Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/sylpheed
From: Chris Gilbert
Date: 2005-02-05 15:51:17
Message id:

Log Message:
Update sylpheed to 1.0.1.

Changes since 1.0.0:
    * Gpgme-1.0 has been supported (thanks to Toshio Kuratomi).
      - A warning is displayed if a key for encryption is untrusted.
      - The status of signature validity became more descriptive.
      - Signatures inside nested multipart are now recognized.
    * Messages are not retrieved multiple times anymore after POP3
      session is aborted.
    * Other bugfixes have been made.

Changes since 1.0.0rc:
    * The first official release.
    * The escaping of special characters in action commands has been
    * The crash on deleting a remote account has been fixed.

Changes since 1.0.0beta4:
    * The IMAP4 parser has been fixed for 64-bit platforms.
    * Users are now asked to switch to online mode when sending in
    * The line-joining problem of auto-wrapping has been fixed.
    * Special characters are now properly escaped when executing action
    * Some compiler warnings have been removed.

Changes since 1.0.0beta3:
    * The Japanese manual has been updated.
    * Some icons have been modified, and unused icons have been removed.
    * The menu strings have been fixed.
    * The workaround for invalid CR characters on POP3 has been made.
