Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/bomberclone
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2004-02-07 16:40:21
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.11.1:
Version 0.11.1

- Added: Deathmatch mode.

- Added: Kick Bombs special

- Fixed: Network initialization at quit removed

- Fixed: packets.c: do/send_playermove tunnelto wasn't
  converted into network arch.

- Fixed: packets.h: pkg_playermove speed changed to Sint16

- Fixed: gfxpixelimage.c colors on bigendian Systems Red
  and Blue mask was switched

- Fixed: network.h: NET_CANSEND fixed, didn't checked right
  for the server

- Fixed: crash if no tileset was selected in the selection
  menu. (error was in menu.c:menu_dir_select)

- Fixed: (Network) three more stones will be restored if a new
  bombdata packet reaches the player.

- Changed all Images to PNG. From now on there is alpha blending
  supported too.

- Added: Game Setting start_bombs, start_range, start_bombs and

- Added: Drop Items On Death element. You can collect now
  your opponents items if he died.

- Fixed: Missing "Press F4 to Start" Screen Text in Multiplayer

- Fixed: Networking over IPv6 had a little network init problem

- Fixed: Crash on Hosting games with OGC enabled and no internet

- Fixed: player_move had a problem with the speed of the player
  on slow systems.

- Fixed: Major networking and packet handling problem. inpkg_check
  fixed, strange crash fixed was reading from players[addr->pl_nr].*
  where addr->pl_nr was set to -1. Function inpkg_delplayer added
  so all inconig indexdata for double packets can be deleted. This
  made a big problem when someone disconnected and tryed to rejoin

Version 0.11.0

- Added Programm options to the game. For more information
  run BomberClone with -help.

- Compiler Flag added for disabling debuging. Compiler
  Flags -ggdb and -O0 won'T be set no more.
     ./configure --disable-debug

- Added smal help screen in the multiplayer selection

- Fixed: If the player is move on a field where is
  currently an explosion then will the player die.

- wrote new OpenGameCache Server for this game and
  other games. This server is working almost the same
  way as BCMServ did. Except that there is no
  Broadcasted chat for now (but i will enable this
  soon again).

  OGC Link:

- Menuhandling complete rewritten and changed.
  GUI created for menus: lists, buttons, check boxes
  labels and other things created.
  -new menugraphics made by DJ Mirage.
  -mapmenu written by Patty
  -the bad response form the game to users action
   should be fixed.

- FullScreen switching from within the game
  by pressing (F8 Works for some Reason only
  in Linux)

- Changed part of the Networkhandling to detect who
  is the Game Server.

- AI Players can join network games.

- Changed all positions and framenumbers to float.
  Together with this i can drop the hard 20ms
  gameloop limitation. So the game will be able to
  run on slower systems and compare the loss of

- some more music tracks added to the game.
  DJ Mirage made a page where people could
  upload some songs.

- BomberClone music file "cinderella_clown.mod"
  thanks to Psycho (
