Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBD-mysql
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2008-11-05 16:07:10
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 4.010:

2008-10-24 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.010)
* Fix to dbd_bind_ph() for uninitialized value 'buffer_length'
thanks for bug report and patch from (thanks!)

2008-10-21 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.009)
* Fix to re-enable TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION. Still have to ensure DBI version 1.607 \ 
or higher
* Fix to escaped single quotes throwing off bind param detection. Patch from \ 
Zhurs ( Spasibo!

2008-8-15 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.008)
* Multi statement patch, thanks to Chris Heath!
* Disabled TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION because segfault with DBI < 1.607
* #29528: bind_param(..., SQL_FLOAT) ignores exponents - fixed, Thanks to
Tokuhiro Matsuno!
* Cleanups to make mysqlEmb work under Cygwin - Thanks to Chris Rodgers
<> !
* Modified and disabled tests for MySQL version < 4.1 for unsupported features

2008-5-11 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.007)

* Took out mysql_server_init call where not needed
* Complete re-write of test suit to use Test::More - tons of cleanups!
* Makefile.PL changes to use current user in 'make test' if not defined
