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The following packages where found to depend on sysutils/desktop-file-utilsPrevious - Results
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1324 -
Next- wip/py-anki2, Required to run
- wip/kcolorchooser, Required to run
- wip/osmo, Required to run
- wip/emacs-current, Required to run
- wip/kde-baseapps4, Required to run
- wip/kmag, Required to run
- wip/libreoffice-devel, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-desktop, Required to run
- wip/heliodor, Required to run
- wip/kdewebdev4, Required to run
- wip/terminology, Required to run
- wip/banshee, Required to run
- wip/wine64, Required to run
- wip/lxappearance, Required to run
- wip/wireshark2, Required to run
- wip/love09, Required to run
- wip/moeclock, Required to run
- wip/paperbox, Required to run
- wip/thwab, Required to run
- wip/scratchpad, Required to run
- wip/kmouth, Required to run
- wip/lxmusic, Required to run
- wip/cinelerra-cv, Required to run
- wip/kremotecontrol, Required to run
- wip/audacity-cmake, Required to run
- wip/deforaos-mailer, Required to run
- wip/openttd, Required to run
- wip/gnochm, Required to run
- wip/jpicedt, Required to run
- wip/pcsxr, Required to run
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