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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/fonts/fontforge
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2005-07-26 13:49:53
Message id:
Log Message:
Changes 20050719:
* Extend to Unicode 4.1
* Context chain dlg had problems with empty patterns (no terminal NUL in empty \
string used to represent them)
* EditData button in contextual subs disabled at wrong times.
* Transforming by a negative scale factor screwed up the hints.
* Add move up/down buttons to the kerning class dlg (class lists area) Use the \
selection from the class lists to highlight offsets.
* Print sample did not handle kerning by classes.
* When we had: a glyph which contained refs where that glyph was itself used as \
a reference in another glyph and all glyphs (except the last) lived in \
subroutines then we got multiple declarations of hints and the middle glyph was \
translated from where it should have been.
* When changing lists they should not scroll back to the beginning.
* Various fixes regarding hints: changing hints should set the char changed flag \
changing a glyph should mark all glyphs that refer to it as having out of date \
hints display out of date hints in font view. hints weren't being preserved (and \
should have been) in charview in Paste and transform.
* Apply Substitutions was badly broken when ff compiled with multilayer.
* Kern Pair dlg looked at garbage memory when it closed (and crashed sometimes).
* ff decides whether to add a 'gasp' table to a font based on whether the font \
has instructions or not. ff's own ttf fonts contain instructions in .notdef but \
nowhere else, so ignore .notdef when making this check.
* One more attempt to rule out absurd results in simplify().
* if the lsb/rsb dlg was given a negative value it complained about negative \
widths. (whether the width would have been negative or not).
* $italicangle has been broken since I added reals to scripting.
* The kernclass dialog did not handle deleted classes properly.
* Add ability to undo hints.
* Once again starting a browser on windows is broken.
* We didn't do a bounds check when indexing into the names array of an encoding \
(when building a character from scratch). If the index was huge the result was \
garbage, generally leading to a crash sometime thereafter.
* An open path consisting of a single point caused replace with reference to crash.
* Generating a postscript resource font on the mac from a script did not work.
* Werner points out that afm files generated by FontForge still claim to have \
been made by pfaedit. Oops.
* Didn't parse user defined encodings properly and often omitted the first glyph.