Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/cvsync
From: MAEKAWA Masahide
Date: 2003-05-17 02:45:40
Message id:

Log Message:
0.21.0 is out.

	* New feature: access

          It provides the way to control to allow/deny the connections.

                allow <v4addr>[/<netmask>][,<max>]
                allow <v6addr>[/<prefixlen>][,<max>]
                allow <domain>[,<max>]
                        'allow' specifies the acceptable address block and
                        the acceptable domain name. <max> means the maximum
                        connections from the address block or the domain name.
                        Even if <max> is greater than 'maxclient', the maximum
                        is restricted by the value of 'maxclient'.

                always <v4addr>[/<netmask>]
                always <v6addr>[/<prefixlen>]
                always <domain>
                        'always' specifies the acceptable address block and the
                        acceptable domain name with no restrictions. Even if
                        the number of the connections is already same as
                        'maxclient', the connection from this address block or
                        the domain name never be rejected.

                deny <v4addr>[/<netmask>]
                deny <v6addr>[/<prefixlen>]
                deny <domain>
                        'deny' specifies the unacceptable address block and the
                        unacceptable domain name. The server always rejects the
                        connection from this address block and the domain name.

        'permit' is an alias to 'allow'.
        'reject' is an alias to 'deny'.

	* Fix a bug that cvscan doesn't work if 'distfile' isn't set.

	* Experimental SOCKS5 support.

          If you want to use SOCKS5, please specify SOCKS5_TYPE.

          The following types are available:

                none (default)
