Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/tmda
From: Amitai Schlair
Date: 2002-09-01 01:08:41
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.61. From the changelog:

* New -A option for tmda-ofmipd to allow authentication against
  checkpassword compatible programs such as checkpassword-pam

* New -C option for tmda-ofmipd to set a limit on the number of
  simultaneous connections.  Default is 20.

* tmda-ofmipd general bugfixes and security improvements.

* New config variable, `X_TMDA_IN_SUBJECT' which turns on parsing of
  the Subject header for X-TMDA override actions.  See description in for more information.

* New config variable, `ADDED_HEADERS_SERVER' which allows you to add
  arbitrary headers to all server-sent (i.e, tmda-filter) messages.

* Josh Huber's tmda.el, an elisp module for integrating TMDA with Gnus
  and Message mode, has been added to the contrib directory.  This is
  super-cool, Jason sez check it out!

* Major improvements to the filter file language, courtesy of Tim,

   - The addition of "macro" definition and expansion.
   - The addition of variable interpolation.
   - A new argument, `-optional', for all rules that access files.
   - Support for nested filter files with the 'include' statement.

   For more information on these new features, see the updated TMDA
   Filter Specification (

* Logging capability for client-side message (i.e, those sent with
  tmda-sendmail).  Set LOGFILE_OUTGOING in your config to enable this.

* New version of tmda.el.

* Fixed a bug which prevented the `from/to-mailman' filter sources
  from working.
