Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/svk
From: Eric Gillespie
Date: 2004-11-06 22:52:56
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.25.

No longer need shared-mime-info, p5-Text-Diff, or p5-File-MimeInfo.
New dependencies p5-File-Type and p5-PerlIO-eol.

Upstream change log:

[Changes for 0.25 - 25 Oct, 2004]

* Fix the mkdir sequence which causes first-time svk users fatal error.

[Changes for 0.24 - 24 Oct, 2004]

* Fix svk ps regression for svn 1.0.x.

* Fallback to getpwuid($<) in case $ENV{HOME} or $ENV{USER} is not
  set, as is the case in Fink.  Reported by Christian Schaffner.

* Fix "svk pull -a" when the current directory is not a
  checkout path. [Autrijus]

* Fix checkout_delta cache on win32. [Autrijus]

* Fix svk move copath destination with trailing slash.

* Make svk move checks if the target already exists before doing
  anything that might leave the checkout in an inconsistent state.

* "svk cp //depotpath" should be parsed as "svk cp //depotpath \ 
  not "svk cp . //depotpath".  Reported by Jesse Vincent. [Autrijus]

* New: svk admin rmcache.

* The old commit message prompt is now split into two:
 - Those with editable target list now shows:
   "=== Targets to commit (you may delete items from it) ==="
 - Those without editable targets now shows:
   "=== Please enter your commit message above this line ==="

* If SVN::Core version is too old, die with a meaningful message.

[Changes for 0.23 - 18 Oct, 2004]

* New: commit / smerge -P creats patch, and obsoletes unintuitive svk
  patch create.

* New: svk merge now supports -cN which means -r N-1:N.

* New: svk mirror --recover. [Autrijus]

* New: svk mkdir -p and svk copy -p to create intermediate directories.

* New: svk pull DEPOTPATH. [Jesse Vincent]

* Proper svn:eol-style support with the same semantics as svn. [Autrijus]

* Proper upper/lower case normalization for Win32 filesystems. [Autrijus]

* The SVK Help system, as SVK/Help/[lang/]/*.pod. [Autrijus]

* The log produced by smerge -l no longer contains the duplicated logs
  that were merged from the current target.

* smerge -I and repeated smerge now works on checkout.

* commit --import or import now treats obstructed items as replaced.

* Don't skip explicit targets on svk add.

* Correctly obtain the user name on non-unix platforms. [Autrijus]

* Fix pool abuse in history tracing code. [Autrijus]

* Fix smerge -IB.

* svk patch delete now works.

* svk delete now works within mirrored paths.

* svk annotate now works on files with CR/CRLF line endings. [Autrijus]

[Changes for 0.22 - 4 Oct, 2004]

* Interactive merge support is now default. [Autrijus]

* svk patch apply.

* Modular external merge tool support, with the following supported:
  AraxisMerge, Emacs, FileMerge, GtkDiff, Guiffy, KDiff3, Meld,
  P4WinMerge, TkDiff, TortoiseMerge, XXDiff. [Autrijus]

* Patch format changed, it's now unidiff with FreezeThaw-serialized
  SVK::Patch. [Autrijus]

* merge and smerge now supports -f and -t options to deduce copy
  source as target. [Eric Lindvall]

* Experimental depotpath auto-vivification from URL. [Autrijus]
  This allows you to svk checkout URL and svk cp URL local-branch.

* Experimental svk push and pull support.

* sync and update now supports -s and -m to sync and/or merge from
  branch source. [Autrijus]

* revert now also marks nodes as resolved.

* mirror, checkout and switch now all support --list, --detach and
  --relocate. [Autrijus]

* New aliases: cm => cmerge, depot => depotmap, sw => switch.

* Implement "svk depot --add", "svk depot --delete". [Autrijus]

* prop{get,set,edit,del} on revprops. [Autrijus]

* Fix smerge -l that trims logs before another smerge in the other

* Use svn's internal streamy diff library instead of
  Text::Diff. [Autrijus]

* svk import --to-checkout can import a directory and turn it to a
  checkout path in-place . [Autrijus]

* -s (--sign) is renamed to -S.

* rename import --force to --from-checkout.

* $Revision$ now means $Rev$, not $FileRev$, to agree with Subversion.

* "svk mirror --list" and "svk sync --all" now operates on \ 
all depots,
  if no arguments is given, instead of on //. [Autrijus]

* svk admin to wrap svnadmin. [Autrijus]

* svk cleanup --all. [Autrijus]

* "svk diff PATH1 PATH2 PATH3 ..." works as svn does. [Autrijus]

* We now use the self-contained File::Type instead of
  File::MimeInfo. [Autrijus]
