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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/drupal
From: Adrian Portelli
Date: 2009-05-14 21:37:02
Message id:
Log Message:
This release fixes security vulnerabilities. Sites are urged to upgrade \
immediately after reading the security announcement:
* SA-CORE-2009-006 Drupal core - Cross site scripting
In addition to this security vulnerability, the following bugs have been fixed \
since the 5.15 release:
* #396224 partial rollback of SA-CORE-2009-003 security hardening.
* #396224 adding missing documentation comment update. By dvessel and pwolanin.
* #267305 by brianV. Remove ?>.
* #305544 by jsenich. Add missing clear-block to admin by modules.
* #330084 by c960657: Remove unnecessary duplication of the From header value in \
Reply-to; standards indicate setting the From header should be sufficient.