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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBD-postgresql
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2009-08-16 18:04:38
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to 2.15.1:
2.15.1 Released August 7, 2009
- Release to fix the SIGNATURE file. [GSM]
2.15.0 Released August 4, 2009 (subversion r13164)
- Use PQexecPrepared even when no placeholders (CPAN bug #48155) [GSM]
- Allow execute_array and bind_param_array to take oddly numbered items,
such that DBI will make missing entries undef/null (CPAN bug #39829) [GSM]
- Put single quotes around array literals when quoting arrays via
the quote() method. Per report from David Garamond (CPAN bug #48420) [GSM]
2.14.1 Released July 28, 2009 (subversion r13140)
- Remove invalid bigint assignment [Tim Bunce]
2.14.0 Released July 27, 2009 (subversion r13130)
- Make quoting of int, floats, and names much safer. (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
- Make quoting of geometric types respect all valid chars (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
- Fix quoting of booleans to respect more Perlish variants (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
- Return ints and bools-cast-to-number from the db as true Perlish numbers.
(CPAN bug #47619) [GSM]
- Fix backslash quoting of arrays (CPAN bug #46732) [GSM]
- Fix error when destringifying array starting with '[x:y]='. Per report from
Jeff Trout [GSM]
- Fix problem with foreign_key_info() and NAME_uc (CPAN bug #46109) [GSM]
- Make foreign_key_info() respect FetchHashKeyName (CPAN bug #46103) [GSM]
- Fix Makefile.PL to apply POSTGRES_INCLUDE in a saner way.
(CPAN bug #45769) []
- Improve Win32 README notes [Curtis Jewell]
- Fix spelling error in type_info (CPAN bug #47786) []
- Add functions to support MS VC++ 7.0 (CPAN bug #47858) [Taro Nishino]