Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/dovecot
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2008-11-24 10:54:29
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to Dovecot 1.1.7.  Changes since 1.1.6:

* IMAP QUOTA extension now returns "MESSAGE" quota, not \ 
  This makes Dovecot now RFC 2087 compliant. Hopefully this change
  doesn't break anyone's Dovecot-specific quota checking code..

+ Added !include and !include_try directives to config file reader.
  Note that !include doesn't currently work with deliver. The main
  point here is that ssl_key_password can be placed to a different
  file with !include_try that deliver can just ignore.
+ More error/debug message logging improvements.
- v1.1.6 gave "userdb didn't return a home directory" error at startup
- Some config file parsers (deliver, passwd-file, acl, trash) ignored
  the file's last line if it didn't end with LF.
- fts: SEARCH SUBJECT didn't search messages that weren't already
  in fts index.
- fts-solr: Don't assert-crash if we couldn't connect to Solr.
- IMAP: Mailbox deletion gave an error, but still worked, if mails'
  control directory wasn't the same as index directory.
- Several fixes to rarely used mailbox list layout configurations.
