./devel/py-test-snapshot, Plugin for snapshot testing with pytest

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.9.0, Package name: py311-test-snapshot-0.9.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

A plugin for snapshot testing with pytest.

This library was inspired by jest's snapshot testing. Snapshot
testing can be used to test that the value of an expression does
not change unexpectedly. The added benefits of snapshot testing
are that

* They are easy to create.
* They are easy to update when the expected value of a test

Instead of manually updating tests when the expected value of an
expression changes, the developer simply needs to

* run pytest --snapshot-update to update the snapshot tests
* verify that the snapshot files contain the new expected results
* commit the snapshot changes to version control

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Filesize: 19.411 KB

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