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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/silc-server
From: Lubomir Sedlacik
Date: 2004-01-03 19:02:52
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to version 0.9.16.
- Added public key based search support to WHOIS command. Users can be
searched by their public key now. To search users by public key using
SILC Client, do the following (see the /HELP WHOIS for revised help
information on searching by public key):
To search nickname 'nick' that has the specified public key, give:
/WHOIS nick -pubkey /path/to/the/
To search all usesr that has the specified public key, give:
/WHOIS -pubkey /path/to/the/
- Removed RC6 cipher.
- Fixed the MOTD command to work properly. Motds can now be fetched from
remote servers.
- Fixed the INVITE string handling during joining to use correct server
name. Invite strings such as *!*@* now
- Fixed the CUMODE for founder mode work correctly when there is already a
founder on channel. Normal server cannot anymore "replace" a founder
which is founder on router (even if authentication works). User on
router can "replace" founder that is on normal server assuming
authentication is successful.
- Fixed UMODE mode change bug when anonymous mode was already set. Now
modes can be changed normally.
- Minor fixes to backup router protocol. Some problems may still exist
and testing this feature is recommended.
- Improvements to router-to-router connections. Normal communication
should work. NOTE: This is experimental and you can expect problems
if you set up such network.
- Several other bugfixes.