Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/x11/gtk2
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2007-01-18 23:43:30
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.12.8:

Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.10.7 to 2.10.8

* Bugs fixed:
 393102 _gtk_modules_init assumes display is not opened instead o...
 395326	Gedit crashed no open text documents
 394855	impossible to build the directfb version
 396161	GtkUIManager crashing on unknown action in ui-file
 334168	Single '~' in location entry doesn't go to $HOME
 363147	GTKFileChoser Does not Show Desktop and Home after Uncol...
 390746	Custom tab title not set correctly on Microsoft Windows
 393813	Segfault in gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size()
 395316	File leak in gtk-demo
 395830	Wrong named icon lookup when requested size matches two s...
 396074	libgtk should link against Xfixes
 396160	Memory leak in gtkselection
 396175	wrong GtkWarning: Input method gtk-im-context-simple shou...
 396470	Missing slider redraw in GtkRange if activate-slider is set
 153828	Filechooser does not remember state
 357303	Gnome Main Menu Recent Documents extended by long file na...
 394000	Documentation error for GdkPixdata
 392504	The crosshair mouse cursor look a bit funny
 393255	GtkNotebook: Menu label centered instead of left aligned
 395045	gtk_radio_button_focus: Harmless compiler warning

* Updated translations (bg,lt,sl)
