Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/global
From: Masao Uebayashi
Date: 2007-03-03 06:03:27
Message id:

Log Message:
Update global from 5.2 to 5.4.

Version 5.4 - January 29 2007, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* Further compression of tag file (format version 5).
  Though new global can read older tag file since version-5.0, older
  global cannot read new format. It might say like follows:
	"GTAGS seems new format. Please install the latest GLOBAL."

* global: Improved performance when the -x option is not specified.
* globash.rc: Added new option -l for tag search command (x,r,s,g,P,I,f).
  This option invokes less(1) directly without tag stack.
* Verbose messages are unified.
  P option      file not found
		<n> files located
  others        object not found
		path format: <n> files located
		other format:<n> objects located

* Gtags(1) and global(1) didn't work well in the system root directory('/').

Version 5.3 - November 20 2006, by Shigio YAMAGUCHI

* global: Changed not to locate other symbols (-s) in GTAGSLIBPATH.
  This is the original specification of GLOBAL.
* global: Stop sorting when the -I(--idutils) option specified.
  The output of gid(idutils) is sorted by the suitable way. Though the order is
  slightly differ from global(1), it need not be sorted again.

* global:  Added new option -O(--only-other).
* htags: Added some new options and new arguments which are synonyms of config \ 
  This decreases dependence on configration file.

  new option              | config variable
  --disable-grep          | disable_grep
  --table-list            | table_list
  --tabs=<n>              | tabs
  --full-path             | full_path

  new argument            | config variable
  --line-number [columns] | ncol
  --func-header [position]| definition_header
  --xhtml [version]       | xhtml_version

	position: before, right, *after
	version: *1.0, 1.1

* htags: Changed to use each 'CVS/Repository' file to generate URLs if it is \ 
* htags: Added '.gitignore' to the default skip file list.

* gtags.el:
  - Shorten path names in [GTAGS SELECT MODE]:
    If project directory is specified using 'gtags-visit-rootdir', gtags.el \ 
print path
    using the relative path name from the project directory, else print absolute \ 
path name.
  - Support dynamic completing-read of tag name.
    gtags-make-complete-list is deprecated. You can enjoy tag name completetion \ 
    invoking this command.

* gtags: gtags had exited when it encountered dead symbolic link.
