Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/libsigc++2
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2005-07-01 15:22:06
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 2.0.14:
* SUN Forte 5.7 build fix for ambiguity when using
  inner template class. However, you still need the
  patch in bug 302098 to finish the build.

Changes 2.0.13:
* signal_emit::emit(): Ensure the correct order of
  destruction of the member variables, to avoid a leak.
* Allow recursive signal emission again.
* SUN Forte CC 5.5 build fixes:
  - test_compatibility minor fix.
  - visit_each() template specializations:
  Mention the bool I_derives_trackable template type,
 - Check for the non-standard SUN reverse_iterator,
  and use alternative code if necessary.

Changes 2.0.12:
* Fixes crashes when using virtual inheritance, particularly
  with bound by-reference parameters, caused by casting
  from derived to base when the derived destructor has run.
  This might affect non-g++ compilers, so do tell us about
  any problems.
