Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/rdiff-backup
From: Luke Mewburn
Date: 2003-09-29 04:00:45
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to rdiff-backup 0.12.5:

New in v0.12.5 (2003/09/27)

Fixed bug in --test-server when using --restrict security options
(test would fail improperly).  Thanks to Maik Schreiber for report.

--list-changed-since and --list-at-time now work remotely.
Thanks to Morten Werner Olsen for bug report.

Fixed logic bug that could make restoring extremely slow and waste
memory.  Thanks for Jacques Botha for report.

Fixed bug restoring some directories when mirror_metadata file was
missing (as when made by 0.10.x version).

Regressing and restoring as non-root user now works on directories
that contain unreadable files and directories as long as they are
owned by that user.  Bug report by Arkadiusz Miskiewicz.  Hopefully
this is the last of the unreadable file bugs...
