2024-12-15 08:39:53 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(textproc/R-htmltools) Updated 0.5.4 to
# htmltools
* `capturePlot()`s examples are now only run when `interactive()`. (#429)
# htmltools 0.5.8
## Improvements
* .The fill CSS attached to fillable containers and fill items with
`bindFillRole()` now uses a [CSS cascade
named `htmltools` to reduce the precedence order of the fill
CSS. (#425)
* Improved documentation for boolean attributes in
`tagAppendAttributes()` to note that they can be set via an `NA`
value, e.g. `tagAppendAttributes(div(), contenteditable = NA)`
creates `<div contenteditable></div>`. (thanks @russHyde, #427)
## Bug fixes
* `bindFillRole()` now attaches its `HTMLDependency()` to fill items,
thus reducing the possibility of filling layout breaking due to
missing CSS. (#421)
# htmltools 0.5.7
## New Features
* `save_html()` is now an S3 generic, allowing for more customization
over how certain classes are saved to an HTML file. (#411)
## Improvements
* Fill items no longer set `overflow: auto` or `width: 100%` by default. (#401)
* `css()` now fully supports setting custom CSS properties (or CSS
variables) via inline styles. When the name of a value passed to
`css()` starts with `--`, it will be treated as a custom CSS
property and absolutely no changes will be made to the variable. For
example, `css("--font_size" = "3em")` returns \
while `css(font_size = "3em")` will return `font-size:3em`. (#402)
## Bug fixes
* `{htmltools}` now requires `{rlang}` version 1.0.0 or higher. (#403)
# htmltools
## Improvements
* `tagQuery()` no longer throws an error when attempting to traverse a
NULL value with r-devel. (#407)
# htmltools 0.5.6
## Possibly breaking changes
* Closed #386: Fillable containers no longer set `overflow: auto` by
default. Instead, they set `min-width` and `min-height` to `0` to
ensure that fill items a constrained in the fillable container
without clipping their direct children. (#387)
* Closed #370: Non-fill items in fillable containers no longer grow or
shrink and instead respect their intrinsic size. Use `height` to
control the height of non-fill items in fillable containers and
`min-height` and `max-height` on fill items to limit how much they
are allowed to grow or shrink within a fillable container. (#391)
## Minor improvements
* Closed #375: calling `htmlDependency()` or a function that returns
an `htmlDependency()` object (e.g.,
`fontawesome::fa_html_dependency()`) in an R chunk in an R Markdown
or knitr-powered Quarto document will now include the dependency
rather than printing the object structure. If you want to print the
object structure, you can use `print()` or `str()`. (#376)
* Closed #124: `includeHTML()` will now issue a warning if it detects
that the file passed to it contains a complete HTML
document. `includeHTML()` is designed to include HTML fragments
where the contents of the file can be written directly into the
current app or document, but subtle errors can occur when the file
contains a complete HTML document. In most cases, you should instead
use `tags$iframe()` to embed external documents. (#382)
# htmltools 0.5.5
## Bug fixes
* Closed #355: `tagQuery()` was failing to select elements with tag
names that contained hyphens. (@slodge, #302)
* Closed #366: `tagQuery()`'s `find()` method no longer errors out
when tags contain language objects. (#366)
2023-03-12 06:40:48 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
(textproc/R-htmltools) Updated 0.5.2 to 0.5 4
# htmltools 0.5.4
## New Features
* Added a new `bindFillRole()` function for modifying `tag()`
object(s) into tags that are allowed to grow and shrink when their
parent is opinionated about their height. See `help(bindFillRole,
"htmltools")` for documentation and examples. Note the primary
motivation for adding these functions is to power `{bslib}`'s new
`card()` API (in particular, [responsive
as well as the new `fill` arguments in `shiny::plotOutput()`,
`shiny::imageOutput()`, `shiny::uiOutput()`,
`htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy()`, and
`htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput()`. (#343)
## Bug fixes
* Closed #331: `copyDependencyToDir()` creates `outputDir`
recursively, which happens in Quarto or when `lib_dir` points to a
nested directory. (@gadenbuie, #332)
* Closed #346: `tagQuery()`'s `$remove()`, `$after()`, `$before()`,
`$replaceWith()` had a bug that prevented expected behavior when
sibling children values where not tag elements. (#348)
# htmltools 0.5.3
## Breaking changes
* Closed #305: `htmlPreserve()` no longer uses _inline_ code blocks
for Pandoc's raw attribute feature when used inside a _non_-inline
knitr/rmarkdown code chunk, and as a result, in this case, an
additional `<p>` tag is no longer wrapped around the HTML
content. (#306)
## Bug fixes
* Closed #301: `tagQuery()` was failing to copy all `tagList()` html
dependencies within nest child tag lists. `tagQuery()` will now
relocate html dependencies as child objects. (#302)
* Closed #290: htmltools previously did not specify which version of
fastmap to use, and would fail to install with an old version of
fastmap. (#291)
* `copyDependencyToDir()` no longer creates empty directories for
dependencies that do not have any files. (@gadenbuie, #276)
* Closed #320: `copyDependencyToDir()` now works with dependencies
with specified attributes. (@dmurdoch, #321)
2021-10-26 13:23:42 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1161) |
Log message:
textproc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./textproc/convertlit/distinfo clit18src.zip
2021-10-07 17:02:49 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1162) |
Log message:
textproc: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-09-06 23:52:11 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
(textproc/R-htmltools)) Add missing DEPENDS to R-fastmap
2021-06-07 01:48:13 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
(textproc/R-htmltools) Add missing DEPENDS (R-rlang)
2021-06-06 17:40:28 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
(textproc/R-htmltools) Add missing one DEPENDS
2021-06-05 10:02:32 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
^(textproc/R-htmltools) Updated 0.3.6 to
* Added shiny as a suggested package.
