2025-02-23 17:59:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (79) |
Log message:
*: py-sphinx 8.2 drops support for Python 3.10
2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862) |
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency
py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
2024-10-14 08:46:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (325) |
Log message:
*: clean-up after python38 removal
2024-09-13 18:59:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex: updated to 2.6.3
2.6.3 (12 September 2024)
* Add setuptools as a runtime dependency on Python 3.12. This works around
an issue with the latest release of pybtex not working on Python 3.12
* Migrate setup.py to pyproject.toml. This fixes a ``namespace_packages``
warning on setuptools.
2024-08-10 09:57:44 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex: not for Python 3.9
2024-01-20 17:06:55 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex: fix PLIST for Python != 3.12
2024-01-13 08:04:32 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex: updated to 2.6.2
2.6.2 (10 January 2023)
* Fix bibliography header repetition when recompiling documents
2.6.1 (27 August 2023)
* The ``:cite:alp:`` role in the super style now also suppresses the sup tag
in addition to the brackets, to make it easier to apply the necessary formatting
around the citation.
2.6.0 (24 August 2023)
* Pre- and post-text in citations are now supported for the
author_year, label, and super referencing styles. The syntax is
Refer to the documentation for more details.
* New alternative style citations are now supported for the
author_year, label, and super parenthetical referencing styles,
which are identical to parenthetical citations but without the brackets.
The syntax is ``:cite:alp:`key```.
Refer to the documentation for more details.
* Exclude docutils 0.18 and 0.19 to fix generation of a spurious div tag in the
html builder.
* Add test for running the extension on Cython modules.
* Add test for running the extension with autoapi.
* Sphinx versions 2.x (and lower) are no longer supported.
New minimum required version of Sphinx is 3.5.
* Running pytest without arguments will now by default skip all marked tests
that require additional dependencies (currently numpydoc, rinohtype, and
* Fix encoding issues when running tests on Windows.
* Python 3.6 is EOL and is therefore no longer officially supported.
2023-11-07 23:38:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (112) |
Log message:
*: latest py-sphinx only support Python 3.9+
2022-01-04 21:55:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1595) |
Log message:
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users
They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
2021-10-26 13:23:42 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1161) |
Log message:
textproc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./textproc/convertlit/distinfo clit18src.zip