Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/stunnel
From: Martti Kuparinen
Date: 2003-01-18 09:33:43
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated stunnel to 4.04 (upgrade to 4.03 provided by Juan RP in pkg/19310)

* New features sponsored by MAXIMUS
  - New 'options' configuration option to setup
    OpenSSL library hacks with SSL_CTX_set_options().
  - 'service' option also changes the name for
    TCP Wrappers access control in inetd mode.
  - SSL is negotiated before connecting remote host
    or spawning local process whenever possible.
  - REMOTE_HOST variable is always placed in the
    enrivonment of a process spawned with 'exec'.
  - Whole SSL error stack is dumped on errors.
  - Manual page updated (special thanks to Brian Hatch).
  - New user interface (config file).
  - Single daemon can listen on multiple ports, now.
  - Delayed DNS lookup added.

* Other new features
  - All the timeouts are now configurable including
    TIMEOUTclose that can be set to 0 for MSIE and other
    buggy clients that do not send close_notify.
  - Stunnel process can be chrooted in a specified directory.
  - Numerical values for setuid() and setgid() are allowed, now.
  - Confusing code for setting certificate defaults introduced in
    version 3.8p3 was removed to simplify stunnel setup.
    There are no built-in defaults for CApath and CAfile options.
  - Private key file for a certificate can be kept in a separate
    file.  Default remains to keep it in the cert file.
  - Manual page updated.