htmltools 0.5.1
## New Features & Improvements
* Added a new `tagFunction()` for generating `tags` and/or
`htmlDependency()`s conditional on the rendering context. For an
example, see `?tagFunction`. (#180)
* Closed #104: `save_html()`'s `file` argument now properly handles
relative paths. (@haozhu233, #105, #192)
* `save_html()` now has a `lang` parameter that can be used to set the
lang attribute of `<html>`. (@ColinFay, #185)
* Closed #101: `htmlDependency` & `renderDependencies` now allow the
`script` argument to be given as a named list containing the
elements: `src`, `integrity`, `crossorigin`. (@matthewstrasiotto,
* Closed #189: `validateCssUnit()` now accepts `fit-content`. (#190)
* `htmlPreserve()` can now optionally use the Pandoc `raw_attribute`
extension to enclose HTML.
## Breaking Changes
* Closed #161: `parseCssColors(x)` now requires `x` to be a character
vector (it no longer accepts a `list()` of strings) and an error is
no longer thrown when `mustWork = FALSE` and `x` contains `NA`
value(s). (#194)
## Bug fixes
* `print(as.tags(x))` no longer results in error when `x` is a generic
`list()` of tag-like objects. (#181)
htmltools 0.5.0
* `tags` is now generated by a script which collects all
[HTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element) and
[SVG](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element) element tags
documented in [MDN Web Docs](https://developer.mozilla.org). This feature
only appends to the existing set of `tags` (#159)
* Removed the Rcpp depedency and the compiled code now uses C rather than C++ (#158)
* BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed #57, #153: `htmlTemplate` output no longer inserts
extra whitespace around {{...}} replacement values. (#154)
* `HTML()` now takes `.noWS` argument, which can be used to suppress surrounding
whitespace (similar to the new argument for tags in htmltools 0.4.0). (#154)
* `css()` now returns `NULL` instead of `""` when no non-empty \
properties are
specified. (#145)
* `save_html(tags$body(...))` no longer results in double <body> tags being
written to the .html file. (Note that `save_html(tags$html(...))` is not
supported at this time.) (#145)
* Trailing commas now permited in `...` arguments to `css()`, `tagList()`, and
the var-arg mutation functions: `tagAppendAttributes()`, `tagSetChildren()`,
and `tagAppendChildren()`. (#145)
* Added `capturePlot` and `plotTag` functions, for easily creating image files
and HTML <img> tags (respectively) from plot expressions. (#150)
* Added `parseCssColors` function, for normalizing the various CSS
color formats into #RRGGBB(AA) strings. (#155)
* Fixed #156: Now `extractPreserveChunks()` handles strings contain
Emoji Unicode strings correctly on Windows. (#157)
* The `.noWS` parameter for suppressing whitespace can now take an \
value (equivalent to `c("after-start", "before-end")`). (#163)
htmltools 0.4.0
* Fixed #128: Added support for trailing commas in tagLists and the predefined
tags. (#135)
* Added some HTML tag functions to `tags` that were missing. (#111)
* Updated RcppExports for new version of Rcpp. (#93)
* `as.character.shiny.tags()` will handle non-ASCII attributes correctly if they
are not encoded in native encoding.
* Fixed #99: `NA` attributes were sometimes rendered as `"NA"` in the HTML,
instead of being blank. (#100)
* The error message for trailing commas in tag functions now provides context
and useful information. (#109)
* Stopped using inline styles to set background color for `save_html`, as doing so
makes it difficult to override using other CSS rules. (#123)
* Added a `.noWS` argument to `tag()` and `tags` which can be used to suppress
the automatically generated whitespace around a particular tag. (#131)
* Added a shim for `system.file()` so that htmltools works with `htmlDependency`
objects created by a package that was loaded with `devtools::load_all()`.
* `validateCssUnit()` now accepts `ch`, `rem`, and `calc()`. (#134)
* Fixed #125: `print.html` removes html dependencies. (#126)
* Stopped extra carriage returns from being inserted by `save_html` on Windows.
2019-08-08 21:53:58 by Brook Milligan | Files touched by this commit (189) |  |
Log message:
Update all R packages to canonical form.
The canonical form [1] of an R package Makefile includes the
- The first stanza includes R_PKGNAME, R_PKGVER, PKGREVISION (as
needed), and CATEGORIES.
- HOMEPAGE is not present but defined in math/R/Makefile.extension to
refer to the CRAN web page describing the package. Other relevant
web pages are often linked from there via the URL field.
This updates all current R packages to this form, which will make
regular updates _much_ easier, especially using pkgtools/R2pkg.
[1] http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-pkg/2019/08/02/msg021711.html
2019-07-31 22:52:25 by Brook Milligan | Files touched by this commit (1) |  |
Log message:
R-htmltools: update to canonical form of an R package.
Update to the canonical form of an R package and fix the LICENSE