistent normalizations
From v. 4.72b to 4.73
Correct slowness in parsing some log files.
Provide emulation of -aux-directory, so that it can be used with
implementation other than MiKTeX. (At the moment the only documentation
of this feature is given by latexmk --help.)
From v. 4.73 to 4.74
Correct treatment of aux_dir and out_dir to avoid bugs that appeared on
MS-Windows only.
Remove some informational messages (about rc files, and the state of
aux and dir settings after normalization).
From v. 4.74 to 4.74b
When emulating aux_dir, put .synctex.gz .synctex files in out_dir (as
done by MiKTeX, and needed for their use).
Turn emulate aux_dir off by default, to match behavior on older versions
of latexmk (BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE with 4.73 and 4.74.)
Add end-of-all-runs warning if emulate aux_dir needed to be turned on,
when it was initially off.
Add .synctex and .synctex.gz to list of extensions to clear by default.
Turn back on default to report rc files read.
Add options -rc-report, -rc-report-, -dir_report, -dir_report-.
From v. 4.74b to 4.75
For biber, add any dependency on configuration file.
When -time option used, report running times for all rules
From v. 4.75 to 4.76
In fdb_latexmk file, sort generated file list by name.
If nothing is done in a rerun, don't do the unnecessary rewrite of
fdb_latexmk file.
Improve some diagnostics.
Add /etc to list of locations for system rc files (with Unix-like OSs).
From v. 4.76 to 4.77
Clean up and improvements in warnings etc
Ensured systematic use of STDOUT and STDERR, to more or less match that
of *tex: STDOUT for progress messages, and, normally, errors and
warnings caused by the compilation of a document. STDERR is for
within-latexmk errors etc: incorrect command line, configuration errors
Internal improvements and bug fixes.
Correctly handle non-ASCII filenames, UTF-8 coding of log files etc,
including on MS Wndows, and including correct parsing of wrapped
lines in log files. Adjust method of unwrapping of wrapped lines in
log file according to whether latex/pdflatex, lualatex or xelatex is
used, thereby reducing misparses of information in log file.
Reinstate Windows batch file for running latexmk, now called latexmk.cmd.
Remove code that automatically measured a possible offset between clock
time for the system on which latexmk runs and the system on which files
are stored. (This was used to adjust a test for whether an expected
file is generated on the current run of *latex or is a relic from a
past time.) Modern OSs, by default, synchronize system time with a time
From v. 4.77 to 4.78
Option -dvilua to generate dvi file by lualatex
Option -xdv to generate xdv file by xelatex
To support these, change in definition of $dvi_mode, and new variables
$dvilualatex, $xdv_mode.
Bug corrections etc.
Configuration variable $bad_warning_is_error to allow certain bad warnings
in log file (e.g., '\end inside ...') to be treated by latexmk as if
*latex had reported an actual error.
On MS-Windows, correctly handle non-ASCII names for file and directory
variables set in rc files.
Other improvements in treatment of non-ASCII characters in filenames.
From v. 4.78 to 4.79
Check rc files for valid UTF-8; remove initial BOM.
Improve some warnings and messages.
Correctly implement conditional use of biber, to be able to preserve bbl
file when bib file doesn't exist. This behavior now matches the
conditional use of bibtex.
Solve problem that processing times under Windows were reported as zero.
Solve occasional problems caused by granularity of file times when detecting
files generated during a run of *latex
Configurably change default location of fls file to aux directory, to match
behavior of recent versions of MiKTeX.
Update documentation especially about aux and output directories.
Add configuration variable (not yet documented) $filetime_slop, with
default value 2. When a test for whether a file was generated on the
current run of *latex, the file modification time is permitted to be
$filetime_slop seconds older than the system time at the start of a
run of *latex while still being treated as a generated file. This
allows for differences in granularity between the different times
involved, and especially the 2 sec granularity on FAT file systems.
From v. 4.79 to 4.80
Improved treatment of detection of whether files (e.g., .log) have been
generated on current run or are leftover from an earlier run. Code now
compensates (and diagnoses) time offset between computer running
latexmk and file server.
Allow placeholder %C in argument to set_tex_cmds, to allow more flexible
construction of command lines for all *latex.
Fix problems of compatibility with the xr package.
Allow escaping of spaces in names of files in deps files, as needed by
make. Escaping can be unix-style or nmake-style.
Various bug fixes and corrections, improvements in error and warning
messages, and corrections to documentation.
From v. 4.80 to 4.81
Fix various problems when filenames contain non-ASCII characters,
especially when MSYS is used.
Fix problems with analyzing wrapped lines in log files, especially with
With options like -dvi that set the kind of output file, turn off
settings corresponding to incompatible options.
Improved warning and error messages.
Fix problem when using the $use_make_for_missing_files, with the search
over possible extensions for a missing file.
Add .run.xml to the list of generated extensions in @generated_exts.
Correct the behavior after errors. Previously force_mode didn't work as
documented, terminating processing too early, while in
preview_continuous_mode, incorrect extra runs were sometimes made.
Other bug fixes.
From v. 4.81 to 4.82
Fixed various anomalies in working with biber, especially under error conditions.
Fixed various anomalies with use of -bibtex- and -bibtex-cond options.
Fixed problem that -Werror worked only with bibtex and not biber. (This
is the option that causes latexmk to return a non-zero exit code to
flag an error when there are missing-citation messages in the .log
Added -dir-report-only option.
Fixed lack of quoting on command line to kpsewhich.
Implemented support for hilatex (-hnt option, $hnt_mode configuration
Allow sleep times of under a second. (That gives very responsive
performance on fast computers.)
Support ^^ format in .log file for non-ASCII bytes/characters.
Document $filetime_causality_threshold configuration variable.
Other documentation improvements.
From v. 4.82 to 4.82a
Fixed problem that with the use of %hash_calc_ignore_pattern, warnings
about "Use of uninitialized value $_" were given, and some corresponding
dependencies were incorrectly treated.
From v. 4.82a to 4.83
Fix bug that sometimes biber is incorrectly run after a *latex run
results in an error, with biber then giving an error.
Fix problem that if -gg is used with multiple files specified on command
line, then generated files are deleted for all by the last file
compiled. (So that -gg wasn't working as intended in this case.)
Fixed some bugs with incorrect variable scope. (These bugs gave
incomprehensible error messages about undefined variables!)
Restrict warning diagnostics about ^^ constructs in aux file to those
involving non-trivial Unicode characters, as against things like ^^M.
From v. 4.83 to 4.84
Update example_rcfiles/bib2gls_latexmkrc to deal with situation where
.glstex file has basename of .bib file rather than that of main .tex
Update example_rcfiles/asymptote_latexmkrc.
Update example_rcfiles/splitindex_latexmkrc.
Add example_rcfiles/memoize_latexmkrc.
Improve detection of need to run makeindex (solves non-detection when
imakeidx package is used with splitindex option).
Implement final-output directory, with option -out2dir, variables
$out2_dir, @out2_exts.
Document hook mechanism.
Document $allow_subdir_creation variable.
From v. 4.84 to 4.85
Correct bug that if $out_dir and $out2_dir referred to the same
directory, but latexmk didn't detect that, then the subroutine copy
reported an error, and latexmk treated that incorrectly as a fatal
From v. 4.85 to 4.86
Document variable $user_deleted_file_treated_as_changed.
Correct problems when main pdf output file is detected as an INPUT file in
the .fls file. (That sometimes affected dependency detection of
included graphics files with the same basename as the main .tex
Updates to example_rcfiles/xr_latexmkrc, example_rcfiles/pythontex_latexmkrc,
example_rcfiles/splitindex_latexmkrc, example_rcfiles/bib2gls_latexmkrc.
Correct detection of graphics includes in .log file.
Apply autoflush to STDOUT, so that when STDERR and STDOUT are redirected
to the same place, the output is correctly ordered.
Add base name to the list of items reported with the -dir-report and
-dir-report-only options.
With -dir-report-only make report for each tex file to be processed.
Fix failure of -c and -C with $cleanup_includes_generated = 1; when
engine is lualatex or hilatex.
Documentation updates.
Correct problem that necessary necessary directory/ies not created in aux
dir when \include'd file has more than one level of subdirectory.
Correct message about up-to-date files when $max_repeat runs exceeded.